GSoM: Tentative 3E Courses
by Beau YarbroughI'm trying to work up an in-depth GSoM setting starting with a class list that lines up, more or less, with 3E skills, feats and specialisations so that player choices about their characters naturally set them up for varying role-play opportunities. This is, of course, a list that I'll be adding to once the full list of skills and feats come out.
One of the things I was thinking was that there would be nine basic grades in each possible course, corresponding with the years of the majority of the students, but that further study or independent study (for level-raising purposes) should also be available.
Most of these classes line up with 3E skills or can be lumped together to make one.
It also seems likely that the Crafts would recruit students they monitor in certain key classes, although not every Craft has classes that scream "recruiting ground."
Liberal Studies: Arcana 1, independent study
Liberal Studies: Biology 1, independent study
Liberal Studies: Crafts (cooking, herbalism, et cetera) independent study
Liberal Studies: Diplomacy 1, independent study
Liberal Studies: Engineering 1, independent study
Liberal Studies: History (Glantri, Known World, et cetera) 1, independent study
Liberal Studies: Linguistics (individual languages) 1, independent study
Liberal Studies: Mathematics 1, independent study
Liberal Studies: Monsters 1, independent study
Liberal Studies: Politics 1, independent study
Liberal Studies: Professional skills (apothecary, et cetera) 1, independent study
Metamagic Studies: Empower Spell (FEAT) independent study
Metamagic Studies: Maximise Spell (FEAT) independent study
Metamagic Studies: Quicken Spell (FEAT) independent study
Metamagic Studies: Silent Spell (FEAT) independent study
Metamagic Studies: Spell Focus (FEAT) independent study
Metamagic Studies: Still Spell (FEAT) independent study
Militant Studies: Combat Casting (FEAT) independent study
Militant Studies: Concentration 1, independent study
Militant Studies: Iron Will (FEAT) independent study
Militant Studies: Toughness (FEAT) independent study
Militant Studies: Weapons training (by weapon) independent study
Practice of Magic: Alchemy 1, independent study
Practice of Magic: Arms and Armour Enchantment (FEAT)
Practice of Magic: Item Enchantment (FEAT)
Practice of Magic: Potions and Brewing (FEAT)
Practice of Magic: Scrolls (FEAT)
Practice of Magic: Scry 1, independent study
Practice of Magic: Spellcraft 1, independent study
Practice of Magic: Staff creation and enchantment (FEAT)
Theory of Magic: 1-9, independent study (includes cantrips)
Theory of Magic: Abjuration 1-9, independent study
Theory of Magic: Conjuration 1-9, independent study
Theory of Magic: Divination 1-9, independent study
Theory of Magic: Enchantment 1-9, independent study
Theory of Magic: Esoteric (Elementalists, et cetera) 1-9, independent study
Theory of Magic: Evocation 1-9, independent study
Theory of Magic: Illusion 1-9, independent study
Theory of Magic: Necromancy 1-9, independent study
Theory of Magic: Transmutation 1-9, independent study