Talespinner of Tangor: the Griot (College of Lore 5e Bard re-skin)
by Marc SaindonThese community leaders are the "living libraries" of Tangor (although Tangor should have a university on par with ancient Timbuktu that doubles as a magical school), knowledgeable in a variety of fields, apt teachers, and wise mediators. They are a different spin from the usual "horny bard" and instead are more along the line of Morgan Freeman's Azeem, providing wise council and a dignified presence instead goofy quips and comic relief.
They can be encountered in town squares providing news from the next village, others might be teaching classes, or providing night time entertainment (enhanced with their magic). Some attend rulers as a permanent fixtures in their courts. As adventurers, they have collected the tales of many previous ages, so can provide advice in moments of need, or serve as a diplomat.
With the creation of the the Tangor Fleet (my fan-made event that tries to make the Tangor Empire relevant to the setting), they now serve as interpreters on expeditions, spies in newly discovered ports, and envoys to distant courts.
University of Timbuktu
Bard: College of Lore
(Image from: https://www.deviantart.com/dracula123/art/Bran-the-Bard-980054770)