George Hrabovsky's Rules Cyclopedia-based Mystara Game
by George HrabovskyI will start with the character design material. This campaign is set in Karameikos around the year 995.
Character Design System
Step 1: You may always choose to be from the land the game is currently located in. If you want to try to be from some other land, roll 1d100. There is a 75% chance that you come from the land of the game; otherwise you can be from somewhere else. You can automatically choose to be from any Known World area if you roll higher than 75%; to be from someplace beyond the Known World consult the GM and he will give you your place of origin.
Step 2: Choose a class. There will be a list available for each land. If necessary you can design a class with the assistance of the GM.
Step 3: Choose a religion. This is a world of high fantasy, where Immortals really do get involved, so not having a religion can be more of a detriment than having one.
Step 4: Roll for attributes. Once a class has been chosen roll 3d6 seven times and throw away the worst roll. The highest attribute scores must be placed in the primary attributes of the class. You may reduce any non-primary attribute by 2 and increase any attribute by 1 so long as no attribute is lowered below 9.
Step 5: Note the birth time and place of the character. Roll 1d12 for the month of birth, 1d4 for the week, and 1d8 for the day, ignoring 8. Choose a starting age for the character.
Step 6: Note and understand the bonuses and penalties for each attribute.
Step 7: Note the abilities of your chosen class.
Step 8: Choose your character's skills. You have seven skill points. If you wish you can expend one skill point and specialize in your class.
Step 9: Roll 1d100 to determine if your character has had prior experience in your class. Consult the GM.
Step 10: Roll for money. Normally this will be 3d6 x 10 coins for your location.
Step 11: Roll for hit points.
Step 12: Roll for social standing, if appropriate.Known World Lands:
The Grand Duchy of Karameikos: Think of a Russian-style people inhabiting a haunted and monster-ridden forested mountainous land who have been conquered by a medievel-style Roman invader.
The Five Shires: A magical land of diminuitive humanoids who call themselves the Hin.
The Republic of Darokin: A land of trade-oriented humans.
The Emirates of Ylaruam: A magical land straight out of the Arabian Nights.
The Empire of Thyatis: Think of a medievel-style Roman superpower.
Ierendi: A seafaring superpower with magical ships.
The Minrothad Guilds: A seafaring nation of humans who focus on trade.
The Principalities of Glantri: A magocracy ruled by a group of Prince-Mages.
The Broken Lands: A monster-filled land ruled by an orc king, Thar.
Alfheim: An enchanted forest realm ruled by elves and fair folk.
Rockhome: A mostly underground realm ruled by dwarves.
The Northern Reaches: A collection of three nations of hardy humans based on Norse myth.
The Ethengar Khanates: A collection of primitive humans based on the Mongols.
Empire of Alphatia: A magical superpower, rife with decadence.Classes by Land:
Cleric of the Church of Karameikos, Cleric of the Church of Traladara, Cleric of the Cult of Halav, Karameikan Fighter, Karameikan Magic User, Karameikan Thief, Merchant, Darine, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Hin, OrcAttributes:
Attribute bonuses: 3 = -3, 4-5 = -2, 6-8=-1, 9-12= 0, 13-15=+1, 16-17=+2, 18=+3Strength (Str): This is the character's physical might. The bonus is applied to rolls for damage due to melee or thrown weapons, and saving throws versus paralysis and turn-to-stone.
Intelligence (Int): This is the character's mental might. The bonus is applied to the number of starting skills the character gets, and saving throws versus mind attacks.
Wisdom (Wis): This is the character's strength of understanding of the world, the way things work, the forces of nature, and so forth. The bonus is applied to saving throws versus spells.
Dexterity (Dex): This is the character's nimbleness and grace. The bonus is applied to reducing the armor class of the character, the initiative roll in combat, and saving throws versus wands and dragon breath.
Constitution (Con): This is the character's physical health and vigor. The bonus is applied to the hit points the character gains every level, and to saving throws versus poisons and death.
Charisma (Cha): This is the character's force of personality and presence. The bonus is applied the reaction roll for NPCs.
Religions of Karameikos:
Church of Karameikos: They venerate the Pure Light embodied in the Immortals Asterius (Patron of Merchants and Thieves), Ilsundal (Protector of Elves), Kagyar (Patron of all Arts), Valerias (Patron of Love and Passion), and Vanya (Patron of Combat).Church of Traladara: The traditional religion, they worship the risen heroes of old: King Halav (Patron or War and Weaponmaking), Queen Petra (Patron of Fighting Clerics and Besieged Cities), ad Zirchev (Protector of Forest Dwellers).
The Cult of Halav: A recent religion venerating King Halav, who is to rise again as a savior in these evil times.
Birth Month and Sign (d12):
1. Nuwmont-Manticore: +1 to Int
2. Vatermont-Hydra: +1 to Cha
3. Thaumont-Centaur: +1 to Str
4. Flaurmont-Basilisk: +1 to Con
5. Yarthmont-Chimera: +1 Cha
6. Klarmont-Gorgon: +1 to Wis
7. Feldmont-Griffon: +1 Dex
8. Fyrmont-Dragon: +1 Int
9. Ambyrmont-Salamander: +1 Wis
10. Sviftmont-Pegaus: +1 Dex
11. Eirmont-Warrior: +1 Str
12. Kaldmont-Giant: +1 ConBirth Week (d4):
1st Week: Sun
2nd Week: Land
3rd Week: Sea
4th Week: SkyBirth Day (d8 ignoring 8):
SoldainPrevious Experience:
Roll d100: If the result is over 50, you get another point and roll again until you get 50 or less. If the result is 50 or less you get no point.
1 point will get you the general equipment you need for your class.
1 point will get you a single instance of any special equipment for your class that you can make.
1 point will give you an Arduin roll for your class (based on the class tables in the Arduin Grimoire vol 1-2).
1 point will get you an adventure. Roll d100: All experience and gold awards are multiplied by the total level of the character.
01-40: Minor Adventure: Roll 1d100
01-15: Very Successful
300 XP + 100 gold coins
16-35: Successful
200 XP + 50 gold coins
36-65: Inconclusive
100 XP
66-85: Unsuccessful
50 XP
85-100: Disasterous
200 XP + Scar from injury.
41-70: Significant Adventure: Roll 1d100
01-15: Very Successful
600 XP + 200 gold coins
16-35: Successful
400 XP + 100 gold coins
36-65: Inconclusive
200 XP
66-85: Unsuccessful
200 XP
85-100: Disasterous
400 XP + Scar from injury.
71-90: Major Adventure: Roll 1d100
01-15: Very Successful
Level + 800 gold coins + Minor Magic Item
16-35: Successful
Level + 400 gold coins
36-65: Inconclusive
800 XP
66-85: Unsuccessful
800 XP
85-100: Disasterous
Level + Scar from injury.
91-99: World-Class Adventure: Roll 1d100
01-15: Very Successful
Level + 1600 gold coins + Minor Magic Item
16-35: Successful
Level + 800 gold coins + Minor Magic Item
36-65: Inconclusive
66-85: Unsuccessful
85-100: Disasterous
Level + Scar from injury.
100: Multiverse-Class Adventure: Roll 1d100
01-15: Very Successful
Level + 1600 gold coins + Minor Magic Item
16-35: Successful
Level + 800 gold coins + Minor Magic Item
36-65: Inconclusive
66-85: Unsuccessful
85-100: Disasterous
Level + Scar from injury.