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Gila Monster
by Robin
I would use the Gecko Lizard page 380 of the Monster Manual chapter 2 as a template
Climate temperate to tropical
Activiry cycle; day(minimum 3 hours after sunrise)
Terrain Desert
add 3' of length
Add 2HD and add *
MV as given, but halved for 1round /HD cold damage received
THAC0 16
Attack Bite or tail slam (same damage)
Special Attacks Bite Poison D (see details page 410)
Special defenses; immune to heat(not fire..Fire damage is reduced by 2points/HD spell miminum 1/HD)
SV F3, but halved for 1round /HD cold damage received
ML 7 (4 if attacked by cold or fire)
Individual initiatif reduced to 1d4 instead 1d6 for 1round /HD cold damage received
XP 650
In nightly cold deserts these creatires prefer to bury them selves in holes or loose sand until the air or sand is heated enough. they might awaken after 2 round/HD heat if applied closeby by magic or fire
the rest remains the same