Name: Paul George Dooley
How the page was found: Always knew the page was here, just only now decided to fill in this form
Page rating: The best I visited today
Possible improvements: I don't know. What the hell do I look like, an interior decorator?
Comments: I came, I saw, I ripped the site (again).
Only problem is the occasional spelling mistale, but then again that happens to all of us. <G>
Keep up the good work.
Name: Britbloke
How the page was found: Through a search engine
Page rating: The best I have ever visited (one can hope)
Possible improvements: Nothing - apart from what you do already
Comments Awesome, the sheer weight of information has knocked me back. I have been playing and running games in Mystara (specifically Glantri) for many years now but have found the wealth of material here very useful to back up my own campaign. Keep up the good work, keep on updating, and I'll be back....:
Name: Gus
Homepage: http://www.dakotacom.net/~gusadelic
How the page was found: Came from the TSR Other Worlds page
Page rating: The best I visited in the last 10 seconds
Possible improvements: Do some sort of snazzy html stuff
Comments: An AMAZING compilation of material! We are finally seeing the internet paying off for Mystara. Please keep it up! The 0nly thing I can suggest is making it look nicer.... but.. whatever.
Name: Dave Arneson
How the page was found: Came from the TSR Other Worlds page
Page rating: The best I visited today
Possible improvements: Nothing - apart from what you do already
Comments: Hi! I do wish that someone here had contacted me about Blackmoor. I would have been more than happy to share the history of my world with you. I am sorry that you didn't.
I have always been very upset with TSR for destroying my world and then never getting any permission to use Blackmoor for anything else. The Blackmoor copyright is owned by me.
I do not, however, have any ax to grind with you folks.
Name: James Straight
How the page was found: Came across the page by accident
Page rating: The best I have ever visited (one can hope)
Possible improvements: I don't know. What the hell do I look like, an interior decorator?
Name: Andrew McKinstry
How the page was found: Came from the TSR Other Worlds page
Page rating: The best I visited in the last 10 seconds
Possible improvements: Do some sort of snazzy html stuff
Comments: I'm impressed with the sheer amount of information collected here, although it would nice if some of it was reorganized and maybe even edited. As this is also the official fan site of Mystara, presentation is an issue one should not dismiss. The site as of now is pretty stark, and the layout of the entrance page is not presented as well as it could be. I suggest using frames at the very least, but if you haven't already, you should check out the planescape and dark sun official pages they are full of interesting and useful information and have a very attractive presentation.
Thanks for listening,
Name: Oliver Linares y Schwarzenberg
How the page was found: Came from the TSR Other Worlds page
Page rating: The best I have ever visited (one can hope)
Possible improvements: The addition of general gaming links might be nice
Comments: Boy, this is gorgeous! A friend of mine told me something bout your attempt to keep Mystara alive! I cound't hope to find fellow Mystarans all over the world. Phew! Saved - at last. All of you have contributed your great stuff to make it sharp and strong. My time for this day is running out. But be sure: I'll be back. And then - after I filed and logged and noted and discrend your stuff - it's my time to bring sth. in. I've drawn maps of my own in time since forgotten, altered the world to my tasting (playing now in the year 1416 [renaissance]) and accumulated original an unofficial stuff to make it fly.
Boy, oh, boy! You did a herculanean job - all of you!
Greetings, Oliver from Germany
Name: Jamie
How the page was found: Came from the TSR Other Worlds page
Page rating: The best I have ever visited (one can hope)
Possible improvements: I don't know. What the hell do I look like, an interior decorator?
Comments: There's so much stuff here, I don't know where to start reading. Thanks for the great job. You're the Mystara GM's best friend!!!
Name: Robert E. Langford
Homepage: http://brakkart.tripod.com
How the page was found: Came from the TSR Other Worlds page
Page rating: The best I visited today
Possible improvements: Try to fix up the indexing of the files
Comments: Nice site, lots of info. Now that you are the Official Mystara page, are you allowed to release canon products? (I know the Ravenloft page is.) I think the site could use a more visual layout, as it is it looks a bit drab with just plain text, though the grey background is nice. Also a section on product reviews would be cool, or even better ask WotC if you can house the old modules here for free download, i know they got 6 of them for free from www.kargatane.com wouldn't hurt to ask.
Name: Tony
How the page was found: Through a search engine
Page rating: The best I have ever visited (one can hope)
Possible improvements: Do some sort of snazzy html stuff
Comments: i read that your site is the (un)official mystara home page. it order to better represent i think it would be cool to have a complete list of maps found in the gazetteers.
Name: Tim Falkenberg af Trystorp
How the page was found: Through a search engine
Page rating: The best I visited this week
Possible improvements: Nothing - apart from what you do already
Comments: I was thrilled to find this compendium of things Mystaran on the net. I had assumed that most people had given up on Mystara after TSR did its best to wreck it...
Your organization of material is great. I had no problems finding whatever I was looking for.
Tim Falkenberg af Trystorp
Name: Shadow
How the page was found: Came from the TSR Other Worlds page
Page rating: The best I have ever visited (one can hope)
Possible improvements: I don't know. What the hell do I look like, an interior decorator?
Comments: I loved the page. The people that I play with now in the Forgotten Realms games are missing out on all the great stuff Mystara had. The tales of my Ylaruam zealot, my Vestland pirate or my Thyatian gladiator down on his luck sent them all off. We have played some of my Mystara stuff and they really wish they could have played in the campaign when it was in print full force. I printed out some of the stuff on the site and look forward to sending my friends here to read up on some of the stuff. One of my players started out with a gnarly ranger and after some adventuring happened to travel into Darokin, he encountered the Darokin swishy-pokey way to fight and gave up his heavier armour and bastard sword for a breastplate and rapier! Boy did he get ribbed! Keep up the good, no great, work on this site. It really is great.
Name: Mikkel Petersen
How the page was found: Followed a link from a RPG page
Page rating: The best I have ever visited (one can hope)
Possible improvements: Do some sort of snazzy html stuff
Comments: Downloads?
Maps, Cities etc
Name: Christian
How the page was found: Came from the TSR Other Worlds page
Page rating: The best I have ever visited (one can hope)
Possible improvements: Nothing - apart from what you do already
Evaluation form changed.
Name: Snaeferu
How the page was found: Came across the page by accident
Page rating: OK
Possible improvements: Try to fix up the indexing of the files
Comments: maybe work a little on the general 'look' of the site
I'll be happy to help with some banners, buttons and headings if you need it
anyway it's a nice collection of RPG stuff indeed =>
oh and if you should fall over the Karameikos Gazetteer one day do let me know
Name: Kenny 'Perosales'
How the page was found: Always knew the page was here, just only now decided to fill in this form
Page rating: The best I have ever visited (one can hope)
Possible improvements: Nothing - apart from what you do already
Comments: I've been visiting your site for over a year now. And it has been over a year since I filled in your evaluation form. I though you had a good and complete page back then. Well, it has only become better and even more complete! I just wanted to say that. Great work, keep it up !!
Name: Povonzek Asaf
How the page was found: Had the page referred to you by someone
Page rating: The best I have ever visited (one can hope)
Possible improvements: Adding frames
Comments: i just wish you will continue update this page
it's great -with lot's of great infoi bow to you :)
definitely a great page
Cya - Good Luck
Name: Paul Dooley
How the page was found: Followed a link from another Mystaran page
Page rating: The best I visited this week
Possible improvements: I don't know. What the hell do I look like%2C an interior decorator?
Comments: Popped in to have a look and liked it so much i ripped the entire site for careful perusal
Name: Geoff Roper
How the page was found: Followed a link from another Mystaran page
Page rating: The best I visited today
Possible improvements: Different background pictures
Comments: White text on this background is hard to read.
I'm looking for ideas for my campaign. 2nd-5th lvl currently in Moon Hill in the Shires.
Name: Malcolm Cook
How the page was found: Followed a link from another Mystaran page
Page rating: The best I visited today
Possible improvements: Try to fix up the indexing of the files
Comments: Quite a good site, a lot of good resource material that I will use in my campaign. Was hoping there would be a map of Ethengar on it as my players have just entered that nation, but never mind.