Converting some GAZ7 spells to 3.5
by David KeyserBerserk
Level 2 Clerical spell (Thor only, can be cast on fighters dedicated to Thor)
BECMI/RC rules
Range: Self or Touch
Duration 10 rounds
Effect: The character affected gets one extra attack each round. When the spell ends, the subject is exhausted for 3 turns(30 minutes).
Being exhausted in this case has the following penalties-
1) All attackers gain +2 bonus to hit against the subject
2) Any shield the character has does not provide an AC bonus(too tired to use it)
3) Character's movement rate is halved.
This spell can be cast multiple times. Exhaustion is temporarily deferred with another casting, but exhaustion durations stack.First draft 3.5 version
Level 2
Range: Self or Touch(Thor or Thor followers only)
Duration: 10 rounds
Effect: When making a full attack action, the character may make one extra attack with any weapon he is holding. The attack is made using the chracter’s full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. When the spell ends, the character is fatigued(no run or charge, -2 to Strength and Dexterity). Unlike the usual fatigue condition, 30 minutes of rest(no combat and no movement greater than half speed) is enough to remove the fatigued state.
This spell can be cast multiple times. Fatigue is temporarily deferred with another casting, but fatigue durations stack.Reasoning- This makes it identical to the speed effect under the magic weapons rules, only with the fatigue effect. The duration is tricky, it is clearly designed for only one combat, but BECMI rules were designed to be simple so the duration is a flat number instead of it scaling with level.
Fist of Thor
Level 2 Clerical spell(Thor only)
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 rounds
Effect: Spell gives a magical bonus to weapon damage(not attacks). +3 damage for warhammer and +1 to all other weapons and unarmed combat. Weapon or fist affected glows magically and affects beings as if the weapon was normally enchanted.3.5 version
Level 2 (Thor only, clerics and warriors dedicated to Thor)
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 rounds
Effect: When cast on any hammer type of weapon, it provides an enchantment bonus of +1 to hit and +3 to damage. When cast on any other type of weapon or a fist, it provides an enchantment bonus of +1 to hit and +1 to damage.Reasoning: I have a character who is a holy warrior dedicated to Thor in my campaign, which is basically a Paladin of Freedom(Unearthed Arcana variant) that swapped out some paladin abilities for the Ranger favored enemy ability(another Unearthed Arcana variant). Thus the character has access to the Paladin spell list including Magic Weapon(1st level spell and duration 1 min/level), Greater Magic Weapon(3rd level spell and duration 1 hour/level), and Holy Sword(4th level spell and duration 1 round/level). It makes sense to fit this in at 2nd level, but improve it slightly so it is better than Magic Weapon. Thus I added the +1 attack bonus and it is more flexible than Magic Weapon in that it works for unarmed strikes. The tricky part is getting the duration right. Maybe change it to 1 minute every 2 levels?