Gulluvian Elves
by Marc SaindonRather than create a complicated backstory, Elves in Gulluvia might be the descendants of "Old Glantri" elves that somehow survived the hardships of the cataclysm that wiped out most them. Surviving costed them most their culture - as those who remembered died, while stronger, younger, but less educated elves managed to survive. Demographically, this led to a bottleneck situation, as elves failed to reproduce at a quick rate, and new generations couldn't easily replace the casualties from humanoid raids. So the Elves started inter-marrying with less hostile humans (Heldann stock that migrated westward), producing a lot of Mystaran "Half-Elves" (some look human but count as Elves, some look like Elves but count as Human, and some look and are Elves). The community thrived for some time, patching the missing parts of their culture with human ideas (Flaemish language becoming popular) and becoming "Dutch Elves" (blonde hair, blue eyes being very common). They also traded and allied with local Gnomes, and in this synergy Gulluvia became "magical Belgium" (Gnomes are the french-wallon speakers, Elves are the flemish speakers) and became supporters of House Argenta (a family of Sidhe? Half-Sidhe Wizards?) since their magic allowed the Elves to grow a sizeable forest in which to live in.
Other Elves just overlook their existence, or wonder if they are even elves at all, so in turn, the Gulluvian Elves tend to be more sociable with other demihumans and human societies, rather than the usual insularity.
They don't produce much Druids or Rangers, but instead are closer to the Rules Cyclopedia elves (Fighter/Mage), so expect Arcane Archers instead of Rangers.