Council of Elders
Council of Elders:
Mendari (Male Elven Fighter/Mage, 7th/7th lvl}
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Move: 12
AC: 1
THAC0: 14
Hit Points: 35
Strength: 15
Intelligence: 14
Dexterity: 16
Wisdom: 13
Constitution: 11
Charisma: 15
Note: Abilities have been reduced by age.
Proficiencies: Dancing -16, Local History (Radlebb Woods) -15, Animal Lore -14, Hunting -13, Swimming -15, Riding (Land Based) -16, Bowyer/Fletcher - 15, Tracking -7
Languages: Elven (Callarii Dialect), Thyatian, Dwarven, and Traldar
Armour: Elven Chain +1, Medium Shield
Weapons: Long Sword (Specialised), Short Bow, Dagger, Spear and Footman's Mace
Magic Items: Long Sword +2 w/Continual Light and Detect Lies, Earring of Clairaudience, Potion of Flying
Age: 633
Height: 5'-1"
Weight: 119 lbs
Hair/Eyes: Long blonde hair and pale blue eyes
Spells: (4/3/2/1) Dancing Lights, Magic Missile, Spider Climb, Wall of Fog, Detect Evil, Levitate, Whispering Wind, Dispel Magic, Wind Wall, Solid Fog.Mendaril is a relatively recent addition to the council. For most of his life, he never even considered that one day he would sit on the council. "There's sure to be someone more able," he would say. As he approached the eligible age, he began to realise that more and more, he didn't agree with the current council's decisions. He felt Cylitheara was too preoccupied by her studies and Synthandria lacked the proper perspective. So, to his own astonishment, when the seat was offered, he accepted. Before being on the council, he served Goldleaf for hundreds of years, as protector and it's foremost bowyer. He is a quiet, modest and somewhat reserved elf, who, even after 635 years, still takes enjoyment from the simple things. Although he prefers more physical pursuits, he is also an accomplished mage. Well respected, he often teaches younger elves the basics of swordplay and archery. When the refugees arrived, he was a strong advocate towards allowing them to join the community. Since then he has developed a close friendship with Deloran Grunalf and many other refugees. He is married and has two sons, both of which still live in Goldleaf.
(Female Elven Mage, 12th lvl)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Move: 12
AC: 2
THAC0: 17
Hit Points: 34
Strength: 9
Intelligence: 18
Dexterity: 12
Wisdom: 13
Constitution: 12
Charisma: 12
Note: Abilities have been reduced by age.
Proficiencies: Ancient History (Elven) -17, Astrology -18, Spellcraft -16, Singing -12, Dancing -12, Herbalism -16, Swimming -9, Animal Lore -18, Monster Lore -16.
Languages: Elven (Callarii Dialect), Thyatian, Darokin, Alphatian and Traldar
Armour: None
Weapons: Staff and Dagger +1
Equipment: Bracers of Defence AC 4, Staff of Elemental Water, Crystal Ball, Ring of Protection +2, various scrolls and potions
Age: 723
Height: 5'-1"
Weight: 109 lbs.
Hair/Eyes: Long braided light blonde hair and pale blue eyes.
Spells: (4/4/4/4/4/1)
Cylithera has an extensive spell library. In addition to the following, the DM is free to add whatever spells are appropriate, keeping in mind she does not use Necromantic or Illusion spells. Metamorphose Liquids, Insatiable Thirst, Wall of Water, Water Breathing, Watery Double, Conjure Elemental-Kin, Ice Storm, Vitriolic Sphere, Wall of Ice, Airy Water, Cone of Cold, Conjure Elemental, Rusting Grasp, Transmute Rock to Mud, Lower Water, Freezing Sphere, Part Water, and Transmute Water to Dust.Cylithera is currently the oldest council member. During her youth, she was self-centred and irresponsible. She spent her time dancing and singing, oblivious to the passage of time. She felt as if she would live forever, and there was always tomorrow. Her father was several centuries older then her and sat on the council during this time. Since elves do not age the same as humans, they tend to show the passage of time less evidently. She never truly comprehended the reality of her father's age. Several years before the end of his eighth century, he became aware that his time to "pass on" was approaching. When Cylithera was told, she ignored the implications and continued with her normal life, believing her father would live for many more years.
When he finally passed on, she was devastated. She was forced to accept that even though elves are long lived, they are not immortal. Almost over night, she became a different person. Gone was the light hearted, care free elf maiden, replaced by a driven woman. She vowed to make up for lost time and accomplish something useful with her life. She had always been fascinated by magic, and choose to devote her time to mastering the art. The whole community recognised the change, and Cylithera quickly became respected for her single minded devotion, and skill with magic. Years later, when offered a seat on the council, she accepted, seeing it as the perfect opportunity to make a difference. Unfortunately, her devotion to magic has become an obsession. Now she spends nearly all her time studying the magical arts. From time to time, she takes an apprentice, but more often than not, she is alone with her studies. She takes her position on the council seriously, but often gets distracted and forgets meetings or other functions. When she puts her mind to it, she is a wise and insightful leader. Mendaril and Synthandria recognise this, and allow her some leeway, except when important matters are involved. To strangers, she may seem aloof and self centred, but she cares deeply for Goldleaf and it's people.
(Female Elf)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Move: 12
AC: 8
THAC0: 20
Hit Points: 6
Strength: 11
Intelligence: 14
Dexterity: 14
Wisdom: 13
Constitution: 11
Charisma: 14
Note: Abilities have been reduced by age.
Proficiencies: Seamstress -16, Weaving -15, Leather Working -15, Dancing -14, Singing -14, Swimming -11, Musical Instrument (Elven Harp) -13
Languages: Elven (Callarii Dialect), Thyatian
Armour: None
Weapons: Long Sword, Short Bow, Dagger
Equipment: As needed, none magical.
Age: 659
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 95 lbs
Hair/Eyes: Long light reddish blonde and hazel eyes.Synthandria is by all accounts an almost typical elf. She has spent her entire life in Radlebb woods. One of the local seamstresses, she has had no reason to venture farther away from Goldleaf than Rifllian. Well loved by all in the village, she is kind, giving and compassionate. Her husband has passed on, but her two children still live nearby. Her perspective on life in Goldleaf comes from hundreds of years of happiness and contentment within the protective embrace of the forest and is one of her greatest strengths. It is also her greatest flaw. She has barely any understanding of life beyond the forest. This sometimes interferes with her ability to make informed decisions about the intentions of outsiders. She is respected by the other council members, and seen as an example of what is good in Goldleaf, but also as an example of how limited experience can effect an otherwise capable leader. Regardless of her naiveté, Synthandria compliments the other council members, providing an excellent balance to Mendaril's over-protective tendencies and Cylithera's preoccupation with magic. She is the council member most directly involved with the day to day activities of the village.
Deloran Grunalf
(Male Elven Ranger, 8th lvl, Former Leader of the Alfheim Refugees)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Move: 12
AC: 3
THAC0: 13
Hit Points: 52
Strength: 15
Intelligence: 12
Dexterity: 16
Wisdom: 14
Constitution: 15
Charisma: 12
Note: Abilities have been reduced by age.
Proficiencies: Direction Sense -15, Swimming -15, Animal Lore -12, Set Snares -11, Survival (Woodland) -12, Tracking -14, Hunting -13, Cartography -12
Primary Terrain: Forest
Species Enemy: Ogres
Hide in Natural Setting: 59%
Move Silently: 67%
Languages: Elven(Alfheim Dialect), Thyatian, Darokin, Dwarven and Ogre
Armour: Leather Armour +2 and small wooden shield
Weapons: Long Bow, Long Sword, Dagger, Spear, Hand Axe and
Equipment: Cloak of Elvenkind, Long Bow of Icicles and Ring of Warmth
Age: 580
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Hair/Eyes: Light brown hair and green eyes.
Spells: 1 per day from the following list: Allergy Field, Animal Friendship, Entangle, Invisibility to Animals, Locate Animals or Plants, Log of Everburning, Pass without Trace, Recover Trail, Revitalise Animal or Shillelagh.Deloran was the leader of the Alfheim refugees on their journey south. Today, although no longer their official leader, the refugees look to him for support. Before the invasion of Alfheim, Deloran was a cartographer who spent many months each year mapping his beloved homeland. He learned of the Shadow Elves' attack by running into a group of elves trying to escape. His knowledge of the forest and duty to it's inhabitants made it impossible to refuse their request for help. As they moved throughout the forest, they picked up other survivors. Eventually, they made there way south into Karameikos and settled in Goldleaf. Deloran believed that as soon as he saw his charges to safety, he was going to return to help his fellow elves fight off the Shadow Elves. One thing after another forced him to remain with the refugees until it was too late. Alfheim had fallen, and returning now would only get him killed. Because of this he harbours great guilt over leaving his homeland, but knows that many of his fellow refugees would have died without his help. Outwardly, he is a confidant and knowledgeable elf, but sometimes second guesses himself when important decisions are called for. In all he is proud of his accomplishments. He tends to be very protective of his fellow refugees.
Brista Silvermist
(Female Elven Ranger, 7th lvl)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Move: 12
AC: 5(3)
THAC0: 14
Hit Points: 53
Strength: 15
Intelligence: 13
Dexterity: 16
Wisdom: 14
Constitution: 14
Charisma: 13
Proficiencies: Tracking - 15, Survival (Woodland) - 14, Animal Lore -13, Herbalism -11, Weather Sense -13, Ecology (Spiders) -13, Direction Sense -15
Primary Terrain: Forest
Species Enemy: Giant Spiders
Hide in Natural Setting: 53%
Move Silently: 60%
Languages: Elven (Callarii Dialect), Thyatian, Gnoll, and Traldar
Armour: Leather armour and small wooden shield
Weapons: Long Bow, Long Sword, Hand Axe, Spear, Dagger, Footman's Mace
Equipment: Woodsman's Leather +1/+3 in natural setting, Long Sword +1/+2 vs Spiders, Cloak of the Forest
Age: 156
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Hair/Eyes: Long blonde hair and deep blue eyes.Brista is unofficial leader of the Goldleaf defences and the sister of the recently deceased Tianna Silvermist. She is good natured and well liked by the villagers. She spends most of her time patrolling the forest and checking in with smaller elven communities in Radlebb Woods. Of all the dangers of the forest, Brista hates spiders most. As a child, Brista was captured by a giant spider and dragged back to its web to be consumed. If not for a timely rescue by the elven ranger who would later become her mentor, she would now be dead. To this day, she remembers her terror and the sickening feeling of helplessness she was forced to endure. As a result, she does not hesitate to kill any species of giant spider she encounters.
Brista is a member of the Guardians of the Wood. The Guardians of the Wood consist of members from all non-evil intelligent races found in Radlebb Woods. They act as an information network, keeping watch on areas of possible trouble within the forest. Currently, the Guardian's other members include an elder Treant, an Actaeon, a forest gnome, a human druid, a hammadryad and individuals from several other sylvan races. One night each month, Brista meets with her fellow Guardians to share news from across the forest. The recent death of her sister troubles her deeply. She feels a certain degree of misplaced guilt over her imagined failure to protect her younger sibling, and has sworn to make sure no others ever suffer because of her mistakes. To this end, she continues to search for the Shadow Elves to determine the true reason for their presence and the nature of their leaders relationship with her sister. She is very close with Kaelen Deepeyes, who she adventured with for many years.
Kaelen Deepeyes
(Female Elven Priestess of Ilsundal, 8th lvl)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Move: 12
AC: 1
THAC0: 16
Hit Points: 43
Strength: 11
Intelligence: 12
Dexterity: 15
Wisdom: 17
Constitution: 14
Charisma: 14
Proficiencies: Ceremonies of Ilsundal -17, Pottery -13, Astrology -12, Healing -16, Herbalism -12 Religion -17, Riding (Land Based) -20
Languages: Elven (Callarii Dialect), Thyatian, Traldar.
Armour: Elven Chain, Medium Shield
Weapons: Footman's Mace (Expertise), Quarterstaff and Sling.
Equipment: Elven Chain +2, Mace of Spellwarding, Holy Symbol of Ilsundal, and several scrolls of various spells
Age: 176
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 92 lbs.
Hair/Eyes: Shoulder length reddish-blonde hair and emerald green eyes.
Spells: (3/3/3/2) Major: All, Charm, Creation, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Sun, Wards. Minor: Astral, Combat, Chaos, Summoning, Thought.
Special Power: Ilsundal's Awareness, priests of Ilsundal may cast one extra divination spell per spell level (ie 1 extra first level divination spell at 1st level and above, 1 extra second level divination spell at 3rd level and above, etc.).Kaelan is Goldleaf's priestess of Ilsundal and resident healer. She has two acolytes and a young priest who help tend to the spiritual needs of the villagers. There is no temple in Goldleaf, but Kaelan maintains the Pool of Ilsundal (described above) and performs public ceremonies near the "Old One". Peaceful at heart, she does not hesitate to join in the defence of Goldleaf and her fellow elves when needed. She spent many years adventuring with Brista Silvermist and considers her one of her closest friends. In her free time, she makes exquisite pottery, which is gaining popularity outside Goldleaf. She sells her pottery at modest prices, using what profits she needs, and saving the rest to help others. She has recently become romantically involved with a local elf, and many believe they are destined to marry.
Siristel Celebryl
(Male Shadow Elf Fighter/Mage 7th/6th lvl, Shadow Elf Outpost Commander)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Move: 12
AC: 3
THAC0: 15
Hit Points: 32
Strength: 16
Intelligence: 16
Dexterity: 15
Wisdom: 13
Constitution: 14
Charisma: 13
Proficiencies: Direction Sense -14, Riding, Airborne (Skin Wing) -11, Survival (Underground) -16, Trail Marking (Underground) -13, Ancient History (Shadow Elves) -15, Sound Analysis -13, Animal Lore (Underground) -16, Swimming -16, Fungi Recognition -19,
Languages: Shadow Elven, Elven(Alfheim Dialect), Thyatian, Dwarven and Orcish
Armour: Elven Chain Mail +1
Weapons: Long Sword (Expertise), Dagger, Light Crossbow, Hand Axe
Two-Weapon Combat Style
Equipment: Long Sword +1 w/ ,Crystal of Non-Detection, +1, Crossbow Bolts (12), and Ring of Concealment
Age: 243
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Hair/Eyes: White-blonde hair and pale hazel eyes.
Spells: (4/2/2) Charm Person, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Friends, Magic Missile, Shield, Floating Disk, Levitate, Flaming Sphere, Acid Arrow, Scare, Mirror Image, Flame Arrow, Non-Detection, and Monster Summoning IShadow Elf Outpost Sub-Commander Siristel Celebryl is a complex person. He is passionately loyal to his people, a devote follower of Rafiel, and strong adherent to the Fourteen Verses of the Refuge of Stone. He is proud of his people and their accomplishments, but he is troubled by their reputation with the surface races. Shadow elves and surface elves have never been on good terms, so their opinions are to be expected, but many surface races seem to share them. He does not understand why his people have been cast as the villain during the liberation of Alfheim and the recent reclamation of the lost city of Aengmor from the hands of the savage orcs. The Shadow elves have only reclaimed what was rightfully theirs. He is not unfeeling to the suffering of the elves who lost their homes in Alfheim, but blames them for its destruction. If they had welcomed the Shadow Elves instead of resisting, war would have been unnecessary and the forest would have been spared. At times, he does not know weather to hate the surface elves or pity them. More amazing to him is the amount of lies told to surface elves, about the evil and cruelty of the Shadow Elves. During his friendship with the now deceased Tianna Silvermist, he learned many of the misconceptions surface elves hold about his people. The two, although originally enemies, had formed a strong friendship in spite of the lies. He misses her deeply, but fears his people will be wrongly blamed for her death if her sister, Brista and her companions cannot find Garon the mad ranger and prove his guilt. He has a strong moral code, but does not allow it to interfere with his duty to his people. He has sent word back to his superiors about the recent discovery of the outpost, death of the original outpost commander and his assumption of command. While he waits for new orders, he plans to relocate the outpost and continue its original mission; to gather information for the Shadow Elves' protection. Regardless of the outcome, he knows that Rafiel will guide him.
The outpost consists of eight warriors (Shadow Elf Fighters, 1st level), one lieutenant (Shadow Elf Fighter/Mage 3rd/2nd level) and one Shadow Elf mage (Mage, 4th level)
Telemon Mealidil
(Male Shadow Elf Mage/Thief, 3rd/4th lvl, aka Telemon Felestyr, Shadow Elf Spy)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Move: 12
AC: 5
THAC0: 19
Hit Points: 13
Strength: 12
Intelligence: 16
Dexterity: 16
Wisdom: 12
Constitution: 13
Charisma: 11
Proficiencies: Survival (Underground) -16, Ancient History (Shadow Elves) -15, Ancient History (Elves) -15, Reading Lips -15, Disguise -10, Spellcraft -14
Thief Abilities: PP(40%), OL(40%), F/RT(30%), MS(40%), HS(35%), DN(40%), CW(70%), RL(0%),
Languages: Shadow Elf, Elven (Alfheim Dialect), Darokin, Thyatian
Armour: None
Weapons: Short Sword, Dagger, Light Crossbow
Equipment: Cloak of Protection +3, Ring of Gaseous Form, Dagger of Lies +1
Age: 365
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 121 lbs.
Hair/Eyes: Pale blonde hair and light hazel eyes.
Spells: (2/1) Armour, Change Self, Jump, Sleep, Spider Climb, Wizard Mark, Forget, Knock, Locate Object, and Wizard LockTelemon is a spy. It's not what he does, it's who he is. He is nosy by nature, always interested in what's going on around him He hates to be left out or have secrets kept from him. Early on he learned that people would pay for the kind of information he could get. He also had a love of Shadow and Surface Elf history. Eventually, he received the assignment of his dreams. He would go to live amongst the surface elves of Alfheim as a spy for his people. His cover would be as a historian. The assignment was simple and relatively low risk. He loved it. When the Shadow Elves invaded Alfheim, he feared his comfortable life was over, but quick thinking and fast talking convinced his superior to allow him to accompany a group of fleeing elves and continue his deception. This is how he came to Goldleaf. He arrived with the rest of the Alfheim refugees, many of whom he had know for many years. He had hoped they would settle somewhere larger, and plans to move to Rifllian in a few years. Once he had settled in, he sent word of his success, and an outpost was soon established. The outpost was built to act as an information relay point for any Shadow Elves within Karameikos. He recently lost contact with the outpost, but later learned that it had been discovered by a local ranger and some meddling travellers. Since then, he has been unable to re-establish contact and is beginning to suspect they might have abandoned him. Although evil, Telemon is not violent or dangerous, but he is selfish and cruel. He enjoys deceiving people immensely and will go out of his way to concoct the most elaborate, yet believable lies possible.
The Elven village of Goldleaf.