Fire Tea
by Aoz
Fire Valley Magic Tea known as Fire Tea: Accelerated Healing (2 hp per day to 6 hp per day| lasts one day) cost 10 to 20 dc for 10 doses of tea. 1 to 2 dc per dose.
The unique hot springs along with the magic from the crystal trees allows the unique tea to grow in the Valley.
Lady Felmoor, has been working to create a massive magic tea plantation that covers over 4,000+ acres of land in the Valley. The plantation is owned by the Glantrian Tea Corporation (GTC), and Lady Felmoor is the owner. She has plans on it becoming one of the largest tea plantations in the Mystara with the Fire Tea. The plantation can produces over 1,000 tons of tea per year and will employs over Thousand workers with an influx of elven refugees.
The GTC sells the Fire Tea at the cost a 3 dc per 10 doses or 3 SP each dose.
A single dose is equal to 3 grams of tea.
453 grams in a pound
2,000,000 pound of tea per year
906,000,000 grams of tea
302,000,000 doses of tea
The GTC sells the Fire Tea at the cost a 3 dc per 10 doses or 3 SP each dose to other Merchants.
906,000,000 Silver Pieces
or 90,600,000 dc per year in Fire Tea sales
If the Druids of Fire Valley cast plant growth it will double all the above numbers. 181,200,000 dc per year in Fire Tea would even make Kol's Gold Mines look small.The Glantrian Tea Corporation will have to protect the Valley from Bandits, Dragons, and even other Princes that may want the Fire Tea for themselves.
The Shepherds of Rad are very interested in the Fire Tea along with the Fire Valley and have already created a hidden base in the Valley.