Final Strike
by RobinAnother 10th Level spell
Canon spell (Source Shadow over Mystara )
"They say there's an ultimate magic, a power that can destroy any opponent instantly.
But not anyone can use this magic. Only an experienced wizard could even attempt it.
Used wrongly and not only your life, but those of your companions will be lost as well.
The magic is called Final Strike..."
FINAL STRIKEMagic spell. Casted by Magicusers only. Extremely Rare. Source Nithian Era 1500BC.
The ultimate magic that summons the Four Grand Elementals. Requires Staff of Wizardry or an Elemental staff.(which is fully emptied of magic in the process
Casting time 3
Duration; one round per intelligence point of the caster (after which the spell breaks=controll loss)
Effect; Summons a Elemental Ruler of each Element (32 HD, AC-11, Dm 8d12, THAC0 2 RC page 175-176)
Caster must make an Intelligence check each round per individual Elemental to maintain control, else the spell will break. Caster can't do anything else
If any control is lost, ALL ellementals (including any additional summoned anyway) will attack all (including other Elementals) until there is no other sentient entity available. This will cause major destruction to the area, and kills all sentent creatures (non-sentient creatures lie lowlife will mostly perish as well, yet are not attacked. When opposing elementals confront eachother, they may decide to retreat to their original Plane if control is lost and 3 rounds have passed.Elementals are under control as similar to a Conjure Elemental spell the target perishes, after which the elementals will dissapear again....or the spell breaks due loss of control
All these elementals their extra damage effects (like heat, Electricity, Cold, dust, etc) will affect all in that area, including other elementals (keep track of dominance and opposition as per Rules cyclopedia..page 264-265 , All area attacks of Elementals (including spells) will affect caster and company as well if they are within its effectsCaster only gains experience on demise of original intended creature.
When target of the spell is defeated all Elementals will leave instantly and forget what happened.( they will not forget if they survived the broken spell)
This spell is one of the reasons the Elemental Rulers (if Immortal) accepted the Nithians being wiped out in 1500BC.Cannonically used to Slay Synn the Huge Red Dragon /Blond human alter ego with same name from the Shadow Over Mystara game in 1019AC (about). A Dm can choose to use the Reall Synn/Dolores Hillsbury alter ego instead, yet must then take care of all Canon/fanon effects written in the almanacs anbd other sources about her accordingly.