Foresthomes (Free Clans of)
Location: Continent of Brun, north of the Great Bay, south of the Landsplit River. NW
Area: Approx. 179,560 sq. mi. (465,060 sq. km.) in western and eastern Lothbarth.
Population: 10,100 elves.
Languages: Elvish (Shiye-Lawr dialect).
Coinage: Barter only.
Taxes: None. Each elf wilfully helps the rest of the community as needed.
Government Type: Group of independent clans united under a council of clanmasters.
Industries: Hunting and gathering.
Important Figures: Soridel (High Priest of Sinar), Desel Leafbower (Leafbower Clanmaster).
Flora and Fauna: Deer, bears, elk, wolves, and other small northern forest animals. Frost giants also raid occasionally, and other tundra monsters can sometimes make an appearance in the elven forest.
Further Reading: CM1 Test of the Warlords, previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: None to report.