Focus Special Moves
by tjedge1Focus Special Moves. Ok, I've got a few converted now and I should be able to roll these out by the end of the weekend. There will be about 20 something posts of these things.
Name: Cobra Charm
Prerequisites: Focus 2
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: -5'
Description: Kabaddi stylists are masters of mental powers. Having mastered the hypnotic trick of charming cobras with flute music, they are able to apply their hypnotic influence to other humans.
System: A martial artist using Cobra Charm must be close enough to his victim to gaze into his eyes, establishing the hypnotic contact. He must be within 15' of the opponent. Once eye contact is established, the intended charmed makes a Save Throw vs. Spells. If the charmer wins, the hypnotic spell is established; otherwise, there is no effect. Once the Cobra Charm has begun, it works similarly to a Sustained Hold for Grappling, except that between each turn the victim and the charmer compare Intelligence rolls, by rolling 1d6 and adding their Intelligence bonus to the roll, to see if the hypnotic hold is broken. If the victim is ever hurt, the charm Is immediately broken. While hypnotised, the victim will do nothing except follow very basic commands given by the hypnotist such as moving, lying down, etc. The hypnotist can only the move while maintaining the hypnotic hold, because he must concentrate on his subject. If the charmer and his victim are ever separated by more than 15', the hold is broken.Name: Entrancing Cobra
Prerequisites: Focus 2
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: -5'
Description: By gesturing with this particular hand sign, the Ninja can confuse an opponent. The intricate weaving of the Ninja's fingers through the air baffles the target with its grace and complexity. Simple-minded opponents will stare for hours at the writhing hands of a Ninja master, or at least until the Ninja returns them to their senses with another attack.
System: The Ninja must succeed in a combined roll of 1d6 added to his Dexterity bonus + Focus versus the target's Wisdom + Focus added to 1d6. If the Ninja wins, treat the target as if he is stunned the next turn. For example. Leonine attempts to entrance Seraphim. Leonine makes a roll of 4 and then adds her bonus for dexterity (+2), making it 6 and then her level of Focus (3), making the total roll a 9. Seraphim then rolls 1d6 and gets a 6. She adds her Wisdom bonus (+1) to make it 7 and then her level of Focus (1), which makes her total an 8. Therefore she is entranced by Leonine's intricate hand movements and will be stunned automatically with no Saving Throw allowed.Name: Musical Accompaniment
Prerequisites: Focus 1
Manoeuvre Cost: 2 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: See Below
Description: Many Capoeira stylists like fighting to the rhythm of music. Their dance like fighting style is in its prime when music accompanies their fight. Music allows a fighter to put his soul and energy into the combat.
System: If there is background music that fits the fighter's particular training preference, he gets a +1 bonus to either To-Hit, Damage, or +5' movement each round. At the beginning of the round, the player must declare the modifier to which he is applying the bonus that round. He can change each round.Name: Sense Element
Prerequisites: Focus 2
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: None
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: None
Description: The fighter can intuitively sense the presence, amount and composition of his chosen element, provided it is nearby. Earth elementals can discern the composition of the soil, the structure of a ledge, or the weak spot in a natural stone wall. Air elementals can sense any pollution in the air (including the air inside someone's lungs), detect the presence of air behind sealed doors, and sense subtle shifts in air pressure and temperature. Water elementals can discern the composition of nearly any liquid, sense any moisture build-ups, and gauge an opponent's fatigue level through his level of dehydration. Finally, fire elementals can calculate the temperature of any object or area, gauge their opponent's body temperature, and discern any object's combustion point. While this power may not be all that helpful in combat, many elementals find Sense Element to be an invaluable tool in other circumstances.
System: The character must determine which element first to sense. The character makes a Wisdom roll, with the Focus level as a bonus, to discern information about his chosen element.Name: Stunning Shout
Prerequisites: Focus 2
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +2
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: -2
Description: Some martial arts styles emphasise using the voice as a weapon in its own right. Ancient masters could focus their Chi through their voices, creating shouts so loud and powerful that they could knock opponents over and unnerve them in battle. This ability is also known as the Lion's Roar in Ochalea.
System: A fighter must direct his Shout at one opponent (at the DM's discretion, a whole group of minor opponents could be simultaneously affected). The victim of the Shout must make a Saving Throw vs. Paralysis. If the victim is successful, the Stunning Shout has no effect. If the victim fails the Save Throw, one of two things happens to the victim, depending on whether or not he has acted in the current combat round. If the victim has not yet acted, he loses all remaining movement and attacks for that round. Completely unnerved and stunned by the force of the yell, he must spend the remainder of the round recovering. If the victim has already finished his action that round, then the victim suffers a -1d4+level of Focus penalty to his rolls in the next round. For example, a fighter using Stunning Shout succeeds against her opponent, she then rolls a 2 and has a Focus of level 4. Her opponent will have -6 to all of his manoeuvres next round including to-hit rolls.Name: Toughskin
Prerequisites: Focus 2
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: See Below
Description: Sumotori are renowned for their armour like skin. One of the style's lesser-known abilities is its practitioners' ability to focus their Chi into their skin and surface muscles, making their already tough skin rock-hard.
System: The fighter can use Toughskin along with any other manoeuvre in a combat round. The character's AC is improved by 4 for the duration of the round. For example, Ragnar has an AC of 5, due to his dexterity bonus and current level of the mystic class, so when using Toughskin while he charges into a group of opponents to unleash another attack, he will have an AC of 1 for the round. Any fighter who decides to use Toughskin may announce it at the beginning of the round before any other characters or NPC's take any actions.