Magus of the Great School of Magic in Glantri
by Nathan EllingBy all accounts there is no finer learning institution than the Great School of Magic in Glantri. It’s teachers and the Princes who devote time, money and energy to it are without peer on the world of Mystara. Great School Mages have great power and are more versatile and informed than many of their peers. The have begun a Renaissance to approach the ancient mages of Blackmoor, Old Alphatia and the early Elven Kingdoms in power and skill.
I treat the Great School of Magic as a guild with the following requirements, dues and benefits:
Requirements: To belong to the Great School you must be able to cast spells (Bard, Glantrian Noble, Sorcerer, Wizard or Wokani - regular Clerics and Druids cannot attend, nor would they want to), must have at least 4 ranks each in any 2 of Concentration, Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft or Use Magic Device (they only accept the best!) Mages of the Great School can be any alignment, reflecting the diversity of the school and the students. Wokani can use all the feats presented here, feats with the “arcane” descriptor (such as Arcane Manipulation/Arcane Thesis) still work with Wokani magic.
Dues: Yearly Dues are 5 dc[1]/level and 5 xp/level/difficulty of study for each course the student takes for each year (which represents the cash outlay and time spent in study). Students are expected to enrol for the full year, full payment for the year due by Lunadain 1, Felmont. There are also Course Fees for each course taken as shown on the list below. Books and Labs: Besides any fees or dues the student is also responsible for books and lab materials which is 50% of his/her course load. Example: if a 3rd level student is taking Metamagic 1 and Skills 2 his total cost is 240 dc ((5 dc x 3rd level) = 15 dc Yearly Dues + (30 dc +120 dc) = 150 dc Course Fees + (150 dc x 50%) = 75 dc Books and Labs) and 45 xp ((5 xp x 3rd level x Course Difficulty 1) = 15 xp + (5 xp x 3rd level x Course Difficulty 2) = 30 xp) for 1 year!
Semesters & Sabbaticals: The Fall semester starts on Lunadain 1, Felmont, the Spring Semester on Gromdain 2, Nuwmont. There are winter and summer breaks between semesters. The character may take a sabbatical to run his domain or adventure but will still pay the yearly dues even if not taking any courses to retain his place at the school. Those who do not arrange a sabbatical will have to reapply at the school.
Studies: Various courses are presented below. In order to study a course of a higher level you must 1st have taken at least one course (or equivalent, i.e. if you already have a feat or skill of the appropriate course level) of the level immediately below. For instance: to gain Empower Spell (Metamagic Level 2), you have to have at least one Metamagic 1 feat (enlarge, extend, heighten, silent, or still). Students must meet the prerequisites for any feat/skill they are studying (i.e. must have the XP to gain a new feat or add skill points, and meet all feat requirements). Students are not allowed to take more than 5 courses per semester. Any course benefits come after the Training Time allotted (but the student must still complete the course to graduate and be able to attend higher level courses). A student attending the Great School from the beginning of the creation of their character can apply the bonuses (to skill points, uses of feats, etc.) from the beginning (as in the case of Glantrian Nobles and NPC’s such as Juliana Vlaardoen).
1) Graduate: In order to graduate you must have studied; at least 1 course from each of the course types (Metamagic Feats, Skills, Craft Feats, General Feats), 4 total courses, one of each 4 types.
2) Graduate with Honours: to graduate with honours you must graduate and have at least 8 ranks in Knowledge [Arcana], Spellcraft and Concentration each.
3) Graduate cum Laude: to graduate cum laude you must graduate with honours and have studied at least one 2nd level course.
4) Graduate with Masters: To graduate with a masters you must graduate and have studied at least 8 total courses, including at least one 3rd level course.
5) Graduate with Doctorate: To get a doctorate you must have graduated and have studied at least 12 total courses, including at least one 4th or 5th level course.
Degree Benefits:
1) If you did not graduate from the Great School then a test is performed before you’re allowed to practice any magic within Glantri City at all! (fee set by DM). This includes all Glantrians or arcane casters from other lands that did not graduate from the Great School. If you pass you may then cast spells for personal benefit after you pay the additional quarterly Fees of the Utterance (set by DM). Sentences and Fines will be imposed on those practicing magic without the proper permit if they’re caught. After the test you must then work as an unpaid Apprentice for 2 years before you can become a Journeyman and sell your services (as employee) or work (as magical business owner) to others.
2) Current students receive a “Learner’s Permit” that does not allow the practice of magic for commercial gain and only within certain areas (such as the Great School grounds, their homes, etc.) or certain times (on special holidays, etc.) unless in self-defence or unless accompanied by a licensed mage. Fines will be imposed on those practicing magic without the proper permit if they’re caught. Also, anyone who studies at the Great School gets 4+Int modifier spells to add to their personal spellbook every time they gain a new spell slot level, if they are still at school. These can only be from the Player’s Handbook. Spells cannot be from a restricted school. Sorcerer’s can choose to leave some slots open. Sorcerers only gain up to their max spells known.
3) Graduation allows you to practice magic in Glantri at the regular quarterly Fee of the Utterance. You immediately become a Journeyman and can sell your work to others (as a paid employee) or start your own business.
4) Graduating with Honours as a reward, the first year of your Fees of the Utterance are waived, plus the benefits of graduation.
5) Graduating cum Laude allows you put a white stripe/decoration on your robes (granting a +1 circumstance bonus to all encounter rolls with mages) and the cumulative benefits of graduating with honours.
6) Graduating with Masters allows you to put a silver stripe/decoration on your robes (granting a +2 circumstance bonus on all encounter rolls with mages), also you may now become a teaching assistant at the Great School or be elected a Master of a magical guild (both of which pay your Fees of the Utterance yearly). You also gain the bonus feat Arcane Thesis on any spell you choose.
7) Graduating with Doctorate allows you to put a gold stripe/decoration on your robes (granting a +4 circumstance bonus on all encounter rolls with mages), also you may now become a Professor at the Great School, you can always get double the normal rates with prospective employers and you are eligible to become the Guildmaster of a magical guild. You also gain a second bonus of the Arcane Thesis feat on any other spell you choose.
Type &Course Level Semester Offered Difficulty/Training Fee Benefit Metamagic Level 11 spr fall 1/ 1 semester 30 dc gain 5 uses per day of a metamagic feat (enlarge, extend, heighten, silent, still) Metamagic Level 2 spr fall 2/ 1 semester 120 dc gain 5 uses per day of a metamagic feat (empower, eschew materials, maximise, quicken spell, widen spell) Metamagic Level 3 spr fall 3/ 1 semester 270 dc gain 5 uses per day of a metamagic feat (blistering spell, chain spell, city spell, cooperative spell, deceptive spell, delay spell, disrupting spell, earthbound spell, echoing spell, energise spell, energy substitution, enervate spell, fell frighten, fell weaken, fiery spell, flash frost spell, fortify spell, invisible spell, non-lethal substitution, ocular spell, persistent spell, rapid spell, reach spell, retributive spell, sanctum spell, selective spell, smiting spell, split ray, wounding spell) Metamagic Level 4 fall 4/ 1 year 480 dc gain 5 uses per day of a metamagic feat (black lore of moil, born of three thunders, energy admixture, explosive spell, fell animate, fell drain, imbued summoning, lingering spell, lord of the uttercold, piercing cold, purify spell, repeat spell, searing spell, sculpt spell, transdimensional spell, twin spell, violate spell) Metamagic Level 5 special 5/ special 750 dc gain 5 uses per day of a metamagic feat (automatic quicken spell†, automatic silent spell†, automatic still spell†, epic enhance spell, epic improved heighten spell, epic intensify spell, innate spell, reaping spell) Skills Level 12 spr fall 1/ 1 semester 30 dc train one skill/get 1 extra point (Concentration, Knowledge [arcana, dungeoneering, engineering, history, local, nature, nobility], Spellcraft) Skills Level 2 spr fall 2/ 1 semester 120 dc train one skill/get 1 extra point (Craft [any], Decipher Script, Knowledge [alchemy∆, astronomy/astrology*, religion (for undead only), the planes], Ride (flying mount), Use Magic Device) Crafts Level 13 spr fall 1/ 1 semester 30 dc learn 1 item creation feat (attune gem, brew potions, scribe scroll) Crafts Level 2 spr fall 2/ 1 semester 120 dc learn 1 item creation feat (craft magic arms and armour, craft wand, craft wondrous item) Crafts Level 3 spr fall 3/ 1 semester 270 dc Learn 1 item creation feat (craft construct, craft rod, craft sceptre) Crafts Level 4 fall 4/ 1 year 480 dc Learn 1 item creation feat (bind elemental, craft contingent spell, craft staff, create portal, forge ring) Crafts Level 5 special 5/special 750 dc Learn 1 item creation feat (augmented alchemy, craft epic arms and armour, craft epic rod, craft epic staff, craft epic wondrous item, forge epic ring, portal master) Feats Level 14 spr fall 1/ 1 semester 30 dc arcane manipulation, cloudy conjuration, cold focus, combat casting, dampen spell, ray focus, item reprieve, spell mastery, spell focus, spell thematics, spell girding, spell reprieve, versatile spellcaster Feats Level 2 spr fall 2/ 1 semester 120 dc arcane defence, arcane transfiguration, arcane strike, attune magical weapon, augment summoning, augment healing, battle caster, battle casting, blind-casting, calishiteelementalist: air (Alphatian) or fire (Flaemish), cold spell specialisation, extra slot, extra spell, greater spell focus, greater spell mastery, improved counterspell, improved familiar, magic device attunement, metamagic spell trigger, natural spell, practiced spellcaster, reckless wand wielder, signature spell, spell linked familiar, spell penetration, unsettling enchantmentFeats Level 3 spr fall 3/ 1 semester 270 dc alacritous cogitation, arcane toughness, demon mastery, greater spell penetration, mobile spellcasting, ranged spell specialisation, reactive counterspell, planar familiar, spell specialisation Feats Level 4 fall 4/ 1 year 480 dc aberration banemagic, arcane consumption, dreamtelling, elven spell lore, expel vestige, extract demonic essence, extraordinary concentration, metamagic vigour, mysterious magic, residual magic Feats Level 5 special 5/ special 750 dc epic additional magic item space, epic counterspell, epic familiar spell, epic ignore material components, epic improved combat casting, epic improved spell capacity, epic master staff, epic master wand, epic multispell, epic spellcasting [arcana], epic spell focus, epic spell penetration, scribe epic scroll 1Note: Regular training in Metamagic only grants 3 uses per day, training at the school grants 5 uses per day. Metamagic with uses per day works differently than metamagic in the players handbook (see Unearthed Arcana p. 152 for a complete explanation). Basically: you no longer pay a higher spell slot; metamagic can be used “on-the-fly” by anyone, not just Sorcerers; you must be of a level where you can cast the finished spell including any metamagic added (adding Still Spell means you still must be able to cast the spell level +1, even though it doesn’t use that higher slot, adding other metamagic stacks. †Note that “automatic” epic spells do not have a daily use.
2Note: Skills trained at the school get 1 extra skill point. You can still only train up to the maximum ranks allowed (but you could use the skill point you save elsewhere).
3Note: Craft training at the school automatically grants you a bonus of 0 ranks in the appropriate craft skill (alchemy for potions, woodworking for wands, metalwork for rods, armoursmithing, etc.) as well as the feat (basically, you are no longer considered untrained). If you already have ranks in the craft it does nothing, it’s learning you already had.
4Note: Feats learned at the school confer no other benefits (other than stated) but you still have to take them to graduate.
5Level 5 courses are strange, new or difficult types of information and may not always be available due to a lack of specialists in the field.
∆Knowledge, alchemy: If you use the Alchemy skill then training applies to that skill instead. If you do not use alchemy as a separate skill then this knowledge skill adds a synergy bonus to any roll to create a potion or is used to identify a drug, poison, potion, venom or antidote.
*Knowledge, astronomy/astrology: If you use the Astronomy, Astrology or Scry skill then training applies to one of those skills instead. If you do not use any of those as a separate skill then this knowledge skill adds a synergy bonus to any roll to establish a connection with Contact Other Plane, Divination, Scrying, Greater Scrying, Vision and any similar spells or powers and to identify Aberrations.
[1] dc is short for ducat, the coin of the realm in Glantri. 1 ducat (dc) = 1 Gold Piece (gp)