Legendary Gaucho
by Eric AnondsonLEGENDARY GAUCHO - Hit Dice d10
Horse control, Bonus Feat
Canny aim +1d10
Bonus Feat, Mounted Marksmanship +1d10
Rapid Reload
Bonus Feat
Canny aim +2d10
Bonus Feat
Mounted Marksmanship +2d10
Bonus Feat
Canny aim +3d10
HOMELAND: Must be a resident of the Savage Baronies
RIDE: 8 ranks
FEATS: Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Track, Proficiency (bola, dagger, firearms)
SPECIAL: Must purchase a light horse or light warhorse; and receive a riding saddle, saddle blanket, bit and bridle, horseshoes, and saddlebags without expenditure. A legendary gaucho never own horses larger than the light horse or light warhorse. The legendary gaucho must also purchase bolas, a dagger and a pistol.
SPECIAL: The legendary gaucho must have wagered his entire fortune in a game of chance at least once before becoming a legendary gaucho. Whether it was lost or not does not matter. There must have been a real chance of losing it, and not a rigged game.CLASS SKILLS Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier
Animal Empathy (Cha)
Bluff (Cha)
Craft (Blacksmith) (Int)
Craft (Leatherworking)(Int)
Craft (Trapmaking)(Int)
Craft (Weaponsmithing, Crude)(Int)
Handle Animal (Cha)
Intimidate (Cha)
Intuit Direction (Wis)
Listen (Wis)
Ride (Dex)
Spot (Wis)
Use Rope (Dex)
Wilderness Lore (Wis)CLASS FEATURES
WEAPON AND ARMOUR PROFICIENCY: Legendary gauchos are proficient with the following weapons: Bola, club, dagger, dart, firearms(pistol), hand axe, javelin, lasso, light lance, light pick, light flail, light mace, sabre, sap, throwing axe, and whip. The gaucho is proficient in light armour. Legendary gauchos are not proficient in shield. Pistols are not effective outside the Haze, where the smokepowder loses its magical effect.
BONUS FEAT: At second level and every two levels thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th and 10th) the legendary gaucho gains a new feat. These bonus feats must be drawn from the following list: Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quickdraw, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Trample, Weapon Finesse (bola, pistol or whip; choose one), Weapon Focus (bola, pistol or whip; choose one).
CANNY AIM: At 2nd level, the legendary gaucho gains the extraordinary ability to hit precisely with a shot from his pistol, gaining a bonus of +1d10 points of damage added to his normal damage roll. When using his canny aim, the legendary gaucho cannot attack with a weapon in his other hand and also suffers a -4 penalty on all Reflex checks that round and cannot rapid reload after firing. Like critical hits and sneak attacks, the uncanny aim is ineffective against constructs, undead, and oozes; unlike critical hits and sneak attacks, fortified armour is effected. Every four legendary gaucho levels gained thereafter, he increases the extra damage by +1d10. If the legendary gaucho also has the roguešs sneak attack ability, the canny aim stacks with the sneak attack damage. Canny aim is only effective if the legendary gaucho is not in armour heavier than light armour, and unmounted.
HORSE CONTROL: The legendary gaucho can control a light horse in battle as if the horse was a trained warhorse. Horse control also gives the legendary gaucho a +4 competence bonus to all ride checks.
MOUNTED MARKSMANSHIP: At 3rd level, the legendary gaucho gains the extraordinary ability to hit precisely with a shot from his pistol while mounted on his horse, gaining a bonus of +1d10 points of damage added to his normal damage roll. When using his mounted marksmanship skill, the legendary gaucho cannot attack with a weapon in his other hand and also suffers a -4 penalty on all Reflex checks and cannot rapid reload after firing. Further, the penalty the legendary gaucho suffers when using his pistol from horseback is halved; -2 instead of -4 if the horse is taking a double move, and -4 instead of -8 if the horse is running. The legendary gaucho increases his extra damage by another +1d10 at level 8. Like critical hits and sneak attacks, the mounted marksmanship extra damage is ineffective against constructs, undead, and oozes; unlike critical hits and sneak attacks, fortified armour is effected. Mounted marksmanship does not stack with a roguešs sneak attack like canny aim will. The legendary gaucho cannot use his mounted marksmanship if the he is in armour heavier than light armour.
RAPID RELOAD: The legendary gaucho has learned how to reload his pistol fast enough that he no longer needs to spend a standard action reloading it. This applies only to his own pistol, but after firing ten shots with an unfamiliar pistol the legendary gaucho can also apply rapid reload to that specific new pistol.