Shops & Businesses
by AllanPTrawling through the previous postings, here's my attempt at pulling together all the Specularum-based shops and busimesses that we've managed to identify: (most of these have only been mentioned by name, without any real description)
Jezry's Pawnshop (M5) - Ville Lahde
Fishbarrel (O28) - Ville Lahde
Mages Pages (O10) - misterc
Capital Armourer (H8) - Lathan's Gold module XS1
Akarios, Shipwright (NE15) - Veildd Society module B6
Ali Bongo's Emporium (N22) - AllanP
Aristo, Wine Merchant (M7) - Veildd Society module B6
Boris Nikoli's grocery (NE8) - Of Nests and Nations Dungeon #13
Crimson Noblius' grocery (T2) - Of Nests and Nations Dungeon #13
Dagger's Fencing School (F11) - FC1 chapter 4: NPCs agathokles
Davidov Veterinary Clinic and Herbalist (SE6) - Specularum series? Ville Lahde ?
Golden Coin Gambling House (NE7) - Lathan's Gold module XS1
Golden Horseshoe Gaming House (N18) - ??
Harbin's Hocus-Pocus )N25) - AllanP
Heranthes, Cobbler (M15) - Of Nests and Nations Dungeon #13
House Hallonica (F15) -
House of Alya (N1) - GAZ1
House of Many Smokes (N2) - K:KoA
Imelda's Beauties (in Cobblers' Lane) (M16)- Joshuan's Almanac
Jockle Rumbottom's Pipe Shop (F3)- Joshuan's Almanac
Madam Gloria's (N20) - AllanP
Martina Blossombath, Pastry stand (NE17)- Joshuan's Almanac
Minrothaddan Port Agent (T5) GAZ9
Myrrh of the Night brothel (F18) - Ville Lahde
Naval Shipbuilders (NE1) - GAZ1
Radu's Wholesale Foodstuff (M4) - Of Nests and Nations Dungeon #13
Seldani & McGhee's Magic Shop (N21) - AllanP
The Pavillion of Delights (N19) - AllanP ??
Titus Angelicus' grocery (M6) - Of Nests and Nations Dungeon #13
Weiss & Co, Locksmiths (N24) - AllanP