Material about False Giants and Half Giants
by RobinFalse Giant
Rock Races (or Silicium based life-forms)
Nobody knows where these creatures came from. Sages speculate that they’ve been created by several Earth/Matter based Immortals, or those trying to become Immortal, others debate if these creatures are adapted forms of existing creatures, who living underground for millennia must have become stone themselves, or are creatures created by the magical energy of the planet itself.
Whatever the cause, these creatures came into existence thousands of years before the legendary rain of fire. The Rockmen where first (around 550.000 BC), followed by the Geonids (around 350.000 BC), then the Stone Giants (around 225.000 BC) and as last the Ghaleb Duhr (in the last ice age 80.000-60.000 BC).
Some people say that the several constructs, like gargoyles, Statues, Golems are mere reflections of mortal mages trying to create what was created better prior to their existence. But these creations not even resemble the rock-based creatures in any way other than their appearance. They are free-willed, creatures of viable races, with many special abilities, powers, societies and cultures.
Rock altering spells will inflict damage to these creatures. This damage will be as a Cause Wounds spell of similar level or lower.
Somehow gems seem to be Important to the lives of these creatures, as are the gem grounds where diamonds, rubies and other gems are created by different chemicals under the immense pressure of the rocks above and after immense long time periods. It may even be that these creatures actually were created much longer ago, maybe even before any other intelligent life, but took so long to hatch or become free from the rock they have been created from.
Neither of these creatures will be really fast or hasty, some like the stone giant and Geonids can be hasty but rarely do so.
Their material bodies resist time in such a way that they often become very old, or at least very resistant to erosion. They also become slow, powerful, constructive, and mostly good and even Lawful due to this process. They love the earth and things of creation. Although the changing of ores into metals goes too far according to them. Stone cuttings and creations, gems and rare ores are always appreciated to get, or to create.
Most Rock-based creatures despise water(Mudmen are the only exception). Water creatures will view and be viewed in hostility, what means a –4 reaction modifier (doubled if also alignment opposite). These creatures are more or less affected by the material they’re made from. The Geonids are the least affected, therefore the fastest, followed by the Stone Giant, Ghaleb Duhr and Rock Men, respectively, of which the last is the slowest, and most rock/stone like. Only an Earth Elemental consists of more pure Earth/Stone matter.
All rock-based creatures have gem-based hearts Mostly Rubies but stone giants have bloodstones. Rumors exist that these magical hearts are needed for the creation or conjuration of the dreaded Tarrasque.
Almost all known life on Mystara is built upon carbon and carbon-based compounds. Yet some life has a different chemical foundation—one based on the element silicon. The inert magic of the planet itself gives these creatures mobility, and sentience. The creatures exude the silicium hydroxide (opposing to oxygen and carbon hydroxide in carbon-based lifeforms) not by breathing, but it exudes it through their skin. The building up of silicium-hydroxide makes the creature harder (Higher AV) over a period of time. The movement of the creature does prevent solidifying. The Geonid does it though their shield, the Rockmen and Ghaleb-Duhr through their overall skin. The Sand-folk does it through crystallization of their skin, which is eroded by movement. (Keeping statistics the same).Legends
Urt; the Living Planet, Her Veins are of Magma, Her Sinews of Ore, Her Skin of Earth, Gems Her Blood, Stone Her Bones, Water Her Sweat and the Air Her Breath. When She Dreams the Earth shakes, when She Awakes the Earth rocks, and Her Skin opens to let the angry Blood out. We’re no more than Fleas upon the Skin of a very lazy Dog”,
Maybe there is a truth behind this ancient Dwarf saying when seen in the same context. Maybe this is the reason the ancient dwarves have named the planet Urt, instead of Mystara like the humans and other demihumans did. What ever the truth, Dwarves have the best connection with these creatures and at the same time the worst, due their fixation upon rock and stone, and their greed for gems and ores.Stone Giant (Homus giganticus Sedimentum)
Humanoid Stone Giant Type Giant humanoid Climate/Terrain Suptropical and temperate mountains Frequency Rare Organization Tribal Activity Cycle any Diet Omnivore x5 AL NG, N, LN. NA 1d2 (1d10) Size 10-25% 26-50% 51-75% 75-90% H; 200+3d12 (fitness 1d12) females -5% BM 1 1 1 1,5 2 ST (PR) -8 -6 -4 -2 13+2d4=15-23 IN -3 -3 -2 -1 3d6=3-18 WI -5 -4 -3 -2 3d6=3-18 DX +1 +1 3d6=3-18 CO (PR) -5 -4 -3 -2 6+2d6=8-18 CH 3d6=3-18 Languages Sterratrim, Gundirrim, Bromdignags, Bratak, and 50% local Spellcaster Limits; Shaman 8, Wokani 6 AC 10 9 8 7 6 5 (+3 Large, +4 Tower Shield) AV by age(don't wear Armor) 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 Levels Whelp Young Teen Y. Adult NM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10/24(max) XP Needed -48K -45K -40K -30K 0 300K 600K 900K 1,200K 1,500K 1,800K 2,100K 2,400K 2,700K +300K HD 2 4 5 6 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 13+ HP 2d8 4d8 5d8 6d8 8d8 8d8 9d8 9d8 10d8 10d8 11d8 12d8 12d8 13d8 13d8 +2/lvl MV 120'/40' THAC0 na 18 16 14 12 12 11 11 10 10 10 10 9 9 F Lvl +2 Attacks na 1 Fist/Kick Damage 1d3 1d4 1d4 1d6 Attacks 1 weapon (Large Club) Damage By weapon by weapon by weapon x2 (=1d8x2) Stone club x3 Special Attacks; Hurling/Boulder Throwing (3'minimum) Slam Smash Sweep Catch large Missiles 35% 90% Boulder Throwing 25'/50'/75'-150' 50'/100'/150'-300' 100'/200'/300'-600' Boulder Averages; 4ftØ 360 LBS 2d10 damage Special Defenses; Infravision 120'Detect lifing creatures by scent 30' Immune to; 0 Primary Skills 0 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 +1/4lvl Stone craft, Laborer, Architect stone Extra Vulnerable to; Lead = Poison B Hindrances Dislike metals/water Small World problems AM 0 Save as; F2 F4 F5 F6 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F Lvl ML 7 XP 20 75 175 275 650 1600 1750 1900 2125 2300 2500 F Lvl TT E +5000gp Body Weight 10-25% 26-50% 51-75% 75-90% Size x St / 1,9 Stone Giants are lean, muscular. Their hard, absolute hairless body is smooth and resembles sedimentary stone, making it easy for them to blend in with their mountainous surroundings. Their gaunt facial features and deep sunken black eyes make them seem perpetually grim. The typical stone Giant is about 18’ tall, weighing about 8500 Lbs. Females are about 5% shorter and lighter. They have a very tough skin resulting in a high AC and AV. They don’t wear any armor, not only to augment their own defensible Strength, but also because they dislike the feel and scent of any metal, or ore. Lead is poison B to them. Stone Giants can live to 800 years of age.
They use large stalactites as clubs. They often hurl rocks (ranges 100/200/ 300).
They live in caves or crude stone huts, and may have 1d4 cave bears as guards (50% chance).
Like most other giants, they carry their belongings with them. These sacks of leather hold several medium sized boulders, a portion of its wealth, and some additional common items. The most of their valuable belonging will be hidden in their lair, in secretive stone vault-like stone structures. A typical stone giant’s bag will contain 2d12 throwing rocks, a portion of the giant’s wealth, and 1d8 additional common items.
These giants speak, Sterratrim (Storm Giant), Gundirrim (Fire Giant), Bromdignags (Cloud Giant), Bratak (Hill Giant, and 50% chance a local common Human or Humanoid tongue. Those in contact with Rock-based creatures will know the tapping language of the Geonids and the basic Rock tongue, instead of that of the Storm and Cloud Giants.Origin
While stone Giants may seem to be merely a slightly different variety of the usual run of Giants, their origins and methods of procreation are quiet different. They’re, in fact, a case of parallel evolution, much like kobolds against gnomes. Stone Giants are the creation of some ancient Immortal of Earth. Some sages say that the Stone Golems some wizards have created are pale attempts to imitate this act of creation.
The actual body of a Stone Giant seems to be stone, though certainly not granite or marble. It’s much more like limestone or sandstone, nonetheless, they move and act like flesh-and-blood creatures, to the extent of eating other creatures for sustenance.
The Immortal made his creatures oviparous. This means that, after fertilization, the female lays three egg-shaped crystalline rock eggs, in platform depressions. These rocks about 18” tall / 10” wide./ 250 cn (about the size of a cocker spaniel) show faintly magical by Detect Magic, Analyze will reveal Conjuration / Necromantic / Evocation mix of magic of an Earth Planar power. Infravision show that the rocks are warmer than the surrounding rocks. These eggs grow as long as in contact with the earth for two months into a size of 5’ until they hatch into a small Stone Giant.
If removed from the earth, the stones will eventually (36 hours about) lose their magical aura and warmth, and the babies are never born.
Multiple eggs (always three) are normal, but multiple births are rare but not unknown, but never reach more than three eggs hatching. The whole process is more magical than most of the methods of reproduction extant in the world, even with all the magical creatures in it. Thus there’s a residue of magic in the eggs. For an Dispel magic to work against it, an eggs dweomer is treated as being cast by a 50th level caster. Baby stone Giants are worth 500gp on the market. Their value should be higher for magic-users and sages, but nobody actually knows what to do with them. Of coarse most countries have laws against slavery, but few have had to worry about whether Stone Giants are covered by the statutes or not. After all, subdued Dragons are often sold, and they’re intelligent, too.
In Death, Stone Giants don’t instantly revert to rocks, as some sages do aver. However, they do decompose rapidly and crumble away within a week of their deaths, no matter what’s done to try to preserve them. Some philosophers think the spirit of the Stone Giant is reborn into another Stone Giant, other think more along the soul-limbo way of soul exchange.
Stone Giants are the world’s greatest stone architects. The castles they make are the strongest of castles. The tunnels the carve are the most long-lasting. This is not a function of their Intelligence, but of their affinity for stone.
Age Stone Giant Natural AV Youth 0-12 Baby 0 13-25 Youngster 1 26-50 Teenager 2 Adulthood 51-70 Young Adult 3 71-375 Adult 4 Seniority 376-600 Mature 5 Veneration 601+ Elder 6 700+1d100 0 Death Combat
When possible, Stone Giants fight from a distance. They are able to hurl rocks a minimum distance of 3 yards to a maximum distance of 300 yards, doing 2d10 points of damage with each rock. These giants are able to catch stones and similar missiles 90% of the time. A favorite trick of these creatures is to use their appearance to stand nearly motionless against rocks and to blend in with their surroundings. A sedimentary stone they’ll appear like real stone belonging there, unless the colors are clashing (sedimentary stones are either Grayish or yellow or brown reddish tints). From this position of hiding they move forward to throw rocks, surprising most of their foes.
They use many tricks with other stones, avalanches, rock-slides, mud sweeps, etc. Many giants set up piles of rocks near their lair which can be triggered like an avalanche when intruders get too close. The lair itself has many traps these giants know exactly how to bypass or to trigger, especially near the living and treasury rooms.
When forced into melee combat they use large stone chiseled clubs for a BM of 3, and for any other non-stone weapon a BM of 2.
Stone giants can detect and identify living creatures via scent alone at a range of 30 feet.
Stone giants’ superior infravision operates at a range of 120 feet.Habitat/Society
They prefer to dwell in deep caves high in rocky, storm-swept mountains. The normally live in the company of their relatives and have a strong familiar bond. These families rarely are greater than 10 giants. Families have a habit though, to be located very near to others, however, for a sense of protection. A stone giant’s inhabited area has 2-16 family clans living with in a few miles from each other. Those living in rock-based creature areas are much larger in number, and because their size, many creatures would think these areas are owned by the Stone giants instead of the much smaller creatures.
Stone giants are crude artists, painting scenes of their lives on the walls of their lairs and tanned hide scrolls. These hides can hold many secrets.
Some of these giants are fond of music, and play stone flutes, and drums or use a so-called stalagmite organ—a combination of carefully selected stalactites in a cave, to produce a sort of organ-like piano sound—these caves are often immense and any faulty stalactite or stalagmite will be cleared, so that many can feel this emanating sound. The last well known Stone Giant concert of Marmorus Bianco in 1006 AC in a cave in the Thyatian Mountains harbored by the local Dwarves had about 2500 visitors of many species.
Other giants make stone or gem jewelry, fashioning painted stone beads, or different sedimentary stones into chains, and necklaces.
About 25% of the giant will be female, 25% male and about 50% youngsters. Young giants will resemble ogres in abilities and size at puberty, before that they’re human-sized stone toddlers.
Stone giants are fond of cave bears and 75% of their lairs will have 1-8 of them as guards. The few stone giants living in cold areas use polar bears as guards.
Magical abilities
One in twenty Stone Giants have developed special magical abilities, probably from the stone were they were kept as an egg, and hatched. These abilities are Stone Shape, Rock Door, and Transmute Rock to Mud at 10th power level, with an ability trigger time of 5, and given here for easy reference. Only one in three of these blessed giants become wizards.
Magic Users
These giants all become Earth Elementalists, but behave like Wokani for spells and extra experience. These Spellcasters rise often to positions of power and are considered the leaders of several clans. When they are above 10th level the abilities just mentioned are as strong as their own level in magical power.
Stone giants are playful, especially at night, they’re fond of rock throwing/catching contests and other matches that test their might. Tribes of committing giants will often gather to toss rocks at each other, the losing side being the giants who are hit more often.
Stone Shape
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: 10 cubic feet
Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster of this spell to shape solid stone as if it were a soft clay. It can be shaped, reshaped, and corrected for as long as the spell lasts. This spell is most often used to make stone sculptures, but an artist skill in this field is needed to make objects as finely statuettes, or other sculptures.
Rock Door
Range: caster only
Duration; 10 Turns
Effect: Opens a path through packed rocks.
Saving Throw: None
For the duration of this spell, no rocks can prevent the caster’s passage, no matter how dense. Even stalagmites will bend or magically open to allow the caster to pass. A solid mass of stone will be closed however, but cave-ins, stalagmite-forests open freely. The caster can freely carry equipment while moving through such barriers, but no other creature can use the passage (except when it is carried by, or holds on to the caster). Note that a caster can hide inside a large rock after casting this spell. The caster can’t see what is happening while he is in the rock.
Transmute Rock to Mud or Mud to Rock
Range: 160 feet
Duration; Permanent
Effect: Turns hard rock to soft mud.
Saving Throw: None
This spell turns natural rock of any kind (even Magical) to into an equal volume of mud. The most that can be transmuted is a cube of 200’ on a side. The depth of the mud can never exceed one-half its length and breadth (the rest will flow to the side, until the above circumstances are met). Once cast, the resulting mud acts like normal mud in all situations.
The Arts and the Stone Giants
Somewhere in the Altan Tepes Mountains between Thyatis and Karameikos exists the underground caves of the Stone Giants; the Living Cave.
Above all things, stone giants respect creative enterprise. They worship Mother Earth as the creator of their race. By indulging in creative activities themselves, the giants believe that they become closer to their immortal and closer to the secrets of the multiverse. As a consequence, the stone giants’ entire society is based around the notion of artistic skill. Creating, criticizing, and analyzing works of art is their one and only concern.
In fact, stone giants reduce all things; combat, social interaction, food preparation, etc. to an art form. Generally, stone giant art takes the form of elaborate carvings and sculptures, though a few stone giants are highly-skilled poets, actors, and painters. Within the last four thousand years (after the Rain of Fire), the stone giants’ dedication to their beliefs has grown even stronger.
On an evening that many stone giants shared a vision; leaders were visited by an enormous white owl. This owl prophesied that a new king would one day arise. The owl went on to lecture the stone giants about the value of truth and charged them with the task of maintaining a bank of wisdom that the new king could consult upon its return. Convinced that the owl was none other than a manifestation of the All-Father Odhinn himself, the giants redoubled their efforts, withdrew even further from the society of Giants, and began the so-called .Living Cave (see below). They are now so devoted to their own work and the integrity of their ordning that they barely notice events in the outside world.
Ordning challenges among the stone giants are based solely upon artistic skill (although the giants respect those who can interpret art, their greatest praise is saved for those who create). To settle a challenge, the two competitors retreat to isolated caves located deep in the heart of the grotto and begin furiously creating their works. Stone giants taking part in such a challenge are quite a sight to behold-their work is fast, focused, and deliberate.
Often, they are so inspired by opportunity that they are unable to eat or communicate until the work is finished, a process that often takes up to 10 days and sometimes takes even longer. (The ordning challenge that seated the current lord of the stone giants lasted a record 24 days!) Only when both of the giants are finished with their work do the other members of the tribe come to view the works and judge the results. The winner of the contest is the giant whose work displays the greatest insight and the most prodigious inspiration. Although it sounds as if the subjective nature of such a judgment would lead to disagreement, making it difficult to select a winner, such is not the case among the stone giants. Their faculties are so attuned to their work and the work of their brethren that in over 5,000 years of challenges, there has never been anything but a completely unanimous decision.
Sitting atop the stone giant ordning is the Lord, the very finest artisan in the entire grotto. Currently, this position is occupied by an ambitious giant known as Vardun, the youngest ever to hold the throne. Although Vardun’s reign began spectacularly with bold innovations in the arts and a great deal of progress on the Living Wall, life in the grotto has recently taken a turn for the worse. Over the course of the last few months, a series of mysterious mutilations and desecrations have wrenched the inspiration from many of the grotto‘s inhabitants. Unknown to the other giants, these ghastly deeds are actually the work of Lord Vardun himself. Just before he was elevated to the throne, Vardun went exploring in the western spires in search of new truths for the Living Cave.
There, he stumbled across the Dour Fissure and the bizarre friezes that decorated its hideous walls. Like most stone giants, Vardun’s greatest weakness is his curiosity. While gazing at the friezes, he became convinced that they concealed some ghastly yet important truth.
Ever since, his mind has refused to stop contemplating the carvings until he manages to unlock their secret. His current attempts to unlock the secret of the friezes revolve around experimental carvings of living flesh and the ‘art’ of destroying beauty. He has even begun to seduce some of his fellow giants down his own twisted path. Still undiscovered by the majority of the grotto’s residents, Vardun and his conspirators hold secret midnight meetings deep in recesses of the Living Cave (see below).
Life in the Grotto
Stone giant society is divided into seven distinct strata. Although there are a couple of general exceptions, no one stratum is inherently higher ranked than any of the others. Generally, there are high- and low-ranking giants found in all the groups. Bearing special mention is the relationship between master and student that serves as the foundation of stone giant civilization. Shortly after each stone giant child is born, he or she is apprenticed to an older giant from the same stratum as the giant’s parents. Though stone giant children retain a certain loyalty to their parents, ultimately it is the responsibility of this older giant to guide the child’s development and help the child assume his or her place in the ordning sans in the whole grotto. (The Lord is always the highest ranking master.)
Their work (whether woodworking, orating, sword fighting, or tanning) provides inspiration for all of the other tribesmen and tends to establish artistic trends followed by lower ranking giants. Two special privileges set the masters apart from the rest of society. First, only the masters are aware of the existence of the Living Cave. Although other giants in the grotto are often directed by the masters to execute special works that will be transported or copied in the cave, the true importance of these works. And the fact that they are destined for the living cave, is never explained to them. Second, a portrait of each giant who reaches master rank is carved into a vast frieze located in the grotto’s entryway. This intricate mural serves as a sort of .hall of fame that helps the stone giants pass their history along to succeeding generations.
Masters are the most talented and skilled artisans
Disciples are giants who spend all of their time creating new works but aren’t quite as talented or experienced as the masters. Again, it’s important to point out that although most stone giant artworks are carvings and sculptures, some giants have chosen to pursue more nontraditional art forms. Thus, it’s possible for a master poet to hold the title ‘Disciple’. Critics are responsible for judging and analyzing works of art. Contrary to the notorious bad will that exists between their human counterparts, giant artists and critics tend to hold each other in the highest esteem. The stone giants recognize that without the aid of critics, most artisans would fail to recognize and eliminate the flaws in their own works. Critics also help the artisans identify the paths their works are exploring and help place the work in a historical context, allowing the artisan to refer back to appropriate older works for inspiration. The Patrons in the stone giant society are responsible for providing the tribe with inspiration. Generally, they accomplish this goal by relating the myths of the faith and teaching important spiritual lessons.
Ponderers are responsible for seeking out new truths. They spend most of their days pouring over voluminous books and consulting with artisans. Stone giant books are carved in magical script on huge biotite sheets and bound with granite covers. As a consequence, all storm giant ponderers are at least 1st level wizards. Generally, after a ponderer makes an important new discovery, it’s only a short time before the find appears in several of the artisans’ friezes and sculptures.
Although the vast portion of the giants. Library consists of the biotite folios they assemble themselves, the giants are always interested in acquiring books and scrolls prepared by other races. These books are carefully examined by the ponderers and transcribed to biotite for easier access. Although the stone giants once commissioned giants from other tribes to secure such treasures, they now tend to deal exclusively with humans and demihumans. Three or four of King Camden ‘s subjects are well-known to the inhabitants of the grotto and often act as intermediaries between the ponderers and human adventurers willing to seek after specific tomes and scrolls. In exchange for their service, the humans receive a portion of the enormous treasure the stone giants have accumulated over the ages. Laborers work the veins of gems and precious metals that run through the grotto. (Remember, the entire complex was once a mine.) These items are usually given to the tribes’ human friends, who use them to purchase supplies and hire the adventurers who work with the ponderers. As something of an exception to the general rule of equality between the various strata of the society, only giants who are considered artistic failures end up among the laborers.
Lowest ranking of all the grotto’s inhabitants are the Servants, who prepare food, clean carving tools, etc.
The Living Cave
After the white owl appeared to the stone giant leaders so long ago, the current Lord ordered some of the grotto’s deepest caves sealed off from the rest of the society. Within these caves, the Lord resolved to carve an enormous frieze that somewhere encompassed every truth known to the stone giants and ultimately every truth in the world. This frieze was to become the repository of wisdom that directed the tribe to maintain (if, in fact, the owl was a messenger from the All-Father). Because the frieze was vitally important to the future of the entire Giant race, the Lord decided to keep its existence a secret from his people. Only he and his masters would actually execute the works that would compose the caves, though he would direct some of the tribe’s other members to unwittingly assist him. Shortly after the epic task was underway, the project became known as the Levendehuele “the Living Cave’.
Two centuries later, the Living Cave fills more than 200 miles of tunnel from floor to ceiling (including the floors and ceilings themselves!) with ornate murals, sculptures, and friezes that depict the information equivalent to that found in thousands of books to anyone skilled in their interpretation.
At present, almost all of the works executed by the tribe are somehow linked to the cave, though few stone giants are even aware of its existence. Among the secrets housed some where in the Living Cave are the true history of the Giants, the true origins of dragonkind, the nature of the divine, the secrets of the beginning and end of the world, and the essential secret of magic. Just because these truths can be gleaned from the caves’ inscriptions, however, does not mean that the stone giants have mastered them.
By its very nature, the giants’ art is somewhat mysterious, and even they are often incapable of interpreting its meaning. Bringing together all of the disparate works and influences that now grace the walls of the Living Cave has put the answers to some enormous questions within reach, but divining these secrets still requires correct interpretation and analysis. In fact, the bigger the secret, the greater the time needed for such studies' one might prowl around the cave’s hundreds of miles for several years before properly decoding the true history of the Stone Giants. In game terms, there is a 50% chance that anyone fortunate enough to visit the Living Cave can glean the equivalent of a legend lore or commune spell with a successful Wisdom ability check. Such an effort takes anywhere from a few hours to a few years, though, depending upon the complexity of the answer sought. Furthermore, it is impossible to effectively consult the cave without accessing the stone giants. Biotite library to help translate and interpret its secrets.
Description of some of the grotto’s key locations
High Priest’s Sanctum
The only inhabitant of the grotto who is not a master, but still knows of the existence of the Living Cave, is the high priest of Skoraeus. In fact, the high priest maintains a secret sanctuary deep within the Cave itself, which he uses for special vigils and prayers. Recently, Bahroon, the current high priest of the grotto, has started to suspect Vardun of treachery. In any case, he is certain that Vardun is taking some of the tribesmen into the Living Cave for secret nightly meetings, though he has yet to muster the courage to share his suspicions or investigate these meetings himself.
Magical Workshops
Unlike most breeds, stone giants place nearly as high a value upon the study of traditional sorcery as upon the practice of rune casting that Annam bequeathed upon the Stone Giants. (The stone giants believe that sorcery conceals some of the essential truths they have pledged to unearth.) Within their grotto, they maintain some of the largest and most well-stocked magic workshops in the whole valley. An almost unbelievable number of magical items can be found scattered around the shops.
Stone giants mining the earth are a sight that must be seen to be believed. They tear through the thick subterranean walls as if they were paper and pull the valuable ores from the rock with their bare hands. Although stone giants are capable of mining a vein roughly four times faster than dwarves, their .rough and ready. Approach leaves the passages they mine susceptible to rock falls and cave-ins that pose a distinct danger to creatures smaller than themselves.
As one might expect, the stone giants maintain some of the largest libraries in their hidden greater caves. Keenly aware of the value of books, they take extra care to shore up the ceilings in the libraries to protect their contents from rock falls and falling dust. Each library houses a dozen enormous granite shelves large and sturdy enough to hold dozens of biotite folios.
Living Quarters
Stone giant living quarters are always incredibly Spartan, often consisting of a pile of skins (for a bed) and a single stool. All stone giants share their quarters with their students, and often, several master/student pairs live in the same caves.Ecology
Stone giants are omnivorous, but they’ll eat only fresh food, or as fresh preserved. They mostly cook and eat their meal quickly after it’s killed, harvested or collected. They use the skins from their goats for blankets, trade and simple clothing (a strange habit they learned from humans, which they actually don’t understand, but most humanoids seem to do it, so their must be something to it). They trade with nearby human and demi-human communities in exchange for bolts of cloth, herd animals, tools of iron or different kinds of food. These creatures are true neutral, balancing themselves on the rim of alignments. They keep and herd giant goats in and near their lair for a constant supply of dairy works. They can be hired by many for constructions. Maybe due this and their alignment they’re the most seen giant in cities and villages. Many stone giant bands keep giant goats in and near their lairs so they will have a continuous supply of milk, cheese, and butter. Food x5Shamans & Wokani:
Should the character decide to become a Spellcaster, he needs more experience points per level to achieve a higher character and thus casting level. The indicated XP have to be gained before actually acquiring the corresponding spellcasting level. This means that one can’t start with a spell-casting character when the PC is created. For example, if a 3rd level Cay-man wanted to become a 1st level spell-caster upon reaching his next level, he would need to reach a total of 16,000 XP instead of 15,000. In order to cast spells, a Shaman must have a Wisdom of 9 or better. A Wokani needs an Intelligence of 9 or better. All spell-casters must be at least 1st level in their race to be able to cast spells.
Level extra XP 1 1000 2 2000 3 4000 4 8000 5 16.000 6 32.000 Faith
The Stone Giants recently stated to follow the Geonid Immortal Avalanche (see there) but many still follow the All-Father Odhinn himself. They are always Shaman instead of normal clerics, whatever faith they follow.False Giant
Titan (Homus Titanus)
Sphere Any except Entropy Status Immortal Initiate Type Giant Humanoid Climate/Terrain Any Frequency Extremely Rare Organization Group Activity Cycle Any, but mostly day Diet Omnivore x5 AL any NA 1(1d3) Size ; H 21-30'tall BM 3 ST 1d8+17 IN 1d8+17 WI 1d8+17 DX 1d8+17 CO 1d8+17 CH 1d8+17 Languages any Spellcaster Limits; mage 36 after using 50TP Power Points: 250 TP AC -3 AV by armor HD 15******** Hp 1d4+4/HD MV 150'/50' THAC0 9 AT 2 fist Damage 2d6 each Att 1 weapon Damage by weapon Special attacks Immortal magic, Mortal Magic 36 mage Boulder Throwing 15% chanceHurling/Boulder Throwing Catch large Missiles 25% Ranges boulder 3'-150'-300'-600'/1200' Boulder damage 4d10 Boulder Averages; 2-4ftØ 300 LBS Smash, Sweep, Slam Special Defenses; Immortal magic, Mortal Magic 36 mage Immune to; Mortal Magic, Weapons of +2 or lesser enchntment Extra Vulnerable to; 0 Hindrances -4 To Hit small creatures Skills any at life AM 25% Sv IM 1 ML 11 TT nil or 10d10 gems XP 10050(1PP) Enlarged 52.800 (5PP) Weight 15.000LBS Titans are beings which appear similar to attractive humans
Titans are the special servants of the Immortals. They are not born but created. Most were once mortal servants of the immortals and proved so valuable that the immortals in questiobn wished for them to be available forever; however, most were not likely candidates for Immortality. Hierarchs transformed them into Titans; Titans are like Immortals in many ways but may not progress beyond the abilities shown here
Every Hierarch of Matter, Energy, Time, Thought has about 20 Titans as servants. There are no entropic Titans; The Entropic equivalebts of Titans are lesser Fiends or Nightwalkers.
Titans regenerate Temporary Power and Hit Points at the same rate as Immortals. They are able to cast Immortal level spells. They can spend Temporary power to be able to cast magic as a 36 level magic user and their knowledge encompasses most if not all spell(some even forgotten-like the Immortals)Titanbs hav e no Aura. They do not have multiple Manifestation Forms and cannot take on Mortal Identities or Incorporeal Forms like Immortals. They cannot create artifacts, and create mortal level magical items exactly as mortals do.
Titans cannot be damaged by normal or silver weapons, nor by mortal level magical weapons of +2 or lesser enchantment. They have Anti Magic ability, but it is not as powerful as that of treu Immortals. They cannot be affected by Mortal Magic.
When a titan is reduced to 0 hp, its body perishes and its lifeforce returns to its homeplane. there it can't do anything but drift and communicate with living creatures until a Hierarch places it in a another new body.
They are not very ambitious beingsl they know they have advanced as far as they ever will. they prefer to be adressed informally. they seldom carry weapons.
Titans are found singly or in pairs on all planes. they are not commonly found on the Prime Plane. When dencountered there, they are usually in the company of 2d4 cyclops servants.
There is a planet rumoured to house titans living together as a sort of society.Each titan usually carries 10-100 gems when encountered where valuables are useful, but rarely carries anything else. Though titans are able to use all types of weapons, they prefer to carry none.
Background: The titans aspire to full Immortal status, but none have ever achieved it. All titans nevertheless maintain hope that eventually, through their devotion and service, they may yet achieve that greatest of rewards. Some few titans secretly resent humans and demihumans because of this, although they successfully hide this attitude from the Immortals.
Titan's encountered: Select or randomly determine a Sphere for the titan to serve, ignoring Entropy. The titan encountered has a specific mission, and may contact his or her patron Immortal at any time, by telepathic means. The titan's attitude may be friendly or neutral, but will never be overtly hostile. Titans encountered on the Astral Plane always retreat if attacked, since their assigned tasks have priority, but they may later seek out their attackers (often with allies) to settle unfinished business.According to legends Titans can enlarge themselves three times their original size, by using the Element they are attuned to (Energy=Fire, Matter=Earth, etc), this way trippling their Strenth, damages, ranges, but not their THAC0, and their penalty to hhit small creatures now includes also Humansized creatures. They can do this only at the cost of 150TP
Immortals are infertile, but legends speak that Titans have mated with various creatures, with various results. It is suggested that the Titan uses the Immortal create species spell to enable this.
Titans are very large and thus(even if they shrink themselves to 50% at 50 TP cost)prefer larger creatures to mate, or handle.Titans often are opposing the Immortals of other Spheres.(like in the Greek Legends)
The movies Clash/Wrath of the Titans do NOT merit the legends and appearance correctly. And as thus are a very bad source for game info.
Humanoid Quarik Type Humanoid Climate/Terrain North Brun Domed city Frequency Very Rare Organization tribe Activity Cycle any Diet Omnivore AL N NA 20d10 Size M; 5'-8' tall ST 12+1d8= 13-20 IN 3-18 WI 3d6-2= 3-16 DX 3-18 CO 2d6+6=7-18 CH 3-18 Languages Quarik Spellcaster Limits; C20/MU20 AC 6 AV 0 HD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9( max) Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 HP by class as humans MV 90'/30'(even on snow/ice die material&adaptation) THAC0 by class Attacks 1 weapon Damage by weapon Special Attacks; by class Special Defenses 0 Immune to; non magical Cold Extra Vulnerable to; 0 AM 0 Save as; Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ML 10 XP by class as humans (see easy table Here TT F Body Weight 2000+3d100cn Some additional Information;
Along the Nine Planes of the Yggdrasil (world ash/world tree) a conduit Plane to other Planes, there are other worlds where Giants live.
As the size of these giants seem according legend much larger. You can assume that also on D&D.
The easiest way to resolve this is by Doubling the size, range, and damages, and triple the XP gained by defeating one.All the tables above give standard statistics...this means that after rolling abilities, adjust the statistics acordingly (St vs. damage, hit, DX vs ranged hits, CO, vs hit points, etc)
This is what I had compiled;
Sources are ALL D&D basic books, modules, bixed sets, adventures, and many AD&D1,AD&D2, Edda, Greek legends, Russian Fairytales, Pandius, Piazza, with a touch of myself in merging these into one source.I forgot the Quarik
Half Giant
Qauriks (Homo sapiens Quaricus)Quariks are of above normal height and are very strong (strength scores of 15 to 18 are common. They have dead-white skins, pale bleu eyes and hair. At the corners of their mouths are two protruding fangs. Their feet are hairy with sharp downward curving claws which are used to grip the ice. They appear more primitive than other species. They seem to be some sort of de-evolution back towards Neanderthal, and specialized evolution towards living in the cold area. Outside the city they wear heavy furs and ride ice wolves. Inside they favor warm colors like red and orange garb. Quariks wield mostly two-handed swords, large battle axes and lances. They do not use shields.
They can achieve levels of experience in the fighter, mage, thief and cleric class (others do not exist among them) as normal humans, but when they reach 20th level they are summoned to the Firelords (to never return).
The Quariks live in a domed crystal city within the Polar Regions (exactly where is unknown as yet 1016AC). They are a hardy race who takes great pride in their culture and achievements. The Quarik city lies in the midst of an icy valley, somewhere on the Skothar continent (originally further north than Former Blackmoor).
The city was cut off many millennia ago by huge avalanches which blocked the mountain passes and have since frozen solid. This happened in 3000BC with the great rain of Fire.Habitat/Society
They are led by a group of 8 magic users (levels 8 to 15) known as the Firelords. The Firelords control all the aspects of the city and ensure that its inhabitants survive the harsh conditions of the region. The Firelords live in a majestic palace in the heart of the crystal city, from where they control the powerful fire elementals which provide heating for the city. The city itself is a gigantic steel and (special treated to indestructibility) glass dome, and a gigantic underground cave like area. In fact the dome only incorporates four miles of the valley (about 15%); while the rest is later topped off with stone, wood and other materials to block the outside world. The temperature outside is between -50 º Fahrenheit and -30º with lots of wind (7+) and precipitation (Blizzards, snow, ice, hail), the inside varies between -40 º and -5 º. However, there is no wind; any precipitation comes from molten ice snow frozen to the roof, due to the fire elementals. Near the Firelords the temperature rises to a more comfortable 5º or inside the palace to 25º. This temperature is very uncomfortable to the Quariks, causing them to suffer heat exhaustion like when a normal person walks in a desert.
The folk of Quarik are kept in awe of the fire lords by use of their phantasmal force spells to appear as mighty supernatural beings. The Quarik willingly die for their leaders believing that in doing so they become supernatural beings themselves. The Firelords exploit their subjects’ fanaticism by actively preying on them. It is considered a great honor to be called to the Firelords’ palace, where it is believed the person dwells in ecstasy forever. What the Quarik do not realize is that those entering the palace are consumed alive by the cannibalistic Firelords.
No Quarik (of any Level of experience) can ever be made to doubt the wisdom of their leaders and the are fond of pointing to the warmth and majesty of their city as proof of the Firelords’ power and beneficence (even under the influence of magic, charms or similar—this is an inbred obedience created by the Firelords and is now a natural treat). They see themselves as a people blessed, for their gods live among them. Any evidence to the contrary will be dismissed—it is not their place in life (or death) to doubt the actions of their gods. (Other gods are dismissed as being uninterested in whoever, for being faraway or even nonexistent).
The descriptions of these lost humans would indicate that they evolved to survive their habitat. These humans were explorers from ancient Blackmoor, researching the discovery of a Unicorn haven in this valley. Then the Blackmoor disaster struck and the Great Rain of Fire and the tilting of the planet caused the avalanches that isolated them (or even the cold climate). The city was cut off many millennia ago by huge avalanches which blocked the mountain passes and have since frozen solid. Isolated for so long from other peoples, they have interbred magically with local Sasquatches. Of course, some of them probably became Frost Mages (elementalist magic-users) at some point during their isolation. Together this gave them 4000 years to evolve and adapt to their environment, and become a truly different human race. This race can’t breed with any human race anymore except their own. Their number is now about four thousand, and roughly stable. They do not know any transportation or communication spell.