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The Temple of the Forgotten Muse

by Reverend Dungeon Master

Adventure Level: 8-10
Theme: Surreal art meets chaotic deathtraps.


Some guy in a trench coat (read: definitely shady) hired you to retrieve the Muse’s Lyre, a cursed artifact of unspeakable power and questionable aesthetic value. It’s located in an underground art gallery/dungeon dedicated to the Forgotten Muse, a dead demigod of creativity, chaos, and passive-aggressive criticism. This dungeon combines puzzles, monsters, and art critiques that cut deeper than any sword.

Room 1: The Hall of Shifting Canvases

Murals line the walls, shifting between serene landscapes and disturbing battle scenes. You can feel the art judging you.

Challenge Mechanics:

Room 2: The Fountain of Eternal Whimsy

A glowing fountain sits in the center of the room, reeking of potential bad decisions. Suspended above it is a key encased in crystal, which you definitely need. Statues of screaming adventurers line the walls, looking realistic.

Challenge Mechanics:

Stone Golem (CR 10, XP 5,900 each)

Room 3: The Gallery of Misery

This gallery reeks of regret. The walls are covered in sculptures of screaming faces and paintings that seem to watch your every move.

Challenge Mechanics:

Nightmare (CR 3, XP 700)

Shadow Demons (CR 4, XP 1,100 each)

Final Room: The Muse’s Sanctum

The sanctum is a circular chamber where the Lyre rests on a pedestal. Chaos energy pulses through the room, and the Muse’s disembodied voice mocks you. Time for a boss fight.

Combat Encounter:

Adult Red Shadow Dragon (CR 17, XP 18,000)

Breath Weapon: Umbral Annihilation (Recharge 5–6)

When the dragon’s had enough of your nonsense, it unleashes a 60-foot cone of pure, soul-crushing shadow. Imagine every bad decision you've ever made manifesting as a swirling vortex of regret and despair, but, you know, cooler.

Save or Suffer:

Side Effects May Include:

Not only will this attack mess you up physically, but it also ruins your emotional stability. The dragon basically says, "Here, have some trauma," and leaves you in the dark. Literally.

Twist: The Lyre is cursed. Removing it requires a DC 18 Wisdom save. Failure compels the PC to compose The Ballad of the Forgotten Muse, losing 1d4 Intelligence permanently.

Treasure and XP Tally:


  1. Muse’s Lyre (Cursed): Grants +2 to Performance but inflicts vivid nightmares (1d6 psychic damage per long rest).
  2. 10,000 gp worth of art pieces (retrieved from various rooms).
  3. Random Magic Items: Roll 1d4 on the Magic Item Table G.

XP Total:

Congratulations! You’ve survived the Temple of the Forgotten Muse and proven your ability to endure bad art critiques. Now, go spend your gold before your Intelligence score hits zero.