Mystaran Immortals converted to Greyhawk's Pantheon
by Blacky the BlackballHi guys, this is the list of all Greyhawk's deities and their correspondence with the Mystaran Immortals*:
Baalzebul, Lord of the Seventh (Devil) - Bartziluth (bugbears)
Bahamut - Diamond Dragon
Boccob - Alphatia, Khoronus, Noumena, Pflarr
Corellon Larethian - Ilsundal, Mealiden Starwatcher
Ehlonna - Ordana, Zirchev
Erythnul - Orcus, Ranivorous (gnolls)
Fharlanghn - Nooga, Protius
Garl Glittergold - Eiryndul, Garal Glitterlode (gnomes)
Glasya, Lord of the Sixth Hell (Devil) - Leptar
Gruumsh - Jammudaru (orcs), Wogar (goblins), Yagrai (hobgoblins)
Heironeous - Al-Kalim (Ylaruam), Halav (traladarans), Martmaras
Hextor - Alphaks, Brissard (thyatians), Kaarash (goblinoids)
Kord - Thor
Kurtulmak - Kurtulmak (kobolds)
Moradin - Kagyar
Nerull - Hel
Obad-Hai - Atruaghin, Djaea, Terra
Olidammara - Asterius, Tyche, Valerias
Pelor - Chardastes (thyatians), Ixion, Legistur (thyatians), Odin (Nortehrn Reaches)
St. Cuthbert - Pax Bellanica/Tarastia (thyatians), Vanya
Vecna - Masauwu, Nix
Tiamat - Demogorgon
Wee Jas - Loki, Thanatos
Yondalla - Koryis, Petra* Sources:
- Deities & Demigods (D&D 3.5)
- Fiendish Codex II (D&D 3.5)
- Complete List of Mystara Immortals