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The Glasshouse of Slyth

by Robin

These are the maps of The glasshouse of Slyth, This is an adventure I created myself somewhere in the 80ties. Slyth Slaggash is a Ruby Draggon of Medium Size, but 99% in the alias of a friendly Red lizardmen wokani. it does not follow the dragon pyramid of power, and mostly keeps in hiding or under alias. It does follow the other Dragon circle requirements though, that it thus slows its growth due not following the pyramid of power does not matter the dragon (it falls as of yet (1010 AC under no other dragon Rule, and only the Gold Dragon in Eastshire of the 5 Shires is aware of its existence as a dragon. Slyth is a avid collector of Plants and its "glasshouse"is a collection of hundreds so not thousands of dangerous and unknown plants.
The building is known/accepted by any local druid(and many many more beyond), and regularly visited as a study area for them.

Several of the maps are isometric and all are normal are between 2-991 AC and 1001 AC

There is some water and mice damage. So this is the best way to save them.

The Glasshouse' location can be found in the right mid section of this map

Building Phase maps

This map is dated as the location prior 2-991 AC
Phase 1
Examination Phase. Cleaning out caves of unwanted vermin/humanoids etc

Phase 2
This map is dated as the location between 2-991 AC and 8-992 AC
The temporary buildings are set in wood. the foundations are created, the hills altered and the caves dug out.

This map is dated as the location between 6-991AC and 10-992 AC
Phase 3
Continuation of foundation and walls, Expanding caves, filling dead corners.
Base shape of building becomes visible
There are some humanoid skirmishes.

This map is dated as the location between 6-991 AC and 10-992 AC
Phase 3 This Isometric view clearly states the size of the complex
As a refrrerence the crew is listed from left to right;
Ëlf : He is an 4th level Elf of Alfheim using the Way of the Tree
Darius; He is a 4th level Thief/ 1st level Werefox
Gambit; He is a 5th level Fighter with a tamed direwolf as pet
Cathargion; He is a young Hill Giant
Harriet; She is a 3rd level Halfling from WestShire
Oscar; He is a 4th level halfling from Eastshire
The group of Goblins from the Dymraktribes with some wolves (charmed workforce)
Kabla and Baram Mountain Giant and Son; Primari work force
Kuni and Bergu Stane giant architects
Delar Torkrest; Dwarven architect
Grammaton; a befriended Sphinx with ancient (nithian) architectural knowledge
and last but not least Slyth Slaggash in his Dragon size

This map is dated as the location between 10-992 AC and 8-994 AC
Phase 4
The walls of the basement are finished, the dead corners are filled up, the caves are cut out and walled up where needed, level 1 walls are created and flat floor areas.
The temporary wood house will soon be removed, as the crew relocates to the area NW in the cave (see detail mid right)

This map is dated as the location 2-997 AC and 8-998 AC.
Phase 5
Further continuation of level 4, making walls and floors on level 0 and 1. and in the caves. Also start with creating the walls for level 2 and 3.

This map is dated as the location 2-997 AC and 8-998 AC
Phase 6
Making wooden walls and floors level 1 and 2 filling up dead areas, making floors on level 2, no cfurther changes on lower levels

This map is dated as the location 2-997 AC and 8-998 AC and details level 3
Phase 6
Making wooden walls and floors level 1 and 2 filling up dead areas, making floors on level 2, no further changes on lower levels

This map is dated as the location between 8-998 AC and 11-999 AC.
Phase 7
Making wooden walls and floors level 3, making more walls going up.floors on level 2, no further changes on lower levels

This map is dated as the location between 8-998 AC and 11-999. this is a continuation of phase 7 on higher levels.
Phase 7
Making wooden walls and floors level 3. making floors on level 3 and 4, Reaching the highest top of the walls. Placing ropebridhes and erected the pillars for the glass roof. on level 5. no further changes on lower levels

This map is dated as the location 11-999 AC and 12-1000 AC.
Phase 8
The extremely hard work of making the glass roof. Heavy thick (indestructable) glasssheets of 70 to 80 feet long and 10-20'wide are created by a sort of Glassform spell (in effect a translucent Stoneform spell). This enables lots of sunlight coming down from either direction due the angle of glass and a magical redirectional effect. The highest location is reached on 14:15 on the 9th of 9-1000 AC.

Isometric maps finished structure

This map is dated as the location 2-997 AC and 8-998 AC.
Phase 10 northeast, southeast, southwest, cut through
The stucture is ready, and is now a huge white structure with large glass windows and glass ceiling.
Adventurers now start collecting plants, and many druids come in bringing other rare examples.


This map is dated as the location After 1001 AC
Phase 10 basement,
This shows several large plants (each square is now 5'instead of 10')
Examples plants and there descriptions on the map.
AA Elven Tree
BB Leafkiller tree
CC Holy Oak
DD Fruittree
EE Golden Apple Tree
FF Killer Tree
GG unknown walking tree( stone ring prevents walking)
HH Ironwood tree
Any area open to light will holds pots and jars of variant sizes filled with plants, or even large elevated areas filled with earth.
Druidic magic keeps the earth fertile, and special (repeating) weather magic together with the solar warmth and lighr creates a perfect climate for the plants.
Many area are use as reearch area, library, experiments, storage of fruits/seeds/ juices, xried leaves, wood, roors, flowers, etc etc.

This map is dated as the location After 1001 AC
Phase 10 Player level 0, level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4
This shows the various rooms and their use(open for DM's to further fill in.
Many area are use as reearch area, library, experiments, storage of fruits/seeds/ juices, xried leaves, wood, roors, flowers, etc etc.