How about having your say and filling this space?
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Name: Walden Lechner
How the page was found: Always knew the page was here, just only now decided to fill in this form
Page rating: The best I visited this week
Possible improvements: Try to fix up the indexing of the files
Comments: I realize many of your contributors are not native English speakers, and they have, in general, done a wonderful job. However, I was wondering if it would be possible to get the English usage cleaned up on some of the site's files. Most of these I can understand without much trouble, but there are some that are nearly impossible to figure out what the author is saying. In particular, Vaults of Pandius has a wonderful extensive netbook about the Immortals originally written in Italian. I've loved what I read of the work but had to quit after a while when I became too frustrated over trying to understand the English translation.
I raize alll oof you have busy lives and that you work on this site in your free time (well, I assume that, since it is the norm for fan sites), but cleaning up the English on some of the files is one improvement I would like to see, if possible.
(Incidentaly, when I rated the Vaults site "the best I visited this week," I am telling the almost truth. Of the D&D gameworld fansites out there that I am familiar with, the only one that equals your site is Mimir.net, the best Planescape fan site. So, you and they are the two best I have visited thisweeek.)
Name: Brian Grau
How the page was found: Came across the page by accident
Page rating: The best I have ever visited (one can hope)
Possible improvements: Different background pictures
Comments: For some reason when I print the maps I am only getting the left side. I don't know if this is something I am doing or if it is in how the map was done. I have most of the Gazetteer modules and love anything more that I can get on them. My D&D people love the rich background and maps. keep up the good work.