The Kingdom of Frisland
by Geoff Gander
Special thanks to Jeff Daly and Jamuga Khan for their input
Ruler: King Edjer the Twisted (MU28, N): The only son of the late Queen Abeldarria, Edjer is ironically not physically deformed, as his name implies. In fact, he derives his nickname from his renowned ability to avoid political backstabs from his numerous opponents, while successfully administering several of his own. A consummate politician, Edjer loves the thrill of verbally sparring with political opponents, both within his realm and outside of it. For him, politics and intrigue are the best diversion from running his cold, isolated kingdom, as well as a way of keeping his enemies off balance. In spite of all this, though, he loves his homeland, and he dreams of one day turning his cold, dreary realm into a verdant paradise. A highly intelligent individual, Edjer is never one to underestimate anyone, no matter how harmless they seem. This caution has kept him in power for over 50 years.
Familiar quote: "What you see is an illusion; it is what lies within that counts."
Important Personages
Garithinnia (MU21, N, Ilsundal): A resident of Shiell, Garithinnia has sought her whole life to turn Frisland into the paradise it was meant to be. In her youth, she travelled throughout the empire, and visited all of the southern kingdoms, with their lovely beaches, warm climates, and wondrous magic attractions. She was convinced that Frisland was not so endowed because it was cold and damp, with poor soils and few settlements. Just as the climate dissuaded people from settling, so, too, were wizards reluctant to come and leave their mark. Any Frislander with magical talent almost always left for warmer climes, leaving those who were not gifted. Garithinnia was drawn to the lovely plant life down south, and she became convinced that if she could alter plants so that they could grow all over Frisland, especially crops, then Frisland's economic and magical woes would end. Not only could Frisland feed herself, and export crops as well; she would also attract wizards, and some of these might create magical innovations that could put the kingdom on the map. None of this has come to pass, but Garithinnia pursues her dream with a fervent passion, and she is often seen berating her crops to grow larger and more luscious.
Familiar quote: "Grow, dammit, grow!!"
Aurumnassiar (MU10, N): Always obsessed with health and hygiene, Aurumnassiar set out early in life to design the perfect facility in which others could achieve these two goals; by his estimation, the average Alphatian was unhealthy. In the thirty years since he built his retreat on Abeldarr's Isle, Aurumnassiar has enriched himself tremendously. He is convinced that the secret of immortality lies not with communing with Immortals; one must achieve absolute perfection and health with one's own body, instead. As a result, he has built his own version of paradise, where, for an exorbitant yearly fee, anyone may spend as much time as they wish improving themselves.
Familiar quote: "You'll feel better after you take some of these herbs, trust me...".
Klamordigan (MU 15, N): Always a curious sort, Klamordigan has applied his magical powers to creating the most bizarre and absurd things. He has invented spells that ferment grape juice into wine in minutes, and he has created the so-called "cheese golems", as well as unique cheeses. A very intense man, Klamordigan seldom sees other people, preferring to spend most of his time in his workshop, toying with new spells or other creations.
Familiar quote: "Ha! I've got it! I know what I'll do...."
Frisland is a cold, hard land, and its people are the same way. Living in a land with poor soils and nasty weather, the people here are used to hardship, and even come to expect it in day-to-day living. Making matters worse is the fact that the kingdom of Blackheart borders Frisland to the south. Hideous monsters frequently break out of that nation, and many find their way into Frisland, where they wreak havoc. As a result, Frislanders are often in a perpetual state of watchfulness, where at any moment something vicious and evil could jump out of the wilderness. Any settlement of significant size, often those with more than 1,000 people, will be walled. Villages and towns lacking this protection have often been found in ruin.
This view is especially apparent when one visits the capital city, Shiell. Its 31,000 inhabitants, almost half the population of the kingdom, live behind high, thick walls. Fourteen members of the Grand Council also live here, and their palatial houses are veritable fortresses in themselves. The tops of these walls bristle with catapults, ballistae, and trained magic users armed with wands of magic missiles. The city's two gates, opening to the north and the south, are guarded by massive steel doors, enchanted with powerful wards that are activated when closed. Finally, Shiell's walls are topped with 40 square towers, each over 500 feet in height, which provide a commanding view of the countryside.
The layout of Shiell also gives the visitor an impression of watchfulness. The city is composed of three concentric rings, each separated by walls 100 feet high and 20 feet thick. Gates that allow passage between the sections are almost as massive as those on the outer walls. All of the most important buildings are in the innermost section. Fortunately for the people of Shiell, the inner defences have never been tested, though monsters from Blackheart who make it as far as Shiell have tested the outer wall and gates.
The architecture of Shiell, and of most other settlements in Frisland, clearly has defence and practicality in mind. Most buildings are of granite, quarried from the Kerothar Mountains. Adornment of any kind is very rare; the amount of money needed to beautify buildings could go instead to defending the realm, many people think. Roofs are not made from thatch, but from slate or clay, because any materials that are flammable might aid any invasion or rampaging monsters. Likewise, anyone who has lived in Frisland for any length of time will realise that the people here are too busy trying to make ends meet to even consider spending money of beautification or expensive recreation.
Aside from the landmarks given below, there is relatively little in Frisland that stands out as worthy of a visitor's attention. Most towns are very much like those in other parts of the world - there are inns, taverns, shops, and houses, and very little magic being used casually. In this respect, Frisland is rather un-Alphatian, with its obsession over survival and practical matters. These attitudes were shaped by 2,000 years of living in a harsh environment, fighting off monsters and trying to make a living in an unforgiving land.
By contrast, the wilds of Frisland are very much untamed. Once a visitor leaves the relative safety of a town's walls, they are almost instantly confronted with dark forests, empty fields, barren hills, and high mountains. Scattered throughout the countryside are the remnants of other settlements, some over a thousand years old. In fact, there are over twice as many ruined settlements as there are intact ones. Over Frisland's history, numerous attempts were made to tame the wilderness. While some of these settlements were unwalled, others were not, and to this day no one is quite sure how some of the larger settlements literally "vanished". Perhaps the most famous of these are the ruins of Orzafeth.
Established in AY 745, Orzafeth quickly grew into a small city of 15,000 people, bristling with defences. It became so mighty that its armies even marched against Shiell in the past, a fact that can be found only in records now lying forgotten in Shiell's main library. One day, in AY 1107, all contact was lost with Orzafeth. The king at the time sent out an expedition to see what had happened, and when they returned they reported that the city was in ruin, and abandoned. They told the king that the walls had collapsed in many places, and inside the city many of buildings looked as though they had been partially melted. Today, Orzafeth still stands empty, though numerous attempts have been made to resettle it; any person who enters the ruins "disappears" before the next morning. In AY 1979, Queen Abeldarria issued an official proclamation, in which all people in Frisland were to shun Orzafeth, and its immediate surroundings. This does not stop people from exploring, however, but those who wander too deeply into the ruined city seldom return.
- Klamordigan's House of Cheese: There are two things a person who visits Frisland will always remember afterwards - the miserable climate, and the cheeses. Located in Shiell, in the shadow of the Clocktower, Klamordigan's House of Cheese has gained a reputation for being both the place to buy the best cheeses, and the place where the most bizarre cheeses may be found. The establishment is run out of Klamordigan's own house, and he makes most of the cheeses himself, or knows those who do. Some cheeses are there only for show, and Klamordigan has created several guardians to protect some of his creations from hungry tourists. The so-called "cheese golems" are a regular fixture here - man-sized constructs made from cheese, the same kind that visitors may buy. A consummate cheese-lover and a dedicated wizard, Klamordigan sees these creatures as the perfect product of his interests. Below is a list of some of the more interesting cheeses that may be bought, and the weights and prices of a wheel of cheese (divide by 10 to find out the cost per slice).
Athwen (2 sp/wheel, 10 cn) - A rich cheese with a slightly nutty flavour, Athwen was one of Klamordigan's first creations, and is often hailed as the working man's cheese, due to it's relative cheapness. It goes great with bread or crackers, and has a shelf life of about six years. It may be bought throughout Alphatia.
Cocofort (17 gp/wheel, 2 cn) - Made with ground cocoa beans, this is a very strong cheese; even the smallest pieces have been known to keep people awake for hours. Since cocoa beans are not native to Alphatia, this cheese is expensive, and wheels are rather small. The woman who discovered the recipe lives in Witival, and is paid by Klamordigan to keep a low profile. This cheese has a slightly rubbery texture - knives tend to get stuck in it while cutting it. Cocofort can only be bought in Shiell.
Erintham (8 sp/wheel, 6 cn) - One of Klamordigan's most pungent creations, Erintham is well-known for its strong taste and its extremely long shelf-life. It is made with secret ingredients, and its distinctive smell is such that all who experience it never forget it, for it smells much like the inside of a well-worn boot. Those with extremely sensitive noses have been known to pass out in its presence. Erintham is available throughout Alphatia.
Klamordigan's Choice (280 gp/wheel, 30 cn) - Also known as "the most outrageously-priced cheese in the world", Klamordigan's choice is among the only magical cheeses. Klamordigan has invented an enchantment that gives the cheese some semblance of intelligence. In fact, this enchantment set him on the way to inventing his much-vaunted "cheese golems". Klamordigan's Choice is never eaten (that would be cruel); rather, it is kept in a prominent place where it can entertain guests. This cheese is entertaining because it sings. To work the enchantment, Klamordigan had a famous singer perform several songs in the presence of the cheese, which then sang the songs right back. Many wealthy wizards saw the entertainment value in this novelty, and paid ridiculous sums for their own wheels of this cheese. Whenever the cheese is exposed to a light source, it begins to sing from a repertoire of up to three songs. Although this cheese is edible (and in fact it tastes very good), few people have the heart to do so. It is available only in Shiell, and even then one must order it directly from Klamordigan.
Langferrin (10 sp/wheel, 10 cn) - Langferrin is a very hard cheese, with a sharp, bitter taste. It is made throughout Frisland, and it is available anywhere in Alphatia. What is interesting about this cheese is that eating one slice of it gives the person eating it the equivalent of a full day's worth of food, as well as enough energy for the equivalent of a full day's march. Many Frislander soldiers have been known to carry a wheel of this cheese with them whenever they go out in the field.
Urmiral (15 gp/wheel, 1 cn) - Urmiral is a very famous cheese, and it is very rare. It is made from the milk of foaling unicorns, and thus it can be made only once per year at most. The milk is given voluntarily by the unicorns near the town of Vonboby in Bettellyn, and is collected by the members of the UniCorps. The unicorns are not so generous every year, as they place the needs of their foals before everything else, and the UniCorps knows not to push the matter. This cheese is very creamy, and is very light. People who have eaten even the tiniest slice say that they felt better afterwards, and in fact this cheese does have some curative powers, being able to cure common diseases, and heal small wounds by ingestion. This cheese may be bought only in Shiell during midsummer.
- Glaranthauram's Museum of Horrors: This imposing building houses some of the most hideous creatures ever to walk the soils of Frisland in recent memory. It sits at the southern end of Shiell, set apart from the other prominent buildings in the capital - and because of the building's contents, most people like it this way. All of the stuffed exhibits here are in fact creations from the neighbouring kingdom of Blackheart to the south, who wandered north. Among the various horrors that can be seen are a twelve-headed albino rooster, an orll (an ugly combination of an orc and a troll - rumour has it that several wizards of Blackheart have been breeding a lot of these), a creature resembling a cross between a human and an aranea, and an unnamed, tentacled horror with great bat-like wings and festering sores all over its body. There are many other beasts beside these, but they are more mundane in comparison. In all, there are over 80 individual creatures, all stuffed and preserved for the public's viewing enjoyment. The admission fee is 6 cp per person.
- The Great Garden of Garithinnia: Filling seven gigantic greenhouses, each measuring 2,000 feet long, this garden, which lies just north of Shiell, is a living display of what some hope to be Frisland's future agricultural potential. Arranged in rows along the length of each greenhouse is a collection of different crops, all magically engineered to withstand the severe climate of this northern kingdom, and to be able to survive in poor soils. Visitors can see various strains of corn, beans, carrots, fruit trees, and herbs growing here, all of which would normally be found many miles to the south. Although the climate within the greenhouses is identical to that of the rest of Frisland, Garithinnia has been unable to successfully transplant one of her creations into the wild.
- Aurumnassiar's Wellness Retreat: Located on Abeldarr's Isle, which lies some 50 miles east of Shiell, in Shiell Lake, Aurumnassiar's Wellness Retreat is where the wealthy go to escape public pressures, to recover from illnesses, or simply to relax. The actual retreat itself consists of a large O-shaped complex constructed of marble, which occupies the only flat terrain on this rocky island. Inside, visitors can soak in mineral baths or hot spas, exercise, spend time in saunas, or receive massages. All visitors are kept to a strict diet, and are often given various pills and other concoctions believed to provide additional nutrients. The retreat is staffed year-round by professionals, who cater to the whims of the guests. The only people who may come to the island are registered members of the retreat; membership costs 2,500 gp per year. While scientific proof that Aurumnassiar's methods actually make people feel better is lacking, those who do go to the island always feel refreshed once they return. It is said that those who inquire too closely into Aurumnassiar's methods invariably disappear, though this has never been proven.
- The Clockworks: Built by the well-known gnomish inventor, Baralni Geartwister, in AY 1792, the Clockworks stands as perhaps the best example of gnomish precision coupled with Alphatian magical know-how. Originally designed to be the tallest clocktower in Alphatia, the Clockworks dominates the main plaza of Shiell, casting its shadow over everything else. Unfortunately, it does not tell the time; at least, not in a way that anyone can read it. Measuring over 300 feet in height, and 50 feet in width, this massive square tower is literally encrusted with sculptures, all enchanted by Alphatian wizards to carry out certain actions depending on the time of day. As a result, there is almost constant movement all over the tower, and passers-by will note famous plays, and events in Alphatian history, acted out by these moving sculptures. The face of the Clockworks itself is what draws people. Constructed of rare crystals, its colours shift and shimmer as the hours pass - another Alphatian enchantment, and its five hands sweep around its circumference, alighting on strange symbols that even the most learned wizards do not understand. In fact, no one knows how Baralni came up with the design, and he took his secret to his grave. Perhaps the most moving aspect of this structure are the musical chimes that sound at odd intervals throughout the day, whose haunting qualities never fail to strike a chord in anyone who hears them. One interesting feature about the Clocktower is that, in all the years it has stood, none of its five hands have ever been all in the same place at once. There has been some speculation as to what would happen should this occur, upon which nothing conclusive was decided.
- Klamordigan's House of Oddities: Klamordigan is a busy person - not only does he run the House of Cheese out of his home; he also owns the House of Oddities. During his career as an adventuring wizard, Klamordigan encountered many strange creatures and saw bizarre things. This tiny building at the southern end of Witival showcases some of the things he has seen. Here one can find tribal masks of far-away tribes, accounts of Jennite rituals, samples of interesting rocks, and collections of bones from long-dead beasts. Klamordigan also showcases some of his own bizarre creations, among them the so-called "cheese golems", whom he finds more dependable than standard constructs.
Other Towns
There are several towns and cities of note in Frisland. The ones listed below are those that can be found on the map of the region, available in the Dawn of the Emperors boxed set. As of AY 2000, The Kingdom of Frisland has a population of 79,000.
Azafez: This isolated town of 1,200 is all but ignored by the ruling elite of Frisland, and certainly by Alphatia as a whole. The residents of the town eke out a living from the sea, bringing in catches of cod, tuna, and salmon, as well as herring. This town is so isolated, in fact, that there are no roads connecting it to the other settled regions of Frisland. One wizard makes her home here, and as a Grand Council member she is the only connection Azafez has with the outside world.
Bogotus: This town of 1,400 is unique for Frisland in that this is a place that is actually prosperous. It is here that rich veins of silver and gold have been found, which go a long way towards filling the empire s coffers. This town is also rumoured to be the home of a small group of reclusive geomancers, who use their powers to shape the tailings from the mines into bizarre and fanciful shapes, each appearing as though it was cast from a single stone. The hills west of Bogotus are littered with these abstract creations, and art connoisseurs come from miles around to see them. Bogotus is home to three creative Grand Council members, who have been known to do some of their own artwork from time to time.
Gowola: This northern port town of 3,900 is one of the main entry points for goods coming from Qeodhar to the mainland. Many goods shipped by boat from Floating Ar, and Ambur as well, pass through this port before being shipped further west - either to Qeodhar, Norwold, or even as far as Ostland. For a town of its size, Gowola has an incredibly large number of warehouses, all of which are guaranteed by the Sacred Order of Warders - a bizarre, but useful, band of wizards who have developed the skill of creating wards to a level unknown elsewhere in the empire. Only a fool would dare rob a Gowolan warehouse, and hope to escape with his life. Gowola is home to two Grand Council members, both of whom are rumoured to be the owners of the majority of the warehouses in the town.
Igdor: This town of 3,100 people is much like the other settlements along the northwestern coast of Alphatia - it is cool and damp. Despite this fact, the people here have managed to build quite a good life for themselves. The soils are good enough that farming is possible here, though the only crops that can grow are potatoes, turnips, and beets. The main source of income comes from the sea, where plentiful catches of haddock, cod, and the occasional whale ensure that people are kept busy here. Igdor is also home to the headquarters of the Northwestern Fleet, the branch of the Alphatian navy that patrols the waters between Norwold and the motherland. Two wizards of the Grand Council also live here.
Mafertat: Situated at the mouth of the Frostchill River, Mafertat is home to 4,400 people. This port town is blessed with a large, natural harbour, which is deep enough to accommodate the largest seagoing vessels. Although many locals make a living from whaling, Mafertat is also the home base of the Northern Surveyors, a branch of the Alphatian navy that is responsible for charting major icebergs, as well as exploring the northern seas. The land upon which the town is built is so low, that an intricate array of dikes and windmills has been constructed to ensure that sea water is kept out of the water table, so that farmlands are not ruined. This is the case for much of the northern coast as far west as Ydroyas - lands that have been reclaimed from the sea, and the soils are so rich that crops such as apples, corn, carrots, lettuce, and tomatoes can be grown. Four Grand Council members live in this town.
Nasta: The beautiful Ormath River flows west into the sea at this town of 4,800, bringing with it traces of gold from the Kerothar Mountains. So much is present that many townsfolk here manage to live comfortably just by panning for gold, though few actually become rich. As with other port towns, most people here make their living from the sea - in this case fishing for tuna and salmon. The fish caught here are of such high quality that a full catch of them can command twice the normal market value. Three Grand Council members live here.
Okadia: The town of Okadia grew up around an inn known as The Vigorous Horse, which at the time was the only rest stop between Witival and the northern coast. Though the inn has long since burned down, Okadia has since grown into a waystation between the capital city of Shiell and the northern ports, where goods bound in either direction are checked to ensure they are still intact, and fresh mounts are picked up to pull the goods the rest of the way. As such, Okadia is rather insignificant as far as wizardly matters go, and as a result it is governed by a retired thief who no longer found his profession challenging. One feature that does stand out, though, is the veritable horde of treasure-seekers who congregate here each summer before heading out into the wilds of Frisland in search of failed attempts at settling the kingdom, for it is rumoured that many treasures lie for the taking amongst the ruins of various towns and villages in the wilds.
Sanaz: Sanaz is a town of 3,100 people, all of whom work for the wizards who run this nation. In truth, this entire town is a retreat for Frisland's wizards, and the wealthy elite of Shiell. In the summer, hundreds of powerful figures come here to spend a few weeks relaxing at heavily- guarded country estates, enjoying a life of leisure. In the off-season, no one but the servants live here, cleaning the summer homes and preparing them for the next summer, when their masters return once more. As a result, Sanaz is a ghost town for much of the year, and it hosts no members of the Grand Council. The "ruler" of this town is a retired soldier, whose role is largely ceremonial.
Ubdazi: This mining town of 2,700 also lies nestled in the Kerothar Mountains, along with Bogotus. It is here that massive amounts of quartz and granite are extracted for the construction of most of the buildings in the kingdom. In other respects, Ubdazi is much like Bogotus, except that it does not house any geomancers. There are two members of the Grand Council living here.
Widzif: This bustling port town of 6,500 is home to one of the largest naval bases in northern Alphatia, as well as an extremely bold fishing fleet, who range as far as the coasts of Norwold for weeks at a time in search of cod and haddock, which are salted and preserved at sea, before returning home. Widzif also serves as the main departure point for all goods heading for Farend on Qeodhar. Widzif hosts one secret - it is one of the few places in Alphatia where hydromancers are said to practice their craft. Nothing officially confirms their existence, but rumours in the region abound concerning powerful wizards who can shape the waters to their wills. Four wizards of the Grand Council live here in comfortable seaside manors.
Witival: This quiet farming town of 2,700 is one of the main shepherding areas of Frisland, with thousands of sheep roaming the grassy hills outside the town's walls during the day. At night, the sheep are brought inside the town walls, and all the farmers in the region also retreat to the town as well, because of problems with carnivorous plants. Many years ago, a group of wizards were experimenting with fertilisers to see how to grow the hardiest plants in this cold land. Their efforts were successful, but instead of crops that could resist the cold, damp climate, the wizards created crops that were carnivorous, and mobile. Only one wizard managed to escape to Witival, where he spread the news of the accident. Over the next few days, many farmers disappeared during the night, and the animal life in the area sharply declined. Today, a region some 20 miles wide, with Witival at its centre, is effectively controlled by these plants at night. Witival is home to two slightly paranoid members of the Grand Council.
Ybod: Ybod, with 8,000 people living inside its walls, is more of a small city than a town. From here, shipping routes extend as far west as Alpha and the rest of the Great Bay region of Norwold, and as far east as Skyfyr in Esterhold - though eastbound traffic is very small. Many Alphatian colonists seeking to start a new life in these lands often pass through Ybod to do so. Although fishing is rather poor in the coastal waters here, Ybod is home to a large number of canneries, which use new gnomish and dwarvish technology to produce edible fish products with a long shelf life. This industry alone is in large part responsible for keeping unemployment low in this town. Although highly experimental, many high- profile people in Frisland have proclaimed that canning foods in order to preserve them is the way of the future. Ybod is home to eight moderately wealthy members of the Grand Council, who deny any ties to the canning industry whatsoever.
Ydroyas: With a population of 3,200, Ydroyas is a rather large town by Frislander standards. A bustling port at the mouth of the Yaniv River, it is a centre for whaling along Alphatia's northern coast. As such, Ydroyas often comes into conflict with the nearby whalers of Qeodhar, and as a result a small fortress has been built here, overlooking the shallow bay. To date, no open conflict has occurred, just posturing on the part of whaling vessels and Alphatian warships. This town is home to four members of the Grand Council.
Frisland's army is always battle-ready, but of relatively poor quality. It has no choice, given the threats from the Kingdom of Blackheart. It used to petition Sundsvall for aid against this threat, or even just to get the emperor or empress of the day to get the neighbouring kingdoms to better control its creations. These complaints and requests fell of deaf ears, and so nothing was done. As a result, the Frislanders have had to do the job themselves, and, with a poor treasury and few resources, it is nothing short of amazing that they have lasted as long as they have.
All soldiers in Frisland can expect to encounter a creation of Blackheart at least once in their lives, and more than a few do not survive to tell the tale. This has instilled a sense of grim determination in Frisland's army to prevail over all adversaries, whatever the cost. As a result, Frisland's army does not do anything for show; nor are its soldiers anything but warriors. The business of being a soldier is just that - business. Despite this, however, the army is severely limited in terms of the quality of its equipment, and its morale. It is hard to fight bravely for your kingdom when your sword is not of good quality, and your pay is intermittent at best.
At various times in the kingdom's history, Frisland has requested the assistance of the Alphatian Coast Guard Agency (ACGA) in patrolling its coasts and rivers. Although it is a coastal kingdom, Frisland's navy is rather small. In fact, one-third of all the warships harbouring among Frisland's ports belong to the ACGA. The soldiers and sailors of the ACGA have proven invaluable in helping to hunt down pirates, raiders, illegal whaling activities, and ferrying goods up and down the rivers of the kingdom. Although this latter function is actually performed by the Pan-Alphatia Company, many people do not make the distinction between the two groups, as both are subsidiaries of the Order of the Lakes. Patrols are especially active along the Rainbow River, which is the border with the kingdom of Blackheart to the south, and has many shallow portions along its length that allow larger creatures to cross safely into Frisland. Also, the presence of paladins in the ACGA has helped keep the foul monsters of Blackheart at bay. As a result the ACGA maintains facilities in the ports of Ybod, Ydroyas, Widzif, and Mafertat. The parent organisation, the Order of the Lakes, has a small chapterhouse in the central district of Shiell, and maintains a small fleet of patrol boats that regularly sails on Shiell Lake.
The official colours of Frisland are blue, grey, and yellow. On the heraldic shield of the kingdom, the border is grey, and the background is blue. Set in the midst of this field of blue is a yellow starburst.
The same colour scheme is present for the flag, as well. The is a grey bar along the bottom of the flag, a vertical line of yellow in the middle, starting at the top of the grey line, and the remainder is blue. This symbolises the hope among Frislanders that from the dreariness of the lands (the grey line), they will one day use their abilities to reach true enlightenment and prosperity (the yellow line, symbolising the sun shining on the land), and become one with the land and the sea (the remaining blue areas).
What others say about the Kingdom of Frisland:
Minister Glorin Hammerhand of Rockhome: "I've never seen a more drab place than Frisland! They've got pitiful mountains, empty plains, and dreary little towns along the coasts. What's worse, monsters run rampant in the countryside! Damned fools make some good cheese, though."
Calandrian of Sundsvall: "Frisland is not a place to go if you want to go somewhere nice, or safe. Honestly, I wonder how those poor souls manage to make ends meet up there, and why they even bother. There are monsters crawling all over the place, the weather's bad, and the land is just so.....empty. There's just nothing there. This is why Frisland is not an important kingdom in the empire, and why it never will be."
Felldorian of Haaken: "Frisland is a dangerous place, but rewarding in its own ways. The people are suspicious, but they have to be, with all the dangers they face. Once they get to know you, they'll warm up to you soon enough. They make some of the finest cheeses in the world, and they have safe, well-defended towns and villages. For the adventurous sort, there are numerous ruins dotting the countryside, all with their own tales to tell. So my advice to you is to sharpen your sword and memorise your spells, but also to prepare for some simple enjoyment."
Dafelldarath of Spearpoint: "Frisland...that's somewhere up north, isn't it? Bloody cold, if you ask me, and too near those vicious people of Blackheart for my liking. I'd stay away, if I were you."