Wally's Golden Shock
by AozA "failed" spell a student created some years ago and almost died showing it off to his teacher. The teacher made sure the student got full credit for his spell and told him the spell has potential.
Wally's Golden Shock
1st level wizard spell
Range: 12 feet radius centered on caster
Casting Time: 1
Components: Somatic and Verbal
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: 1/2
Damage: 2d6 electricImage from pinimg.com
When the wizard casts this spell, an electric burst comes forth from the caster. The electric burst sends out 12 feet away from caster. Any creature even allies in the area of the electric suffers 2d6 hit points of damage.Those successfully saving vs. spell receive half damage. Flammable materials touched by the electric (example: cloth, paper, parchment, thin wood, etc.) must save vs spell or catch on fire. Such materials can be extinguished in the next round if no other action is taken.
However, using this spell, the Caster also takes damage (No save) for 2d6 unless the caster is immune to electrical or lightning damage then the caster would be protected from the backlash.