Converting some GAZ9 Merchant-Prince spells to 3.5 D&D
by David KeyserI need to convert a few of these, I found prestige class adaptations for the Merchant-Prince on Pandius but no 3.5 update for these spells. Let me know if you think this is both a good adaptation and if it is properly in line with 3.5 power levels.
Douse Flame Level 1 spell
GAZ9 description
Range 50 feet
Duration 1 round per level of caster
Effect: extinguishes any single nonmagical flame immediately, up to the size of a campfire
fire can be rekindled but will go out again as long as duration lastsfor 3.5
Douse Flames
Range 50 feet
Duration 1 round per level of caster
Effect: extinguishes any single nonmagical flame immediately, up to the size of a campfire in a 5 foot square
fire can be rekindled but will go out again as long as duration lasts
If a fire creature is in that 5 foot square, it gets a reflex save and if failed takes d3 damage.
Sea Legs Level 1 spellGAZ9
Range Touch
Duration 1 hour per level
Effect : Stops seasickness and gives the ability to balance and maneuver on deck even during a violent storm
Can be reversed, in which case target must make a Dex check at the beginning of every round when he moves or attacks, failure means he falls down and requires another Dex check to stand up
No mention of saving throw! I am sure every DM using this spell would house rule a save to ignore.for 3.5
Level 1
Sea Legs
Range Touch
Duration 1 hour per level
Provides a +5 competence bonus for Balance check when on deck or rigging of a ship
It also lets the recipient move across slippery wet decks at normal speed(difficult terrain otherwise).
In addition, if the recipient was currently nauseated due to vertigo, they become only sickened.
If the recipient was currently sickened due to vertigo, sickened effect is removed.This spell can be reversed, touched opponent gets a standard DC Fortitude save to resist.
Range Touch
Duration 1 round per level
Standard Fortitude save
If they fail their save opponent gains the sickened condition with an additional -2 penalty to Balance checks on top of tha
Careen Level 2 spellGAZ9
range 30 feet
Effect: Removes barnacles and sea growth from a 20'x20' area of a ship hull
Can be cast on a person, in which case the target is scraped and abraded by magical force doing
d8+(1 point of damage per level of the caster)
Saving throw negates the damagefor 3.5
Level 2
Range 30 feet
Duration Instantaneous
Effect: Removes barnacles and sea growth from a 20'x20' area of a ship hull
If cast on a creature, it is scraped and abraded by magical force,
Damage is d6, with an additional d6+1 for every two caster levels, up to a maximum 8d6+7 at Level 14
Standard DC Reflex save to avoid completely, no resistance can mitigate the damage(other than SR)
So a level 3 caster can do 2d6+1 damage with it, moving up to 3d6+2 at level 4.
Entangle Level 2 spellGAZ9
Range 30 feet
Duration 1 round per level
Effect: Controls ropes
Allows the merchant-prince to use any ropelike object of organic material(vine, hemp, etcs) to behave as he or she orders. It affects 20 foot length of rope up to 1.5 inches in diameter plus 5 feet per level. Commands given to rope include: coil, coil and knot, loop, loop and knot, tie and knot and the reverse of all of the above. The knot can be any sailors' knot mentally pictured by the caster. The rope must be within 1 foot of any object it is to coil around or tie up. Normally used on enemy ships to collapse sails, foul rigging, and ensnare sailors.A revision to the Rope Mastery spell, based on the Level 1 spell from the PHB, Animate Rope.
Rope Mastery is more powerful, but Animate Rope defines some further things about the rope so I am incorporating it into the Rope Mastery spell. I also expanded the range based on Animate Rope, so now it is range 150 feet + 10 feet per level in all cases.
2nd level spell
Rope Mastery
Fluff effect: Allows the caster to use any ropelike object of organic material(vine, hemp, etcs) to behave as he or she orders. Commands given to rope include: coil, coil and knot, loop, loop and knot, tie and knot and the reverse of all of the above. The knot can be any sailors' knot mentally pictured by the caster. The rope must be within 1 foot of any object it is to coil around or tie up.Range 150 feet + 10 feet per caster level
Duration 1 round per caster level
Controls 50 feet of rope plus 5 feet of rope per caster level
The maximum length assumes a rope with a 1-inch diameter. Reduce the maximum length by 50% for every additional inch of thickness, and increase it by 50% for each reduction of the rope’s diameter by half.
This spell can have one of three effects as the user chooses
1) Caster gets a competence bonus to Use Rope skill, at +5 + caster level(max +15)
2) Caster may target a ship to foul rigging and collapse sails. If using the supplement Stormwrack, enemy ship suffers a "rigging damaged" or "dismasted" result depending on the amount of rope the caster can effect. If not using Stormwrack, enemy ship suffers a penalty to Shiphandling checks(-1 cumulative penalty for each 5 levels of the caster).
3) Caster may target a rope to entangle opponents who are in the same square as the rope. Effect on those opponents is just like the druid entangle spell.
Call Lightning Level 3 spellGAZ9
As per the druid spell, when in a storm, a lightning bolt can be called down every 10 minutes doing 8d6 damage, save for half damage.for 3.5
Level 3
Just like the druid spell for 3.5, but an arcane caster cannot use this spell underground or indoors, only outside.