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Humans on the Flatworld

by WingofCoot

The first humans brought to the Flatworld were from the eastern Highlands near the Colossus Mounts (the area that is now the Ethengarian/Glantrian border region), village dwellers of largely Ethengarian descent who followed Terra under the name Yamuga. When the 6th century AC War of the Dragonlord brought chaos and turmoil to the Highlands, Terra granted their lead cleric the additional power and knowledge to open a gate to the Flatworld. They arrived in the hills north/northeast of the Great Middle Lake. Over time, they expanded both east and west and settled the river valleys north of the Lake.

The second group were Makai from Ierendi during the initial Thyatian occupation of the islands, around 590 AC. They arrived on an island in the Great Middle Lake and with their nautical skills, settled most of the islands of the Great Middle Lake and both tropical coasts, to east and west.