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The Giant Crystals of North Brun and North Skothar
by Robin
These are the Crystaline Impact craters found everywhere on the most Northern part of the Northern Hemisphere of Mystara (North Brun, Norwold, North Skothar, each pink dot on the map). These are the best known crystal on Mystara, and the most occuring. They seem to be almost instantaneous created bushes of crystal of immense size (as if the impact of something is halted and transformed), and indeed these are the oldest rememberance of the GroF and are the magical reaction of Urt the Megalith (which Mystara is) literally paralyzing the Radiance holding returning parts ofter the GroF explosion impacting on the surface. Yet even the planet itself was not fast and powerful enough to stop the disaster and oncoming destruction. It is however proven by sages and mages, these dangerous yet beautiful crystals had nullified the most dangerous Radiance bearing impacting objects. Even up to today these wonderful crystals, are only found in craters, where only the last centuries some vegetation and lowlife succeeded to settle. These crystals have no magical powers, and those active ones are even antimagic zones, still actively capturing Radiance affected Magic and transforming it into Crystalline Matter(completely nullifying it permanently), and by the elves are called ; “Imirë ló Ingolë Hlívë” (Crystals of Deep Magical Disease).
DM; If Urt had not done this, the whole northern part of Mystara would have been a nuclear wasteland, and the Wasting Disease would be globally still be in its prime, and magic would be greatly affected both benificially as detrimentally. Most life would be non-existent in the north, and all-over the planet the variety of most forms of life we know of our Mystara would be less than 10%, and many races would be non-existing; most dominantly the magical races like Elves, Fairies, Fairykin, sentient Plants, and Dragons would be non-existent, and mostly Vermin, Lowlife, Undead, as well as Humanoids, Giants and Humans would prevail. And although the Planet would still try to heal its received damage, by crystal zones, the disaster would be globally.
There is to be assumed at least one reality of Mystara where this happened, which can be accessed by temporal influenced Planar Gates. Many Immortals regularly visit this Planar Reality which is even dangerous to them to see how life is surviving the continuated disaster effects, or they might send Mortal agents. This PDF is usable to detail the Humanoids there, beside humans and Giants as being a dominant species there.