The Goliath (Stalwart)
by Lance DuncanI have a new player who wants to transfer his 5e goliath to my game, and i'm fine with transferring over PC as long as they have been played are basically humanoid, i just don't have rules for a goliath yet. I know several times on these forums its been mentioned that goliaths can be replacements/the same as the Stalwart, but I couldn't find any place where someone actually tried to make that a class for CLassic, I guess most of the conversation has been revolving around 5e. Well, here is my attempt at the goliath class, of course it needs playtesting, and feed back/ideas are welcome(I'm making the stalwart a sort of prestige class in the vein of the companion set, another option I'm thinking of is the skywathcher maybe, and I'm not sure how to incorporate Havard's bloodline idea, but it seems cool)
The Goliath(Animalia-Chordata-Mamalia-Primates-Homindae-Gigantopithecus-Superior)
Abilities: 1d8+15 STR, 6d5-12 INT, 3d6 WIS, 1d8+15 DEX, 2d6+7 CON, 3d6 CHA
Prime: STR, CON
Max Level:9(unless become stalwart)
Saves: as Dwarf
Armour: None, natural AC of 5
Weapon Mastery: Handaxe, Club, Staff, Hunting Bow, Thrown Rock, Wrestling, +1 per level
Languages: Giantish
Height: 4d6+74 inches
Eye color: Bright blue or green
Skin color: gray or brown with dark patches/patternsThe Goliaths, as they are are commonly known, are a race of tall, muscular humanoids. They are reclusive nomads that make their homes in the highest mountains and are rarely seen by humans. Their skin is extremely tough with bony growths(lithoderms) the size of a coin studded throughout their body, providing a kind of natural armor. The natural markings that cover their bodies are believed to control their fate, and for this reason they never tatoo themselves, as this could change their future. Goliaths are very self-sufficient, and if a member of a tribe cannot care for themselves they are often left to die, so old or sick goliaths will rarely be encountered. They live out a hard life in mountains mostly as hunters and foragers.
Goliaths are obsessed with the idea that they are physically superior to other races, and are competitive about every aspect of their lives. They are always "keeping score" and comparing themselves to their past accomplishments, always trying to outdo themselves. They are fearless and value fair play and extend their trust easily. They rarely fight in warfare, fighting only in self defense or as part of a contest to prove themselves. They don't like to wear armor as they view at a way of "cheating." Other methods of cheating include attacking an unarmed foe or one while is fallen, taking prisoners, and attacking non-combatants(thse who didn't agree to the contest). They prefer contests of physical prowess to actual combat, these can include arm wrestling, rock hurling, log balancing, archery, running, jumping, etc.
Prime Requisites: A goliath with at least 22 STR and 16 CON gains 5% bonus to xp, if 22 STR and 18 CON gains 10%
Giant-Sized: Goliaths count as giant sized when fighting large creatures(giants, dragons, etc) and may wield any two handed melee weapon with one hand
Mountain Born: Goliaths are resistant to cold damage (unharmed by non magical cold, +2 to saves, damage reduced by 1 per die rolled) and are acclimated to living at high altitudes
Climb Sheer Surfaces: may climb natural surfaces(cliffs, tree trunks, etc) as a thief of equal level
Hide in Undergrowth: can hide outdoors with a 90% chance of success
Foraging and Hunting: goliaths succeed at foraging on a 2 in 6, and hunting with a 5 in 6
Rock Hurling: Goliaths may throw small boulders for d6 damage with a range of 50/100/150
The Stalwart
Upon reaching 9th level, Goliaths may become Stalwarts if they have a strength or dexterity of 22. Stalwarts are Goliaths who feel they have overcome any challenges traditional life among the tribe may offer and leave the tribe to wander the world in search of greater contests. They must wander alone and when they come upon another group of humanoids they will challenge them to a contest, if the stalwart loses it will serve the winner for a month, and if the stalwart wins he generally demands a prize of some sort.Multiple Attacks: The Stalwart may attack more than one opponent in a round. He may not attack the same opponent twice. At level 9 he may make two attacks each round, and at level 12 he may make 3 attacks each round.
Cleave: The Stalwart using a Cleave automatically loses initiative, and accepts a -5 penalty to his to hit roll. If the attack hits, add the character’s entire Strength score to the normal damage inflicted, plus magic and normal Strength bonuses if applicable. If the foe dies from this attack the character may make another regular attack to an adjacent foe.
Smash: The Stalwart may use his great strength to break down a wall or door, rip a tree from its roots, snap an object in half, etc. The Stalwart causes damage in Hull Points equal to his strength score (not sure about this one)
Challenge: The Stalwart may automatically detect who the strongest/most able individual is in a group of humanoids. He must issue a challenge, and the the one being challenged must participate if they fail a morale check, agreeing to the terms demanded.
Level XP HD THAC0 1 0 1d8 19 2 2,100 2d8 19 3 4,200 3d8 19 4 8,400 4d8 17 5 16,800 5d8 17 6 35,000 6d8 17 7 70,000 7d8 14 8 140,000 8d8 14 9 280,000 9d8 14 10 400,000 9d8+3 12 11 520,000 9d8+6 12 12 640,000 9d8+9 12 13 760,000 9d8+12 10 14 880,000 9d8+15 10 15 1,000,000 9d8+18 10 16 1,120,000 9d8+21 8 17 1,240,000 9d8+24 8 18 1,360,000 9d8+27 8 19 1,480,000 9d8+30 6 20 1,600,000 9d8+33 6 21 1,720,000 9d8+36 6 22 1,840,000 9d8+39 4 23 1,960,000 9d8+42 4 24 2,080,000 9d8+45 4 25 2,200,000 9d8+48 3 26 2,320,000 9d8+51 3 27 2,440,000 9d8+54 3 28 2,560,000 9d8+57 2 29 2,680,000 9d8+60 2 30 2,800,000 9d8+63 2 31 2,920,000 9d8+66 2 32 3,040,000 9d8+69 2 33 3,160,000 9d8+72 2 34 3,280,000 9d8+75 2 35 3,400,000 9d8+78 2 36 3,520,000 9d8+81 2