Grab Special Moves
by tjedge1Name: Suplex
Prerequisites: Grab 1
Manoeuvre Cost: 2 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: +0
Damage Bonus: +2
Round Movement: 5'
Description: The Suplex is a relatively fast Grab move. The fighter lunges forward, grabs his opponent, and then twists around to fall backwards. By arching his back, the wrestler slams the opponent's head into the ground and simultaneously cushions the wrestler's own fall.
System: Victims of a successful Suplex also suffer a Knockdown. The victim lands one 5' space behind his original position (attacker's choice which direction).Name: Throw
Prerequisites: Grab 1
Manoeuvre Cost: 1 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: -2
Damage Bonus: +2
Round Movement: 5'
Description: Most martial arts teach special techniques for grabbing and throwing an opponent. These techniques involve using the hips, shoulders and/or arms to unbalance the opponent and leverage him into a throw. Masters can throw opponents over 20 feet through the air.
System: If the move succeeds, the fighter can choose the space in which his opponent lands after the Throw. The fighter can throw an opponent a number of feet equal to the fighter's Strength. For example, Gustaf has a Strength of 17, so he can shoulder-throw an opponent up to 3-5' spaces away. The opponent lands in the designated space and suffers a Knockdown. Fast members of parties often throw opponents to their stronger, slower comrades, who then finish off the unfortunate. The damage from a Throw is actually inflicted when the opponent lands and hits the ground, wall, table, other fighter, etc. If the victim is thrown into another fighter, the fighter struck by the flying body may suffer damage as well. Roll damage as if the character hit was also thrown unless a successful dexterity or strength roll is made (If the character makes a successful strength roll, then he has caught the thrown fighter and may choose to put him down without suffering any damage). For example, Gustaf throws Ragnar into a space where Svala is standing. Ragnar is a big guy and Svala is a small rogue who attempts to make a dexterity roll to dodge Ragnar. She succeeds and Ragnar sustains damage as rolled. If Gustaf had thrown Svala instead and Ragnar had succeeded at a strength roll, neither Ragnar or Svala would have sustained damage as he would catch her and be able to set her down on her feet.Name: Bear Hug
Prerequisites: Grab 2
Manoeuvre Cost: 3 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: -1
Damage Bonus: +3
Round Movement: 5'
Description: Grab that irritatingly quick little thief and crush him into your chest until his bones rattle. The Bear Hug is an old standby for many wrestlers, and a few other stylists have decided to adopt it as well.
System: The Bear Hug is a Sustained Hold. This means that a caught victim must try to make a successful strength or dexterity roll to break free. This can be attempted every round of combat until successful or defeated.Name: Eye Rake
Prerequisites: Grab 1, Punch 1
Manoeuvre Cost: 2 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: +2
Damage Bonus: -3
Round Movement: None
Description: In a truly desperate move, the fighter clenches his fingers into a claw and rakes them across his opponent's eyes. The pain caused by this is incredible but usually does not result in any permanent damage. Few Lawful fighters use this attack, as it is considered extremely poor form. Nonetheless, this move has often meant the difference between winning and losing a fight.
System: Very little damage results from this attack, but for the next round the opponent must fight blind. If he has no Blind Fighting skill, he is effectively unable to act for that round. A fighter forced to resort to this desperate move can not be of lawful alignment. If an Eye Rake is used in a tournament, he will also lose honour among his peers.Name: Head Bite
Prerequisites: Grab 2
Manoeuvre Cost: 3 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: +1
Damage Bonus: +3
Round Movement: 5'
Description: Some Fighters either have a little vampirism in them or are just downright savage. It's a nasty move, but some fighters have been known to leap onto their opponents and bite right into their necks.
System: This is a Sustained Hold and inflicts damage each turn the hold is maintained.Name: Headlock
Prerequisites: Grab 1
Manoeuvre Cost: 1 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: -2
Damage Bonus: +0
Round Movement: 5'
Description: A tried and true favourite. A fighter basically grabs his opponent around the neck and holds him, cutting off his air.
System: This is a Sustained Hold.Name: Headlock Kicks
Prerequisites: Headlock, Kick 1
Manoeuvre Cost: 1 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: -3
Damage Bonus: +1
Round Movement: None
Description: While keeping their opponent in a headlock, a fighter then brings up their foot to kick them in the head.
System: Fighter must have opponent in a Sustained Headlock. He may then roll attack each round until either the Headlock is broken or a number of rounds equal to double his Grab rating has passed.Name: Pin
Prerequisites: Grab 2
Manoeuvre Cost: 2 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: -1
Damage Bonus: +2/+0
Round Movement: +5'/None
Description: Jiu Jitsu practitioners learn many ways to hold someone immobile. To perform a Pin, the target must either have suffered a knockdown or be stunned; the fighter moves into his opponent's 5' space and makes his attack roll. If he succeeds with the To-Hit roll, the opponent is held in a painful, immobilising hold until he manages to break free - a difficult task. The Jiu Jitsu practitioner, during tournaments, often pins his opponent near the end of the fight, then just waits for the time to run out.
System: The Jiu Jitsu practitioner's Strength is considered to be raised by three points only for the purpose of holding the opponent (it does not add to the damage roll). The fighter may choose to inflict damage or not on each Turn after the first; the target only gets their Grappling Defence against this attack. This is a Sustained Hold. If the fighter is stunned or knocked out by a third party's attack, the Pin is automatically broken.Name: Double Slam
Prerequisites: Grab 3, Strength 18+
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: -1
Damage Bonus: +0/-3
Round Movement: 5'
Description: Norse warriors show off their strength with this move, where they pick their victim up, slam him to the ground, then hoist him up again without letting go to bring him overhead to slam him down again!
System: This Grab manoeuvre ignores Blocks. The victim is hoisted overhead to land for the first slam in the space opposite where he was relative to the fighter, then is returned to his own space after the second slam. The fighter must move into the same 5' space to grab, but steps back for the slams, thus effectively not moving from his original position. The victim is knocked down. He also takes separate damage from each individual slam. The second slam is an automatic hit or miss depending on the first slam's success.Name: Joint Lock
Prerequisites: Grab 4
Manoeuvre Cost: 3 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: +1
Damage Bonus: +1/+0
Round Movement: +0'/5'
Description: The fighter grabs one of the opponents limbs and twists it around in a manner it was never meant to be twisted, forcing them to the ground in pain.
System: This is a Sustained Hold; the victim takes damage each turn it is maintained. For the duration of the Joint Lock the victim is considered to be crouching and cannot use the locked limb, though he may attack with another limb with a -4 penalty. The damage from a Joint Lock is Stun damage only; even if the victim is incapacitated from the pain, he will not be physically damaged by it and can not die. Armour does not effect the damage taken from this. A victim will recover lost hit points from this manoeuvre at a rate of 1+Constitution bonus per round after being freed from the hold.