Of all the differences between branches of the D&D game, the one thats often most surprising to those unfamiliar with classic D&D is that there is, by the book, only one metallic dragon, and thats gold. The fact that silver dragons aren't part of the game is so often missed, and DM's familiar with other versions often include them in adventures without even thinking about it.
So, this is my take on the classic that isn't in classic.
Dragon, Silver (Galena)
by Cab Davidson
Stat Small Large Huge AC: 0 -2 -4 HD: 9** 13+3*** 18**** Move: As Blue Dragon As Blue Dragon As Blue Dragon Attacks: As Blue Dragon As Blue Dragon As Blue Dragon Damage: As Blue Dragon As Blue Dragon As Blue Dragon No. Appearing: 1d4 1d3 1d2 Save As: F9 F27 F36 Morale: 9 9 10 Treasure Type: H Hx2,I Hx4, Ix2 Intelligence: 9 12 15 Alignment: Lawful (Silver), Chaotic (Galena) XP Value: 3000 5500 8875
Spells Levels 1 2 3 4 5 Small 4 4 2 Medium 5 5 3 1 Large 5 5 5 4 2 Breath Weapon: Cone of cold or lightning bolt (Silver) + crystallisation or vaporise (Galena)
Silver dragons are gregarious travellers, taking joy in using their shapeshifting powers (common to all metallic dragons) to infiltrate and study human, demi-human and even humanoid societies. They revel in music, art, dancing, and good food and drink. They rarely reveal themselves as what they are, but they frequently find themselves rising in status due to their innate charms. They try to maintain a code of not interfering with the cultures and societies they study, other than to counter the influence of evil dragons thereon, but they do become protective of their wards. In their natural form they are among the brightest and reflective of all metallic dragons, having a pure white metallic sheen.
Galena dragons are no less bright in appearance, but they have angular, almost cubic features and a shimmering, translucent skin. They also share the silver dragons interest in humans and demi-humans, but while they appreciate the finer things in the lives of those creatures they revel in gaining power and influence in their societies for the purpose of causing pain and harm.
Silver dragons can choose between cones of cold (as white dragons) or linear lightning attacks (as blue dragons), while additionally galena dragons also have the effects of crystallisation (as crystal dragons) or vaporisation (as blue dragons).