Gnomish Guild Gearheart
by Marc Saindonretconning Minrothad...
While I consider the Minrothad Guilds to be a bit bland (filling niches similar to Darokin and Ierendi), they have potential. My previous idea of making them portugese can fill in some of the blanks concerning the Savage Coast.
A gnomish community in Fortress Island could be living alongside the Dwarves of Guildhammer, as the subguild of 'Gearheart'. They train Artificers and more mundane engineers and inventors, while the Dwarves keep the "real work" (according to their own standards) to themselves. Gnomes probably speak the equivalent of yiddish, using words like "glitch" when an invention doesn't work properly. They also develop countermeasures against the Ierendi-Undersea alliance, such as magical depth charges, submersibles and various steampunkish tech (although they are still catching up with Ierendi's Honor Island).