Just Some Math for 1020 AC
by Aoz1020 AC: Joint Darokinian and Thyatian operations to protect their interests. All-out war pits humans vs. orcs.
Looking over the Dawn Of The Emperors Thyatis & Alphatia Boxed Set on Page 108
Employees (Prices in gp/month)
Magic-user (wartime tasks) 1000 x level :shock:I would have understood if it was the maximum spell level; like a 6th level magic user can cast up to 3rd level. 3 x 1000 = 3000 gp/month but nope it is 1000 x wizard level from my understanding. Most likely this comes from once you become a 1st level magic-user in their society to gain more levels you must adventure to raise your level.
--------------------------------------------------------So, in theory, a 6th level magic-user should make 6000 gp per month by joining Darokinian and Thyatian against the Orcs. I wonder how tempting this much gold would be to students and teachers at the GSoM.
I know it is wartime pay the wizard is putting his life on the line but even some adventuring magic-users don't make anywhere close to 1000 x level gp/month...
Get Wartime Pay or this Job
I'm not saying Aozus Markov would create a small army of undead mages to fight the Orcs; however, for those prices he would even be willing to drink some Feyheim Thunder Grog outside of Feyheim
Feyheim Thunder Grog
Drinking Feyheim Thunder Grog outside of Feyheim may lead to a buck-naked flying wizard battling a Red Dragon over a volcano or at least vivid hallucinations of such things :twisted:.