Barhopping in Glantri City
by GreenbrierCanon gave us the following locales, leaving out the ones that sound like they are more hotel or restaurant than bar (Silver Tower Inn, Watertower Inn, Mages' Hostelry, Lou Garou's Fries) and the ones where another vice is the primary business of the establishment (Gambling House, Hostelry of the Unicorn):
The Golden Imp, Entertainers Quarter Gaz 3 pg. 43
Boatmen's Tavern, Port Quarter Gaz 3 pg. 44
"obscure pub" in Pingo the Dark's tenement, West Side Quarter Gaz 3 pg. 47And I found these in the detailing, so far (I've probably missed one or more):
Undead Ed Bar & Grill, Entertainers Quarter
Guild of Protective Services lounge, Business Quarter
The Green Room, Business Quarter
Churning Gut Bar & Grill, Ville du Péché
Tavern (Copper), Location #75
Tavern (Silver), Location #76I thought of some possibilities for other bars, such as -
The Old Oak - owned by an Erewan elf, this enormous magically enhanced oak tree in the Outer City mimics the style of an elven home tree (but is laughed at by those who've seen the real Canolbarth). Patrons enjoy moving between various bar areas connected by rope & plank bridges amongst the branches, and drinks are served by Pixies & Sprites. Everyone likes watching the bouncer, a Hsiao called "Hooter" who can quickly fly between branches in the unlikely event trouble erupts. Safety nets below the limbs are supposed to catch any drunk guests who manage to fall out of the bar and they usually do, but accidents do happen...
La Catarina - the Belcadiz favor this watering hole, and it is popular with everyone for its excellent and inexpensive food - assorted small appetizers called tapas. The bar was formerly a constabulary branch that has been decommissioned and it looks like a small fortress, with lots of stone and wrought iron. Holds the largest Feria de Toros parties in the capital.
The Temple of Elemental Entertainment - generally just referred to as "the Elemental", this old stone building is said to have housed a temple to the Immortals prior to the Light of Rad decision. Contains a central bar area with four spokes where illusions & magical effects are used to give guests the impression that they are on one of the four elemental planes. Members of the elemental Secret Crafts often hold their holiday parties here in the corresponding section, although management is careful not to book more than one group at a time after an unseemly Earth vs. Air brawl broke out during last years Arcanium.
The Planar Bar - a relatively recent addition opened by a powerful wizard who thought he could outdo the Elemental, the Planar Bar is a storefront which actually opens into another Plane. Nowhere nearly as dangerous as the elemental planes of course, the owner spends copious time searching out safe and innocuous planes where he can "park" the bar for a few months, and then moves on to a fresh location. Adventurers can pick up some good money as scouts for the bar, the owner pays well for tips about planes that are safe to visit yet offer a dramatically different experience for guests to enjoy.
Bar North - (idea inspired by the Ice Bar in Las Vegas, Nevada) The facade of this building looks like it is built of giant ice blocks, in the style of frost giants or inhabitants of the far north. You enter into the cloakroom where an attendant will happily rent you some heavy winter garments before passing into the bar proper, where the temperature is magically kept colder than a winter day in Norwold. Snow is underfoot and softly falling from the icicle covered ceiling. Popular with the undead and with progeny whose heritage makes them resistant to cold, it has become fashionable for young socialites to use cold resistance magic before heading out to party at Bar North so that they don't need to bundle up either...meaning you can't really tell anything from the appearance of the patrons, aside from that idiot in the corner grinning from ear to ear and wearing a heavy winter cloak, Boldavian-style fur trimmed hat & mittens is definitely a tourist.
GC Beach Club - (idea inspired by the Paris Plages) Owned by a wizard whose Flaemish father spent some time in Ierendi and fathered a son with a Makai woman. He grew up in the islands and came to Glantri as a teenager to attend the GSoM, where he joined the Secret Craft of Fire Elementalism and made many friends despite not being accepted by the more traditional Flaemish students. After graduation he decided to stay in Glantri but also bring a bit of Ierendi to the capital...so the GC Beach Club was born. Inside the bar the temperature is magically kept at that of a balmy summer day in Ierendi, and imported palm trees and tropical plants abound. The floor is covered in sand and the drinks all come with tiny paper umbrellas in them. Fresh seafood is teleported in from Ierendi each day, which has enabled many Glantrians to try exotic new foods (or find a rare taste of home, diplomats from coastal nations are often found here and Zacarius, the "Seashell Ambassador", does most of his official business from a corner booth underneath a large date palm). Best of all, on holidays the owner takes the stage to astound the crowd with feats of fire magic.
The GC Beach Club was an instant hit, opening during a particularly cold & dreary Glantrian winter. After two years of great success the city sold the bar a license to fill the plaza outside the bar with sand each summer all the way to the canal's edge, creating an artificial beach in the heart of the city. Palm trees are planted on this "beach" and a nightly bonfire is built at the center (the city tried to shut down the bonfire once, until the owner offered to buy a special license and also brought up both the nightly, unlicensed bonfire that takes place in the plaza of Little Boldavia in the West Side Quarter and the perpetual fire atop the Corporation of Alchemists' House). Many locals enjoy strolling around the "beach" in the evening even if they aren't patronizing the bar itself.
Large signs forbid any swimming in the canal, but numerous patrons ignore these after a few drinks. Last summer the owner debuted a large custom-built gondola which departs from the canal in front of the "beach" to sail around the capital, with a tour guide pointing out the various quarters and notable buildings. A small bar onboard serves even higher-priced drinks to the captive audience, and these party cruises are always sold out on fair weather summer evenings.
De Vuurplaats (The Firepit) - A dive bar in a seedy part of town popular with Flaemish nationalists, and studiously avoided by anyone else who doesn't want to get robbed, beaten or worse. All signage is only in Flaemish which clues most others in that they aren't wanted, and any elves, Ethengarians or pale "pure" Alphatians would be risking their lives to enter. When the Followers of the Fire need to meet in the capital, they gather here.
Sunset Saloon - a relatively recent addition opened by an immigrant from Sablestone, named for the famous sunsets over the Adri Varma and decorated with paintings of the rugged Western landscape. The no-frills Western style experience draws a few curious denizens of the capital, but this bar is famous in Kern and often is the first stop for Westerners new to Glantri City. A great place to make contacts if you are planning a trip to or have business in Glantri's booming west, as it has become the premier gathering place for those in that community. Also popular with Bramyran immigrants whose horse culture & clothing styles mesh well with the Westerners, and Sindhi patrons are not uncommon either as they increasingly migrate into Sablestone and some eventually end up in the capital.