Haunt, Globster
by Cab DavidsonBased on (1) rotting whale carcasses that wash up on the shore, and (2) the haunt type of undead (ghosts, banshees and poltergeists of the Companion Set and Rules Cyclopedia) I present one of the favourites of cryptozoologosts, the Globster. This write up still somewhat in progress, let me know your thoughts on it please.
Stat Haunt, Globster* AC: -3 HD: 15**** Movement (Swimming): 90’ (30’) Attacks: 1 touch/1 gaze Damage: Age 10-40 years/Paralysis No. Appearing: 0 (1) Save As: F15 Morale: 10 Treasure Type: E, N, O Intelligence: 12 Alignment: Chaotic XP Value: 5850 Attacks: Ectoplasmic Net; Gaze (paralysis); Aging damage per blow.
Defenses: Immune to all spells except those affecting evil; harmed only by *2 or better weapons; Saving Throw vs. Turning destruction (spells).Globsters are haunts in the form of decaying sperm whales, who stalk the great valleys at the bottom of the sea. Their rotting bodies degrade to a form barely resembling that of a whale, often with an elongated spine with a fatty thread of flesh as all that remains of their forequarters. They arise when a sperm whale falls in combat to one of the great unknown evils of the deep, and they roam the abyssal plain seeking revenge on the sentient living things they were trying to defend. In common with other haunts they can only be harmed by magic weapons of +2 or greater enchantment. They are immune to all spells except those which affect evil. They do not inflict normal damage; they cause aging with their physical blows. They can create an Ectoplasmic Net while doing other things, and can use their Gaze attack as well as their physical touch attack each round attacks. If seriously threatened (or if Morale fails), a haunt will escape into the Ethereal Plane and not return for 1-8 days. They can only enter the Ether three times per day but can leave it at any time.
Net: When first encountered, a globster will typically start oozing Ectoplasm. In the darkness of the deep ocean this is barely visible at all, and unless characters are specifically looking for it they are unlikely to see it. The ectoplasm slowly forms a net. The Net initially has no effect on the movement of the globster or others for 3 rounds, but after that time, the Net is complete, forming a 10' radius around the globster and moving with it. Any living creature within a complete Ectoplasmic Net must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or be pulled into the Ethereal Plane (where the net also exists). The ethereal victim is helpless unless special items or spells (oil of etherealness, gate, etc.) permit travel from that Plane. The globster will ignore its ethereal victims until after defeating those remaining on the prime.
Gaze: A globsters gaze attack has a 60' range, and may be used once per round (against a single victim) at most, in addition to other attack forms. The eyes of the globster glow a dull blue-green colour when this is used, as if a deep see squid glowing to attract prey. The victim of the gaze must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or be paralyzed for 2-8 rounds. A globster usually ignores its paralyzed victims, concentrating its attacks on other enemies nearby.
Aging damage: Each blow from a globster ages the victim by 10 to 40 years. Elves may ignore the effects of the first 200 years of aging; dwarves may ignore the first 50 years, and halflings, the first 20 years. Otherwise, each 10 years of aging will cause the victim to lose 1 point of Constitution. This loss is permanent and cumulative (each additional 10 years drains another point). A wish will restore only one point lost in this manner, and less powerful magic cannot affect the loss. All aging should be noted on record sheets, as it does not wear off; it can be countered with a potion of longevity or a wish. If a victim's Constitution drops to 0, the victim dies permanently, and cannot be raised.
Song: The song of the globster is reminiscent of the plaintiff tune of a dying whale. The globster may sing at any time, while making other attacks, singing at one target within 120’ per round from when first encountered. The target must make a saving throw vs. dragon breath with a -4 penalty to the roll or be struck unconscious for 4d4 rounds and losing buoyancy, sinking at a rate of 90’ per round for the duration of the effect.
Turning: When a cleric's attempt at Turning a globster gives a "D" result, the creature may make a Saving Throw vs. Spells to avoid destruction. If the Saving Throw is successful, the globster is not Turned or Destroyed, although the cleric can repeat the attempt. Other Turning results are handled normally.
The globster keeps the treasure of its victims somewhere within its haunting grounds, often within a shipwreck or sea cave. While the globster hates all ceteceans, and all lawful sentient lawful creatures, they have no interest in creatures of animal intelligence, and their lairs are often shared with other horrors of the deep. Victims of globsters do not become globsters unless they are themselves great sperm whales.