Thoughts about Faeries
by RobinI have some historic mentioning information here;
Yet the confusion between Fairie and Faerie I brought in due the various canon source of Fairie using Faerie naming. Yet like Drwarves, Hin, Elves they are DemihumanCanonnically;
Faerie A being of the air, related to the Good People, but in fact of a demihuman raceFanon/Canon Dragon Magazine?;
Demihuman race, also called Faenare. (which is not correct as Faenare have feathered wings and not gossamer, and are different in overall ---more on this in my upcoming source book; Broken Lands Expansion)The following is not a really good picture (as it has no gossamer wings, and uses metal (which Faeries despise) yet further the image is similar
RC says;
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 1 + 1* or more (S)
Move: 120' (40')
Flying: 240' (80')
Attacks: 1 weapon or spell
Damage: By weapon or spell
No. Appearing: 1d6 (5d8 + 20)
Save As: E1 (or better)
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: (Nil) Special
Intelligence: 13
Alignment: Any
XP Value: 19 (or more)
Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).
The faerie inhabit the air and clouds. Faeries are close relatives of the demihumans, with features of each race: They appear as halfling-sized humanoids with gossamer wings, dwarvish noses and beards, and elvish ears and eyes. Faeries' bodies are light and they fly with little effort.
They build their homes of "clouds," and enjoy basking in the sun while storms rage below. They have their own great empire of the wind far above the earth, commonly known only to themselves and a few air creatures. Faeries are naturally invisible at all times, and never appear to normal sight. Faeries can see invisible things easily.
The following abilities are common to all faeries, usable at will, up to once per round: assume gaseous form (like the potion), create fog(a 10' cube around the faerie), condense fog (causing drizzle within fog), return to normal form (from gaseous), summon breeze (causes open flames to flicker, blows out candles, and enables the faerie to move at a 360' (120')) rate).
Common faeries have 1 + 1 Hit Dice, but leaders have up to 9 Hit Dice.
Spellcasters are rare but do exist (magic-users and clerics); see "Monster Spellcasters" later in this chapter.
Terrain: Any.
Canon from EuroGencon 1995 notes
They use the Dwarven XP progression, and spellcasters add the Humanoid spellcaster XP to that.(1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, etc)
They can start to become spelkcaster at any level.
Their racial level is maxxed at level 11,
Their spellcasting level is maxxed at level 12 Cleric, and 13 mage. They have no Shaman, Wokani or othercasters, Yet they do know the Songs of the Faenare and will use themFanon based on old Warhammer texts;
Their wings become Dragon-like if they turn or have an Evil alignmentFaerie Cloud Castle with clear Dwarven(stone), Elven(natural) Hin(rounded roofs) with another appearance than Cloudgiant castles.
From a fanon/or AD&D1 or 2 canon 1985 Adventure ("Castle in the Cloud" By unknown name ending with ...v/m/n/w ed) on a group of mixed heroes meeting Faeries (If somebody has this adventure, please share, mine is lost due mice in my storage in my homeless years,m and I only have some snippets left(really loose snippets))
Faerie comment on Cloud Giants; They are just to big to be friend with, yet also to have them as foe
Faerie comment on Storm Giants; They embrace the chaos of the air, like a continuos storm of thoughts, yet rarely come to sound conclusions of these thoughts. Further as Cloud Giants.
Faerie comments of Dragons; Only the White, Crystal, Gold are seen as friends. The color of the other often dictates war or dissapear. Bware Dragons have Second Sight.
Faerie comment on the Faerie; Our ancestors, mostly friendly, yet some have taken the path of chaos.
Faerie on Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Hin, Faenare; Ancestors of the Older Races like us, bound somehow to their element; Dwarves to Matter & Energy, Hin to Water & Matter, Elves to Energy & Earth, Gnomes to Matter and Time, Faenare to Air and Matter, We Faerie to air and Energy
Faerie on Humans and Humanoids; All the same batch of entropic or entropic sensitive overproductive individuals. Some (very rare) might be friendly. Mostly they are only possesion hungry for material, magical or progression...So nothing we have interest in. Rarely Human adventurers we meet, aid and then abbandon if they follow a good cause.
Faerie on Immortals; Only Odhinn the wise one and the other Immortals of Air can be trusted or followed, yet there is rarely an adherence like humans do. Even our clerics following an Immortal of Air(or several) often change the thought and precepts taught.
Faerie on Immortals, Demons, and such; If your wings turn solid, and loose the gossamer, you will becoming one of them, and loose our friendship.
From fanon discussion notes on Eurogencon 1995;
Faeries use magic similar to the normal magic, yet all effects appear different; Sleep = sleepgust, Magic Missile = Air pellets, Charm= Scent of Control. Etc. Game statistics remain the same. They refrain from using pure Matter/earth, Energy/fire Or Time/water spells yet may mix components of these elements to create circumstances found in the sky; like Crystalization(mattr=snow), Create Rain(water), Create Lightning(Energy).
There is at least one floating cloud filled with a large floating crystalline structure defended by crystat statues holding a natural source of joun stones
All spells cary scent as major component. These whis away after a turn for humans and after an hour for dogs and such.
Faeries are very vulnerable to diseases and save at -2, yet their magics (by clerics or mage) always has access to Cure or Prevent disease item creations or spells. They dispise Metals as these wounds can be infected. They use Solid Clouds instead shaped into a weapon or armor or crystalline weapons or armor instead. There are translucent or semitranslucent.
All faerie magical items are stronger than ground created items, as their is no polution from the planet's own magic(remember that this is the reason mages build towers to prevent creationpollution of magical items). As such they are always stronger (damage spelleffects as Caster +1HD/Level, non damage spelleffect duration x2)
Faeries will populate abandoned cloud giant castles if they have no living area, yet will abandon these within a year. Faeries rarely live somewhere longer than a year. Faeries are very impatient (the opposite of Elves, Dwarves) and will try new things easily (which will bring them into problems regularly. Faerie regularly use the Mass Invisibility (7th level Mage spell --to them a Level 5 spell) to hide their living areas, or even the clouds they live upon. Faeries know the portals to the Plane of Air and regularly travel there, yet do not want to live there..(They are still Prime Plane Creatures, holding on to the other elements the exist off). All spells with Invisibility< flight, Float in Air, Air Walk, Solifify Cloud are 1 to 2 lower in level to be known or cast than their normal variant
For every 100 Faerie 1 mage and 2 clerics exist
Faeries live as long as Dwarves, and have the age standards of Hin(Child, Young, Young Adult, Adult, Mature Elder). The reproduce only in the Young adult to Mature stages. Pregnancy lasts 8 months. Women are the dominant sex here (similar to humans where men are dominant to women) and possess/control most higher important positions. Men are often caretakers, doctor.