Glantri (Principalities of)
Location: North of Darokin, south of Wendar, west of the Ethengar Khanates.
Area: 116,650 sq. mi. (262,463 km2)
Population: 597,500 humans, with a small percentage of them elves and half-elves [D&D: just elves]. There is also an unknown amount of goblinoids in the Principality of New Kolland.
Languages: Thyatian Common (Glantrian dialect), Alphatian Common (Flaemish Dialect), Elvish (Belcadiz and Erewan dialects), Sylaire (also known as Averoignian), Traladaran (in Boldavia), Ethengarian and numerous goblinoid languages.
Coinage: Crown (pp), ducat (gp), sovereign (sp), penny (cp).
Taxes: Quarterly income tax of 10% as well as a hearth tax of 1 ducat per household. Also, almost every activity - including speaking in public, carrying weapons, wearing armour and spellcasting - requires a license of some sort with fees ranging up to 50 ducats a year for each activity.
Government Type: Magocracy, ruled by a wizards' council. Only mages can be nobles, and their voting power in the council is determined by their rank (prince, duke, count, etc.)
Industries: Various, as each principality specialises in something different. See below for details.
Important Figures: Jaggar von Drachenfels (Prince of Aalban, human, male, M24), Carnelia de Belcadiz y Fedorias (Princess of Belcadiz, elf, female, F12/M18), Juliana Vlaardoen (Princess of Bergdhoven, human, female, M14), Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany (Prince of Boldavia, human vampire, male, M19), Urmahid Krinagar (Prince of Bramyra, human, male, T5 dual-classed to M14), Carlotina Erewan (Princess of Erewan, elf, female, M10), Dolores Hillsbury (Princess of Fenswick, human, female, M14), Brannart McGregor (Prince of Klantyre, human lich, male, M20), Jherek Virayana (Prince of Krondahar, human, male, M18), Kol (Prince of New Kolland, kobold, male, Wd7/M10), Isidore d'Ambreville (Princess of Nouvelle Averoigne, human werewolf, female, M11), Malachie du Marais (Prince of Morlay-Malinbois, human werewolf, male, M11), Harald of Haaskinz (Prince of Sablestone and Grand Master of the School of Magic, human, male, M17).
Flora and Fauna: Because of the magical interferences and summoning of countless mages, absolutely any plant, animal, or creature - whether native to Mystara or not - can be found within the principalities.
Further Reading: GAZ 3 - The Principalities of Glantri, PC4 - Night Howlers, AC1010 - Poor Wizard's Almanac to AC1012 - Poor Wizard's Almanac 3, Joshuan's Almanac, and Glantri: Kingdom of Magic boxed set.Description: by Alasdhair MacCallum
Known as the Kingdom of Magic by many around the Old World, Glantri isn't even a true kingdom. It's a collection of independent principalities each ruled by a Wizard-Prince with several smaller independent dominions owing fealty to one of the Princes. If only one word could be used to describe Glantri, I believe I would choose "Chaotic." There are more rules in this nation (often conflicting at that!) than anywhere else in the Old World, with license for almost anything you can imagine. I dare say they've even tried to place a license for breathing on a couple of occasions. Their bureaucracy is a mess, and trying to get something done quickly is next to impossible unless you do it illegally.
Despite all this, it is the land of intrigue, backstabbing (both political and literal), and most of all, magic. That is why I love it so. Everyone knows Glantri is a nation of mages for mages. All wizards are automatically higher in social standings than non-mages. Non spellcasting races such as dwarves and halflings are abnormal to Glantrians and are often chased out of their land.
Clerics and Priests are also disliked by Glantrians. Although they have recently been permitted to cross the Glantrian borders, it is still punishable by death for any of them to openly preach about their religion or Immortals.
Glantri, above anything else, is isolated. High pine-covered mountain tops surround the entire nation. Whether it's the impassable Wendarian Ranges to the north, the rugged and sharp Broken Lands to the south, or simply the high cliffs of the Great Northern Wildlands to the west, very few trails permit entry into this nation.
The Land and The People
Because Glantri is actually a mix-match of peoples, cultures, and lands, I have taken the liberty to combine the Land and People sections for this nation. As such, I will describe each Principality in turn, giving both a brief description of the land as well as the culture found within.
Aalban is a principality of plains and pastures. Despite this peaceful look, it is the most militaristic dominion of Glantri. Warriors and mercenaries are plentiful in the area, and the locals are renown for their remarkable siege weapons and equipment.
Belcadiz is a lightly forested area that serves as the home of the famous winemaking elves. Not only is their wine in high demand throughout Glantri, but so is their metalwork, something unheard off for elves anywhere else on Mystara. Belcadizians are hot-tempered, easy to offend, and enjoy nothing better that a sword duel or two to try and prove their superiority.
Bergdhoven, resting in northern Glantri, is relatively flat. It is a picturesque land with wild flowers growing almost everywhere. These flowers are the base of Bergdhoven's perfume and oil industry. They also attract several mages who need the rare flowers for rare or unique experiments.
Boldavia is a word that causes many to shiver as that principality is often associated with rumours of powerful undead and necromancers. The local Traladarans, who live in small villages among the craggy bluffs and forested hills, are a superstitious lot and are accredited with all the undead legends of the area that spread through Glantri.
Bramyra is a principality that was created to serve as the first line of defence should the Ethengarians decide to invade Glantri. There is nothing of note here except for the vast herd of sheep that roam the hills.
Erewan was once the home of many famous poets, scribes, and artists. Now, the Erewan elves sulk and whine about the goblinoid dominion, spreading false reports about several evil deeds Kol and his minions apparently committed. These elves have been threatening to leave Glantri if the Princes don't fix the situation. So far, all the Princes have been ignoring them.
Fenswick is the newest dominion granted to the remarkably charming and attractive Dolores Hillsbury. As yet, not city or town has been built as the Princess is content to let her land prosper with its logging industry. This principality is almost completely in the mountains.
Klantyre, the famous fog-shrouded highlands, is another place where the sheep are probably the most interesting feature. The weather is the second most popular subject for the inhabitants; they often wager as to whether it will rain 3 days out of five or 4 days out of five.
Krondahar is one of the most cultivated lands in Glantri. The locals are renown for their silk as well as their leatherworking.
Morlay-Malinbois is a forested land where werewolves are probably as common as non-werewolves. In fact, they are considered full citizens while within this principality and have all the rights that any Glantrian would normally have.
New Kolland can best be described as a giant hole in the ground. Created by a meteor impact and then populated by goblinoids, Kol was appointed Prince of the land in return for preventing goblinoid raids into Glantri. Despite this, humans travelling into New Kolland are considered fair game by the locals and Prince Kol.
Nouvelle Averoigne was famous as the home of the late Étienne d'Ambreville. It is also renown for its cuisine, and theatre plays are so popular they often sell out months in advance. Nouvelle Averoigne is flat near the river, but gets significantly more hilly further inland.
Sablestone is home to Harald of Haaskinz, the Grand Master of the Great School of Magic. There is nothing much in this principality either, except for stubborn farmers who continuously demand that the wizards just leave them alone.
Finally, there's Glantri City, home of the Great School of Magic and capital of the magocracy. In this city, canals replace the traditional roads of other cities, making the gondola the only way of getting around. Glantri is the heart of fashion and style for the nation, and any new trend will soon be copied by all of high-society. Currently, the dark gothic style of Boldavia is in favour, where aristocrats dress up as vampires and werewolves (or at least how they imagine vampires and werewolves would dress).
Don't Miss
Unfortunately, now is not the time to plan a visit to Glantri. The Ethengarians have declared war against Glantri, and the nation is scrambling to marshal its defences. If you are of the mercenary type, then you are most welcome to help defend the land, but otherwise, for your own safety, I would suggest postponing any visit this year.