The N’djatwa are a race of ogre/elf crossbreeds described in Dragon Magazine 158. As part of my research into half-ogres I came across these and could not help but stat out their unusual mounts. Here is a draft. The N’djatwa will be described as a PC race for 5e in my next booklet.
Giant Pelican
by Karl David BrownHuge Beast Unaligned
Armour Class 12
Hit points 34 (4d12+8)
Speed 10 ft., Fly 80 ft.
STR 18 (+4), DEX 15 (+2), CON 15 (+2) INT 6 (-2), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 8 (-1)
Skills: Perception +4
Senses. Passive Perception 14
Languages. –
Challenge. 1/2 (100xp)
Fisher. The giant pelican or its rider have advantage on rolls for fishing in large bodies of water such as the sea or lakes.
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit. 8 (1d6+4) piercing damage.
Engulf. The pelican makes a single attack roll +5 against all the Medium or smaller creatures in a 5ft cube. Those the attack hits are held within the pelican’s flesh bill. They are blinded, restrained, and have total cover against attacks and other effects outside of the pelican. It the pelican takes 3 or more damage from engulfed creatures in a single turn, the pelican must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or disgorge all the engulfed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 ft. of the pelican. If the pelican dies and engulfed creature is no longer restrained and can escape by using 15 ft. of movement, exiting prone.Giant pelicans look like the normal seabirds except they are easily as large as an elephant. Giant pelicans are used as mounts by coastal N’djatwa. The N’djatwa are a race descended from both elves and ogres (Dragon Magazine 158). As well as providing swift transport from the coast to the mountainous heartland of their nation, the pelicans are extremely useful for fishing.