Fumetsu Vampire
by AozImage for pinimg.com
Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Very rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Special
Intelligence: 9-18
Alignment: Neutral evil
No. Appearing: 1 or group
Armor Class: 2
Movement: 150 (50)
Hit Dice: 6+3
THAC0: 14
No. of Attacks: 2 or 1 by weapon
Damage/Attack: 1d3+3/1d3+3 or weapon (+3)
Special Attacks: Lifeforce Drain (age)
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: 5% per HD [6+3= 30%]
Size: M (5-6’ tall)
Morale: ChampionThe humans loved life so much, they joined the Unsterbliche Gesellschaft to live forever. However, with the destruction of the statue the member was twisted into lifeforce vampire. The new undead will stay with the family "or other society members" for a time until it understands its transform.
Unlike all other types of vampires, this variety can move among humans of its kind freely. Because of this, they often dress like they did before becoming undead. The vampire can communicate telepathically with their own family (those linked to the same Statue).
When they engage in melee combat, vampires are deadly opponents. While they do not have the same physical power that vampires of other types might possess, their Strength score of 18. They will often employ weapons in combat, favoring weapons they used in life.
The vampires retain the knowledge they had in life, including their racial, class, and magical abilities. Thus, all vampires can move silently when not in metal armor and see fully 60 feet with keen dark vision.
All manner of sleep, charm, hold, or similar magical spells will not affect the vampire. Likewise, the creature cannot be harmed by poisons, toxins, or diseases for it is no longer a living thing. Magical spells that inflict damage with fire or cold will do only half damage to the vampire, but those employing lightning or electricity will do full damage. Has a Magic Resistance of 5% per HD except when in moonlight (none).
Fumetsu Vampires are immune to normal weapons. An attack with such a weapon merely bounces off its body with no effect. Silver weapons cause only half normal damage. Magical weapons and weapons made from obsidian inflict their full damage.
Has the natural ability to spider climb and jump, as if they were employing the spells of the same name. The vampire regenerates at an amazing rate 1d4 hit points per round (except in moonlight).
Turned as spectre. A vampire driven to zero hit points or destroyed by turning is not destroyed and will reform when full hp regenerate as long as one day of lifeforce in their undead body.
If he is touched with a holy symbol and moonstones, the vampire's flesh will burned for 1d4 points of damage. Holy water splashed upon him does 2d4 points of damage per vial.
Destroying the vampire is as difficult as destroying any other vampire, for they are crafty and deadly foes. The surest way to accomplish this feat, however, is to impale the creature with an obsidian stake. In order to be effective, the stake must be driven through the creature’s heart with a single blow. While an obsidian stake through the heart will kill the creature, it will rise again as soon as the stake is removed unless the vampire’s head is cut off and submerged in holy water or lay staked vampire in moonlight until drained of lifeforce.
These vampires cannot be held at bay by mirrors (actually has an image), or garlic, but cannot cross an area with moonstones or obsidian. The vampire has shadow and an image. Exposure to direct sunlight has no effect on the undead but moonlight will reveal the truth. However, running water has no negative effect on them. Further, he is not required to obtain an invitation before entering the home of a potential victim, nor do mirrors distress him except in the moonlight. Eyes glow white and the vampire's skin turns purple in the moonlight. Also, the vampire's eyes will glow, and skin will turn purple while feeding.
However, moonlight will cause the vampires shadow to look like a monstrous fiend and an image (while in moonlight) in the mirror will show a monster looking back. Moonlight also drains the Lifeforce out of the undead: 1 round in moonlight = 1 day of lifeforce drained.
Moonlight prevents regeneration, shows the vampires inner demon, cancels their magic resistance, and drains lifeforce. The priest spell moonbeam does similar to the vampire but drains 1d6 days (no save). The vampire cannot regenerate under these conditions and will do everything in its power to get away from the moonlight light source.
Fumetsu Vampire can siphon or feed on a humanoid: save vs death magic. Each feeding ages target 1d6 days (if the target saves then target immune to life absorption for the next 24 hours). The vampire can store up to week per Hit Dice. 7 HD vampire can have a maximum storage 7 weeks of lifeforce.
If the vampire, runs out of Lifeforce. Regeneration stops and starts to disintegrate at 2d4 per round until feeds or hits zero hit points and is permanently destroyed. The vampire turns into nothingness as if it never existed leaving behind what it was wearing.
As time goes by, vampires can become even more powerful than they are initially. The following table lists the modifications associated with the aging of the monster.
Age..........HD.......To Hit.........Saves
HD is the number of Hit Dice that a vampire has at any given age.
To Hit indicates the magical plus that must be associated with a weapon in order for it to harm the vampire.
Saves listed as the saving throw of a fighter.
Resistance lists the magic resistance that the vampire acquires as time goes by.The aura of evil and unlife that surrounds vampire is so absolute that animals and similar creatures can sense it. Horses will snort and bay at his presence, dogs will howl and bark at him, and cats will hiss and spit.