Goldweaver's Vengeance
by AozImage from gamersdecide.com
5th Wizard Spell
Components: V, S, M (Gold Pieces)
Range: 90 yards
AoE: 1 creature
Save: Neg.
Duration: 2d4 roundsThis spell is used mostly against a person or creature that is greedy or a spellcaster. The Goldweaver's Vengeance causes the subject to spew forth gold coins. The subject must make a save verse spell.
A save means the person or creature spits up a single gold coin with no other side effects.
A failed save causes the victim to spew forth 1d20 gold coins per round and prevents the victim from spellcasting. For every 5 coins puked up causes the victim 1 hp of damage.
Coins come from the spellcaster's pockets. If the caster runs out of gold coins, then the spell ends.
A remove curse or a dispel magic will instantly end this spell.