Gilfronden Erendyl, Generale dell’Esercito di Alfheim
by Giuliano MichelonShadow Elf Male
Rogue 4th – Ranger 3rd – Shadow Dancer 7th – Spymaster 2nd
Non-player Character
age: 450 (app. 55)
hair: white
eyes: grey
XP 130.000
AL Neutral
hp 111 (6 +3d6 + 3d10 + 7d6 + 2d8 + 48 constitution bonus)
Init +6 (+6 dexterity)
Spd 30 ft. (30 base)
AC 25(26) (touch 19, flat-footed 25(26)) ((10 base, +6 from dexterity, +3 from ring of protection +3, +6 from shadow studded leather armour +3, +1 dodge))
Atk +20/+15/+10 melee rapier of puncturing ((+12/+7/+2 base, +6 dexterity, +2 enchantment from magical weapon)) or
+18/+13/+8 melee rapier of puncturing ((+12/+7/+2 base, +6 dexterity, +2 enchantment from magical weapon, –2 two-weapon fighting )) plus + 17 melee masterwork shortsword ((+12/+7/+2 base, +6 dexterity, +1 masterwork weapon –2 two-weapon fighting )) or
+19/+14/+9 missile masterwork repeating crossbow ((+12/+7/+2 base, +6 dexterity, +1 masterwork weapon))
Dam 1d6+6 rapier of puncturing [ crit. 18-20/x2] ((+2 enchantment from magical weapon, +4 strength))
1d6+6 rapier of puncturing [ crit. 18-20/x2] plus 1d6+4 masterwork shortsword [ crt. 19-20/x2]
1d8 masterwork repeating crossbow [ crit. 19-20/x2]
SV Fort +14 ((+6 base, +3 constitution, +5 cloak of resistance)) Refl +24 ((+13 base, +6 dexterity, +5 cloak of resistance)) Will +14 ((+7 base, +2 wisdom, +5 cloak of resistance))
Abil Str 18 ((14 base, +4 belt of giant strength )) Dex 22 ((16 base, +6 gloves of dexterity,)) Con 16 ((14 base, +2 amulet of health )) Int 14 ((14 base )) Wis 14 ((14 base)) Cha 12 ((12 base))
Skills ((total skill bonus (ranks, characteristic, synergy, special)) Balance +15 (7,6,2,0),Bluff +18 (15,1,0,2), Diplomacy +16 (11,1,4,0), Disguise +15 (12,1,2,0), Escape Artist +16 (10,6,0,0), Forgery +9 (7,2,0,0), Gather Information +11 (10,1,0,0), Hide +48 (16,6,0,26), Innuendo +11 (7,2,2,0), Intimidate +13 (10,1,2,0),Knowledge Nobility and Royalty +4 (2,2,0,0),Listen +9 (5,2,0,2),Move Silently +32 (15,6,0,11), Perform +6 (5,1,0,0),Search +9 (5,2,0,2),Sense Motive +8 (6,2,0,0), Spot +9 (5,2,0,2),Tumble +13 (7,6,0,0), Wilderness Lore +8 (6,2,0,0)
Feats weapon finesse, quick draw, dodge, mobility, combat reflexes, skill focus (bluff)
Languages:, elven (shadow), undercommon, Wendarian, elven (Alfheim), common (Thyatian)
Special Qualities: [shadow elf] proficient with hand and repeating crossbow, immunity to magic sleep spell, +2 racial ST Vs. spell or spell-like abilities, darkvision 120’, +2 racial bonus listen, search and spot, +1 racial bonus hide and move silently, spell-like abilities: 1/day: dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire; SR 27; [Rogue] evasion, sneak attack +2d6, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC); [Ranger] track, 1st favoured enemy (elves), ambidexterity, two-weapon fighting ; [Shadow Dancer] hide in plain sight, evasion, darkvision, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC), shadow illusion, summon shadow 2/day [+2 HD], shadow jump (40 ft.), defensive roll, uncanny dodge (can’t be flanked), slippery mind; [Spymaster] cover identity, required rank I e II, undetectable alignment, sneak attack +1d6. Total Sneak Attack +3d6.
Possessions : masterwork short sword, masterwork repeating crossbow, 20 masterwork bolts, noble’s outfit.
Magic Item: +3 shadow studded leather (+6 AC, +10 circumstance bonus to Hide checks), gloves of dexterity +6, rapier of puncturing (+2 rapier of wounding, 3/day touch attack that deals 1d6 of temporary Con damage), ring of chameleon power, ring of protection +3, belt of giant strength (+4), amulet of health (+2), cloak of resistance +5, boots of elvenkind, gem of seeing, horn of fog, potion of cure critical wounds (4d8+15) x2, potion of invisibility, scroll of teleport.