Glantrian Spells
by Beau YarbroughTremp's Eversmoke
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One action
Range: Touch
Effect: 1 pipe's worth of smoking material Duration: 50% longer burning time/level Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: NoneTremp's eversmoke allows wizards to get additional use out of tobacco, smokeweed or any other smoking material, by magically slowing the rate at which the material is consumed. The smoking material must be ready to smoke when the spell is cast, but once affected, it can be extinguished and relit at another time.
Where such things exist, eversmoke can also affect cigars, cigarettes and hookahs. In conjunction with permanency, the spell can be cast on a pipe, allowing all smoked material to have an extended life span.
Tremp's Rain Ward
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: S, M
Casting Time: One action
Range: Touch
Effect: Creature or object touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will
Spell Resistance: NoneThis simple, if somewhat extravagant, spell is common in Glantri. Tremp's rain ward keeps normal rain or snow from affecting the subject. Although it may appear otherwise to an observer, precipitation stops just short of reaching the subject, and the subject and all belongings carried remain dry for the duration of the spell. The spell even protects the caster from getting wet even if he steps into a puddle, although it affords no protection against other weather effects, like wind, nor does it allow the caster to move through snow drifts any easier than normal.
While the spell only wards against normal rain or snow, even magically summoned weather is affected. If cast on an unwilling subject (a bullywug or other creature that might desire to be wet), the subject is allowed a saving throw.
While normally cast on an individual, rain ward can also be cast upon an object, such as a tarp, boots, or even a pipe, which will keep burning even in the strongest rain. The spell must be cast on something physical, however; magical fire burning without fuel, if affected by rain, cannot be protected by this spell. Rain ward may be cast in conjunction with permanency.
Material component: A piece of candle wax, which is touched to the head and shoulders of the creature affected or to the object affected.
Tremp's Shadow Lore
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One action
Range: 0
Effect: The caster
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: NoThis divination temporarily endows the caster with knowledge normally unavailable to him. While languages, whether written, spoken or signed, are unavailable through this spell, nearly any other sort of knowledge can be obtained, depending on the ability of the caster.
The caster temporarily obtains one type of knowledge, choosing from the non-weapon proficiency tables in the Player's Handbook and elsewhere, based on the table below:
The exotic group is a special case. If the caster is a member of, or is living in, the society, the proficiencies are available to the caster as part of whichever group they are normally a part of (Genie Lore, for instance, would be available at the first level to a wizard from or living in Ylaruam). Also note that simply because a caster has access to certain humanoid spells, by virtue of being a humanoid or living amongst them, does not make other humanoid proficiencies just as available. While the lore choices begin with the non-weapon proficiency tables, they do not end there. Nearly anything can be requested, as long as it is roughly as restricted as the existing non-weapon proficiencies. If a wizard requires Drow Lore, as long as he is 11th level or above, he should receive it. The caster must be specific in his choice of lore. For instance, he must request knowledge about how to play a mandolin, not "whatever that instrument is over there." A forget spell, in addition to its other effects, ends any non-permanent shadow lore spells.
1st level Wizard group (including Glantri Wizard group) 3rd level General group 5th level Priest group 7th level Rogue group 9th level Warrior group 11th level Exotic groups (Arabian Adventures, Oriental Adventures, Complete Humanoid, Council of Wyrms, et cetera) Tremp's shadow lore can be cast in conjunction with permanency. A wizard may also cast the spell multiple times or request a lore he or she already knows in order to gain additional bonuses. See the entry on non-weapon proficiencies in the Player's Handbook for further details.
Material component: A miniature book, no smaller than one inch square, with blank pages.
Tremp's Turning Aside the Hungry Beast
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One minute
Range: Touch
Effect: 10 foot diameter/level or 1 creature Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: Will
Spell Resistance: NoneA popular spell in rural areas, Tremp's turning aside the hungry beast is used to protect livestock, particularly poultry, against attacks by foxes, birds of prey, cats or dogs. Some mages also protect their familiars with it. Each casting of the spell only protects against one type of predator, and requires different material components.
Once in effect, predators must make a saving throw versus magic or be unable to enter the area of effect (or touch the affected creature, if the spell was cast that way). The predator is only allowed a saving throw the first time it comes in contact with the field.
The spell has no effect on magical animals, such as foxwomen or shapechanged wizards, but it will affect familiars, polymorphed creatures and shapechanged druids. Predators can be summoned, teleported or carried into the area of effect, but once they leave it, they must make a successful saving throw to re-enter the area, unless they have previously done so.
The spell can be cast in conjunction with permanency.
Material component: The component to protect against foxes is a hunting horn, which must be sounded in the centre of the area to be affected, or while holding the animal to be protected. The versions to protect against birds of prey, cats and dogs require the crushed egg of a bird of prey, a barking dog and a high-pitched whistle as their respective material components.
Tremp's Beckoning of the True Companion Summoning
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 3d6 hours
Range: 5 miles + 1 mile/level
Effect: 1 familiar
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: NoneAn enhanced version of find familiar, Tremp's beckoning of the true companion allows a wizard to determine what sort of animal or creature responds to his summoning.
When attempting to summon a normal animal to serve as his familiar, a wizard sacrifices the broad summoning power of find familiar. The wizard's chance to summon a member of the specified species is determined as follows:
+10% chance per wizard's level
+25% chance for an animal listed as "common" for frequency in the Monstrous Manual
-25% chance for an animal listed as "rare"
-50% chance for an animal listed as "very rare"Naturally, the spell will fail if the wizard attempts to summon an animal not normally found in the environment the spell is cast in (no monkeys summoned in the desert, for instance). Nor can the spell be used to bind a specific animal.
Wizards can also attempt to summon so-called "special" familiars. Common examples of these magical beings include imps, quasits, mephits, brownies and pseudo- or faerie dragons. In addition to the penalties listed above, special familiars of "low" intelligence or better receive a saving throw versus magic, with a +1 to the save for any difference between the caster's alignment and the would-be familiar's alignment (+1 for neutral versus neutral good, +3 for chaotic good versus lawful evil).
Normally, "special" familiars must be residents of the plane the spell is cast on, however, certain entities on the Lower Planes seek to spread evil across the Prime Material. Thus, imps and quasits can be summoned to any plane, subject to the penalties given above.
In all cases, the familiar's hit dice cannot exceed half of the caster's level.
The magic evoked with this spell is such that it cannot be cast more than once a year, or in the same year the find familiar spell is cast.
In all other ways, beckoning of the true companion corresponds to the restrictions of the find familiar spell.
Material components: The wizard must load a brass brazier with charcoal and burn 1,000 gp worth of incense and herbs. Additionally, he must incinerate the food that constitutes one normal meal for the familiar (which may require a great deal of research for "special" familiars). Finally, the wizard must cut themselves, causing 1-4 points of damage, and drip his own blood into the brazier.
Tremp's Phantom Musician
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Effect: 1 instrument
Duration: 1 minute/level or 10 minutes/level Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: NoneWhen cast, Tremp's phantom musician magically empowers a musical instrument to play by itself. The tunes played must be ones the mage has heard before. If the tune ends while the spell is in effect, the mage can command the instrument to play a new tune, as long as he remains within 10 feet/level. Otherwise, the instrument sinks to the ground and remains dormant until the spell's duration ends or the mage comes back in range.
The material component is the instrument to be played, which the mage plays during casting, although he can release it once casting is complete. The instrument will then magically remain floating in the air, as if still held by the mage. Although the mage does not have to possess the musical instrument proficiency, the instrument must at one time have been played by a proficient musician.
Additionally, when cast by a proficient musician, the spell's duration is extended to 10 minutes/level.
The spell can be cast in conjunction with permanency.
Tremp's Ravaging of the Knowledge of Ages Summoning
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 yards/level
Effect: 1d8 + 1 bookworm egg/level
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: NoneBy casting this spell, a wizard may cause great havoc, by summoning a horde of destructive insects. Bookworms will slowly but steadily consume paper products of all kinds, including spell books. See the Monstrous Manual for details.
To protect the caster, the spell only summons bookworm eggs, which hatch in 1d12 hours.
The material component for the spell is a piece of moth-eaten cloth, termite-eaten wood or bookworm-chewed paper.
Possession of this spell is illegal in Glantri, as it is in many countries that rely on paper products for laws, maps or records. Of course, many wizards in Glantri feel they must own the spell, if simply as a potential countermeasure.
Tremp's Unseen Pilot
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 2 minutes
Range: Touch
Effect: 1 gondola
Duration: 1 hour + 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: NoneA more sophisticated version of unseen servant, Tremp's unseen pilot acts as a pilot for a gondola. While the caster must initially be in contact with the gondola, he can thereafter obeys the mental commands of the wizard, as long as he remains within a distance of 10 yards/level.
Each unseen pilot can work a single oar or pole. Multiple unseen pilots can be used to row a rowboat or even a longship.
The material component is a miniature wooden gondola, approximately two inches long.
The spell can be cast in conjunction with permanency.