Ideas about the future timeline of Mystara
by Lance DuncanOk here goes:
This is all predicated on the existance of an old empire (think rome) dominating the continent after the fall of nithia(actually being their conquerers) and until its fall in between 200BC and 0AC with thyatis being the remnants of the old empire and the rest dissolving into smaller petty kingdoms. After the failure of the line of darokin kings the church(monotheistic) took on the role of leadership eventually forming a 'Holy Empire' (basically darokin)
The timeline is more or less the same until 970 AC with the start of the imperial wars; the holy empire fights with thyatis for 10 years through a series of proxy wars eventually coming to dominate all the coastal nations neighboring darokin. This is also how karameikos and the von hendricks(being a mercenary from the northern reaches) conquers the traladari people.
The next major event after that is the founding of the Dragon City/Dracopolis between 1000-1005AC by a group of adventurers(actual play)
Ylaruam conquers most of the soderfjord jarldoms in 1006AC with the help of adventurers(actual play)
The black eagle Baron is overthrown in 1011AC by adventurers and karameikos seizes the barons former lands(actual play)
Also in 1011 a new 'way of the guild' philosophy begins to spread in alphatia, which eventually results in a revolution where the empire of alphatia is overthrown in 1014 and its now ruled by 'the guild'
From 1014 to 1016AC Adventurers unite the hobgoblin tribes in Denagoth(the valley is mostly populated by humanoids with sparse human settlements) with the humans and orcs of the mountains forming the federation of denagoth(actual play)
The Master invades in 1015AC, adventurers are sent into the desert to defeat him(actual play) these adventures last until 1018
The federation of denagoth fights against 'The Guild' in norwold, making alliance with the king there. They also fight with the holy empire defeating multiple punitive expeditions, kidnapping and deposing the Emperor. This results in the reorganizationof the holy empire taking power away from the emperor and making the local kings, patriarchs, dukes, etc more independent(ala holy roman empire); the adventurers guild from dracopolis plays a key role in this and becomes a dominant player in imperial politics at this point. From 1016-1017(actual play)
The federation of denagoth expands by welcoming the truadon tribes(dinosaur men in the northern wildlands, primitive descendants of carnifex maybe) into the federation in 1021AC(actual play)
1031-1034ACthe unearthing of lugsid underneath threshold(actual play)
1035AC discovery of pyramid of cynidicea(actual play)
The order of vanya(led by a lich in disguise) will overthrow thincol(eventually poisoning him and the reag of the imperial family)and take over thyatis starting a war of rebellion against karameikos/the holy empire and eventually lose. Starting in 1035 and lasting till 1040ish? This will result in thyatis becoming directly governed by the holy empire.
Seeing an opportunity where the humans are distracted thar will attack in 1040AC; the orc wars
The federation will complete the construction of a great mountain fortress in 1043
The kingdom of ylaruam will collapse in 1050ish dissolving into minor tribes, and the holy empire will conquer most of ylaruam by 1060.
The kingdom of ghyr(Castellon in soderfjord), previously a Protectorate of ylaruam, will push back the heldann kings and jarls and unite the northern reaches into a single kingdom(ala england)from 1050 to 1090
The order of vanya will be banished from the empire after their defeat and launch a crusade against the heldann freeholds eventually becoming the heldannic Knights by 1080 at the latest
The federation of denagoth will collapse by 1100 at the latest due to corruption by a dark lord(x11)
The Master will return in 1200(possibly earlier) causing the collapse or at least shrinkage of the holy empire
Moglai khans successor will convert to the religion of the church, and follow in moglais footsteps centralizing authority in the great khan. Eventually(1150-1300)the ethengar will become more settled and pastoral than nomadic conforming to the political norms around them, though always retaining a strong horse tradition.
Hmm I think that's everything I have planned at the moment, of course dates in the future are subject to change depending on player action
EDIT: almost forgot, von hendricks son will return(with the help of bargle of course) in somewhere between 1036 and 1045 and try to overthrow karameikos with the help of other oppressed traladaran nobles to back him. He might only succeed in splitting the duchy in two...