Crazy Campaign Idea 2: "Greystara" or Grey Star set in the Serpent Peninsula
by Marc SaindonGrey Star the Wizard
World of Lone WolfA follow up on transporting the Lone Wolf setting into Mystara with a re-skin, this time as a prequel campaign the Mage Grey Star. This time, it retcons the history of Yavdlom, filling in the gap of the "obscure period" during which its population went into exile.
"Much of recorded history in Yavdlom-at least, that history which is studied most often-dates from the legendary time of Yav, the first great leader. It is said that some great disaster, perhaps the one that produced those ancient ruins, forced the ancestors of the modern People of Yav to flee westwards to a new land, where they sheltered until their leader, Yav, determined it was safe to return. Upon returning, he issued his people a set of rules, known as the Precepts of Yav, to govern their behaviour. All this was said to happen many centuries ago. The time before the introduction of the precepts is viewed by many, especially those of the ramla class, as a dark age, where the People of Yav fought as common beasts, and did not aspire to anything."
YAVDLOM (Most Serene Divinarchy of)The disaster, in this case, is now the rise of the Shadakine Empire and the Yavdlom exile is actually people fleeing the regime terror. What happens when divinarchy turns into a police state? The Serpent Peninsula at this time should also be retconned as being still attached to Yavdlom, but with the terrain being flooded and eroded on a daily basis and at increasing pace each year.
The secluded Shianti on the Isle of Lorn (pick an island in the Sea of Dread, shroud it with permanent fog) could be the "Time Keepers" or "Yavi", a sect of chronomancers sworn not to intervene in the affairs of mankind in order to stabilize the Timeline Prime. Outsiders believe this collective of archmages to be one figure, Yav. They can't directly help Yavdlom free itself. But happenstance allows a few survivors from shipwrecks to be trained in apprentices in Chronomancy, although PCs can be picked up along the way as companions in the revolt against the Evil Empire, so you might also have a guerilla tactics Ranger or a renegade Witch who fights on the side of good.
Yav's artifact (see Champions of Mystara, p.37-38) is instead replaced with the quest for the Moonstone.
MoonstoneAnd of course, the BBEG is a renegade Time Keeper, who broke the oath to get power.