Introduction to Falcon's Hollow
by Joaquin MenchacaI was working with the introduction, and tailored this to whatever background that fits the player character.
The ramshackle town of Falcon's Hollow rests perilously close to the infamous Darkmoon Vale. The jagged shadow of the nearby mountain casts a shroud of gloom on the outcasts who call this place home. Many are drawn here to get rich from lumber or other seedy activities rather than work hard and make an honest living. These Traladarans migrate here to escape the civilization that Duke Stefan generously brought to these dark and decrepit lands. Zealous cultists practicing their dark arts flock to Falcon’s Hollow, so that they can practice deviant rites in secrecy outside of the law and order of righteous laws of Karameikos. Still others are lured to Falcon’s Hollow for adventures, collaborating with these people toward their dark ends.
The ramshackle town of Falcon's Hollow rests perilously close to the infamous Darkmoon Vale. The jagged shadow of the nearby mountain casts a shroud of gloom on the liberated who call this place home. Many are drawn here to make to earn money from their own honest work rather than suffer exploitation by greedy Thyatians. Many travel to these remote fringes to start over, piecing together their shattered lives on the edge of an untouched wilderness far from the ruthless subjugation by Thyatian rulers. Religious pilgrims also flock to Falcon’s Hollow. Here they can practice their religion unfettered by persecution of the Church of Karameikos and tyrannical Thyatian lords. Still others are lured to Falcon’s Hollow by the promise of adventure in these wild lands.
The ramshackle town of Falcon's Hollow rests perilously close to the infamous Darkmoon Vale. The jagged shadow of the nearby mountain casts a shroud of gloom on the desperate souls who call this place home. Many are drawn here to make their fortune cutting a swath of darkwood lumber through the lush forests of the vale. Others journey to these remote fringes to start over, piecing together their lives on the edge of an untouched wilderness far from civilization. Many zealots and outcasts flock to Falcon’s Hollow. Here, these fanatics practice their rites unfettered by mores of civilization. Still others are lured to Falcon’s Hollow by the promise of great adventure. Peril and splendor await to the accursed halls of the lost dwarven colony of ages past, whose glorious civilization long ago shattered and crumbled to dust.