Robin’s Glantri Great School of Magic in Detail
by Robin from Threshold Magazine issue 35This article aims to showcase what’s maybe the biggest fan work ever made about Glantri and possibly the most detailed magic school ever in the worlds of fantasy, maybe beating even that of a very famous young adult series on wizards. “Glantri Great School of Magic in Detail” is indeed a 555-page PDF file which can be freely downloaded from here https://pandius.com/gsomdtl.html in the Vaults of Pandius.
In her monumental and fantastic work, Robin details the Timeline of the School, 10 main levels, 6 layers of basements, 2 courtyards, 4 extra locations, and the Chamber of the Radiance, with 55 maps and extended descriptions, many adventure seeds, new spells and items. An entire campaign with many adventures from levels 1 to 36 could be easily set in the School with Robin’s book. It is obviously impossible to host the whole work on THRESHOLD Magazine, so here I will showcase only the maps of the ten levels and the six basements with the name and function of each room, linking to the appropriate page in Robin’s PDF. But to better introduce this marvellous work, I’ll leave it to the original foreword she wrote.Sturm aka Francesco
Something bugged me a long time ago. It was the Gazetteer 3: “The Principalities of Glantri”; an outstanding work by our beloved Bruce Heard, our Mystara Spirit. The book gave us stacks of intense usable information, yet it also gave some incomplete material. The AD&D2e adaptation of Mystara and the “Glantri Kingdom of Magic”, “Wrath of the Immortals”, “Poor Wizard Almanacs”, “Castle Amber”, “DM Survival Guide” and “Players Survival Guide”, added some information, but holes stayed, or more were created due the awful desecration of Gazetteer 3 by GKoM. Many flaws have crept in, and areas left open. Areas you actually need in playing the Great School of Magic in Glantri on Mystara, BECMI style (or actually any D&D style)!
I searched and searched, found and compiled, not only from the canon sources, but also with the help of some fan work. The great difficulty was that various canon sources gave various scales to work upon (our beloved Bruce Heard even added yet another recently). Combining size and reason/logic together I came finally upon the scale of 1 inch = 40 feet (1mm = 1.27 feet) to be used from the original map in the inside cover of Gazetteer 3, instead of the 1 inch = 20' as per GAZ3. With almost this scale I had earlier created an Isometric map of the Great School of Magic (GSM) in Glantri City made from the initial interior cover map of the GSM. And I already started to make the vertical information, according to canon sources…then Real Life kicked in, and I had to store my stuff. Here the maps were damaged by moisture and mice. In 2016 I rediscovered this map, and decided to restore or redraw them. I actually went beyond that, I made two more Isometric maps from other directions, enabling the Great School of Magic to be viewed from all directions. With this, more detail came about the inside, and following the canon sources together with architectural laws for stability, strength, and consistency I now even created the inside floor plans, first in pencil, later clarifying with Windows Paint. Rereading all the canon sources, and the newer fanon sources, more information was added, a timeline came forth, and the various uses canonically of the rooms made even more clarity. Using the interior maps that came forth after the creation of the Isometric maps and more architectural sanity, I created the Great School of Magic of Glantri as presented canonically in the Mystara various sources (including many more small bits & pieces from fans). I continued to stray further…and deeper, higher…a strange habit I know, but it brings me even more clarity and depth, but specifically multidimensional reality. I expanded the Magical Circles, to bring more magic in the world. I also took many items and spells from other D&D sources, and some self-created to bring more magic use and feel.
Without further ado; I am now ready to present you Glantri Great School of Magic in detail …and scent, and touch, and sight, and magic, and material, and use ….etc, as best I could compile from all the canon sources and creations together in 16 months of near continuous work.
Important Note; All grid maps presented in this book have a scale of 5 feet per square. Making the GSM roughly 160 x 250 (with some outside poking corners & edges).
Main Building Level 1 : Auditorium and Entry Hall
High-res. map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/02_GSM_interior_+1p.jpg
A: Entry Hall (page 12)
B: Classroom, necromancy (page 13)
C: Study Chamber (page 13)
D: Deep Hall (page 14)
E: Teacher Lounge (page 15)
F: Auditorium (page 15)
G: Silent Hall (page 16)
J: Classroom, Glantrian History (page 16)
I: Storage Vault of Liquids & Components
(page 16)
H: Old Keep Storage Vault of Items (page 17)
K: Storage Vault of Scrolls (page 17)
L: History Hall (page 18)
M: Stairway to Level 2 (page 19)
N: Closed-off Stairway to Basements (page 19)Main Building Level 2 : Classrooms and Library
High-res. map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/04_GSM_interior_+2.png
A: Old Keep Classroom, Invocation/Evocation (page 20)
B: Hexagon Tower Classroom, Scrolls Inkmaking (page 21)
C: Museum of Monsterology Classroom, Animal & Monster Lore (page 21)
D: Corner Room Classroom, Penmanship, Magescript, Spellbook (page 22)
E: Dance Hall Classroom, Magic and Society (page 22)
F: Teachers’ Lounge (page 22)
G: Private Teacher Room (page 23)
H: Storage Room (page 23)
I: Hortus Herbaricus Classroom, Herbalism, Mandragora (page 23)
J: Long Hallway (page 24)
K: Private Teacher’s Room (page 25)
L: Private Teacher’s Room (page 25)
M: Classroom, Abjuration (page 25)
N: Latrines (page 25)
O: Classroom, Ancient History & World History (page 26)
P: Classroom, Illusionism (page 26)
Q: Crampy Corridor (page 27)
R: Classroom, Physics (page 27)
S: Library Hall (page 28)
T: Study Hall (page 29)
U: Stairways (page 29)
V: Stairways (page 30)
W: Outer Hall (page 30)
Main Building Level 3 : Classrooms and Raven DormitoryHigh-res map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/06_GSM_interior_+3.png
A: Classroom, Enunciation + Read/Write (page 32)
B: Stairways (page 32)
C: Study Hall (page 32)
D: Classroom, Languages Ancient & Old (page 33)
E: Raven Dormitory (page 33)
F: Washroom Hall (page 33)
G: Turret base, NW (page 33)
H: Round Hall (page 34)
I: Classroom, Somatics (page 34)
J: Storage Room (page 34)
K: Latrines (page 34)
L: Classroom, Agility Training & Quick Casting (page 35)
M: Classroom, Formula Analysis (page 35)
N: Classroom, Planar Geography & Elemental Knowledge (page 35)
O: Museum of Monsterology, 2nd floor (page 36)
P: Classroom, Biology & Ecology (including Geomorphology) (page 36)
Q: Old Keep Classroom, Conjure Companion (page 37)
R: Private Teacher’s Room (page 42)
S: Classroom, Alchemy, Chemistry, Brewing (page 42)
T: Long Hallway (page 42)
U: Library (page 43)
V: Stairways (page 43)
W: Storage Room under the Stairs (page 43)
X: Turret Base, SW (page 43)
Main Building Level 4 : Classrooms and DormitoriesHigh-res map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/08_GSM_interior_+4.png
A: Eagle Dormitory (page 46)
B: Hawk Dormitory (page 46)
C: Vulture Dormitory (page 47)
D: Raven Dormitory, 2nd floor (page 47)
E: Owl Dormitory (page 47)
F: Swan Dormitory (page 47)
G: Rooster Dormitory (page 48)
H: Private Teacher’s Room (page 48)
I: Private Teacher’s Room (page 48)
J: Jay Dormitory (page 48)
K: Classroom, Laboratory Techniques & Apothecary (page 49)
L: Old Keep, Classroom of Experiments (page 50)
M: Museum of Monsterology, 3rd floor (Anatomy) (page 50)
N: Hall of Stuffed Animals (page 51)
O: Private Teacher’s Room (page 51)
P: Private Teacher’s Room (page 52)
Q: Duck Dormitory (page 51)
R: Crowded Hall (page 52)
S: Classroom, Philosophy of Magic, Spell Theory, Casting, and Crystalogy (page 52)
T: Classroom, Politics (page 53)
U: Latrines (page 53)
V: Stairways (page 53)
W: Washroom (page 54)
X: Turret, SW (page 54)
Y: Turret, NW (page 54)
Main Building Level 5 : Hall of Music and Roof, Archive TowerHigh-res map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/10_GSM_interior_+5.jpg
A: Great Hall of Music (page 56)
B: Stairways (page 57)
C: Stairways (page 57)
D: Corner Hall (page 57)
E: Classroom, Meditation & Memorization (page 57)
F: Minor Hall (page 57)
G: Private Teacher”s Room (page 58)
H: Latrines/Washroom (page 60)
I: Museum of Monsterology, 4th floor (page 60)
J: Tower of Experiments (page 60)
K: Archives Tower (page 60)
L: Turret Top, NW (page 61)
M: Main Roof (page 61)
N: Turret Top, SW (page 62)
Main Building Level 6 : Organ Hall and Hidden Library
High-res map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/11_GSM_interior_+6.jpg
A: Great Hall of Music (page 63)
B: Organ Room (page 63)
C: Stairways, down (page 66)
D: Stairways, up (page 66)
E: Organ Hall (page 67)
F: Cistern Bottom (page 67)
G: Upper Guard Room (page 68)
H: Hidden Library (page 68)
I: Tower of Experiments, 2nd floor (page 69)
J: Museum of Monsterology, 5th floor (page 70)
K: Archives Tower 2nd floor (page 70)
L: Central Gear Room (page 70)
Main Building Level 7 : Grand Master’s Quarter and Astronomy Classroom
High-res map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/12_GSM_interior_+7.jpg
A: Great Hall of Music (page 71)
B: Organ Room (page 71)
C: Stairway (page 71)
D: Stairway (page 72)
E: Private Foyer (page 72)
F: Small Hall (page 72)
G: Private Living Room (page 72)
H: Cistern (page 73)
I: Private Latrine/Washroom (page 73)
J: Western Balcony (page 73)
K: Tower of Experiments Classroom, Astronomy/Astrology (page 74)
L: Gear Room (page 75)
M: Museum of Monsterology, Roof (page 73)
N: Archives Tower, 3rd floor (page 75)
Main Building Level 8: Ceilings and Tea House, Platform of Adventure
High-res map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/13_GSM_interior_+8.jpg
A: Vaulted Ceilings above the Music Hall and Organ Room (page 76)
B: Tea House (page 77)
C: Stairway (page 78)
D: Stairway (page 78)
E: Middle Roof (page 78)
F: Open-top Organ Hall (page 78)
G: Attic on top of Private Foyer (page 78)
H: Tower of Experiments, Roof (page 79)
I: Astronomy Stairway (page 79)
J: Archives Tower, Roof (page 79)
K: Platform of Adventure and Freedom (page 79)
Main Building Level 9 : Grand Master’s Study and Library
High-res map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/14_GSM_interior_+9g.jpg
A: Main Study Room (page 81)
B: Personal Library (page 82)
C: Stairway, down (page 83)
D: Turret South Stairway, up (page 83)
E: Turret North Stairway, up (page 83)
F: Eastern Roof (page 83)
G: Astronomy/Astrology Stairway, up/down (page 83)Main Building Level 10 : Grand Master’s Attic
High-res map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/15_GSM_interior_+10.jpg
A: Grandmaster’s Northern Experiment Room (page 84)
B: Grandmaster’s Southern Experiment Room (page 84)
C: Grandmaster’s Private Griffon Landing (page 84)
D: Astronomy/Astrology Laboratory (page 84)
Main Building Basement -1 : Classrooms and Study Chambers
High-res map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/17_GSM_interior_-1a.jpg
A: Main Hall (page 88)
B: Pudding Room (page 88)
C: Old Major Stairways (page 89)
D: Old Stairways, down (page 89)
E: Abandoned Lower Hall (page 89)
F: Auditorium (page 89)
G: Abandoned Experiment Room (page 90)
H: Abandoned Classroom, Item Creation (page 92)
I: Abandoned Storage Room (page 92)
J: Abandoned Classroom, Enchantment (page 92)
K: Abandoned Hallway (page 92)
L: Abandoned Vault (page 92)
M: Old Keep, Forgotten Basement (page 93)
N: Scroll-Enchanting Chamber (page 93)
O: Classroom, Item Creation (page 94)
P: Classroom, Gem-cutting (page 94)
Q: Translocation Classroom (Practice) (page 95)
R: Basement Library (page 95)
S: Classroom Translocation (Theory) (page 96)
T: Small Hall (page 99)
U: Stairs, up and down (page 99)
V: Study Chambers (page 100)
W: Work & Tool Room (page 101)
X: Private Room, Head Housekeeping (page 101)Main Building Basement -2 : Classrooms and Exam Entry Room
High-res map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/19_GSM_interior_-2.jpg
A: Abandoned Classroom, Conjuration (page 102)
B: Abandoned Classroom, Transmutation (page 102)
C: Abandoned Classroom, Spell Practicum (page 103)
D: Old Stairways (page 103)
E: Closed Section, Cygnus Hall (page 103)
F: Abandoned Study Corner (page 103)
G: Abandoned Teacher’s Room (page 104)
H: Classroom, Transmutation (page 104)
I: Classroom, Conjuration (page 104)
J: Slender Hall (page 105)
K: Classroom, Divination (page 105)
L: Classroom, Enchantment (page 110)
M: Old Keep, Lower Machine Hall (page 110)
N: Hidden Library (page 111)
O: Classroom, Spell Practice (page 112)
P: Room of Volume (page 112)
Q: Study Room (page 113)
R: Exam Entry Room (page 113)
S: War Magic Testing Area (page 114)
T: Middle Hall (page 114)
U: Stairways Hall (page 115)
V: Classroom, Spell Seminar/Spell Tutorial (page 115)
W: Storage Hall (page 116)
X: Hall of Recognition (page 117)
Y: Latrines (page 117)
Courtyards and Extra Locations around the School
All this is just a small part of the content of Robin’s Great School of Magic in detail book, and to showcase all the 55 maps would take too much space, but we can give you a bird’s eye view of the rest of the pdf content.
Courtyards are detailed on pages 119–217 and include Dueling grounds with new rules for magical duels, Temple of Rad with its Crypt, Owlery, Kitchen, Infirmary, Dining Hall, Serving Hall, Confectionary, the Dream Masters’ Nightmares Room, Administration Tower, Warehouse and Griffon Hall (including griffons’ tricks, appearances and traits), Guardhouse, Secret Chambers of Earth Elementalists (with many spells), Ghoul Chambers. It’s a huge section full of content and surprises.
From page 218 to 273, there are some extra locations around the Great School: the Silver Tower Inn (with Cryptomancers’ rooms and spells), Alexander Plaza (with Dragon Masters’ chambers), Aeromancer Stronghold (invisible above the GSM), the Canals (with their own secrets).
Main Building Basement -3 : Testing Area, Water Elementalists’ Rooms and Classrooms
High-res map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/20_GSM_Interior_-3_Wizwarrens.png
This level contains the Graduation test rooms presented in Gazetteer 3 pages 90–93 and the rooms of the Test of Darkness adventure contained in the Glantri: Kingdom of Magic boxed set, with full detailing of the darkness itself. It’s a huge level described in detail from pages 274 to 305, also connected to Alexander Plaza, Silver Tower Inn and Secret Chambers of Earth Elementalists, extra locations listed below. So here only a thumb of the big map is shown. This level also contains the rooms of Water Elementalists, Hydromancers’ Library, the related Aquatic Classroom, the Alchemy Classroom, and the Music & Sound Classroom.
Main Building Basement -4 : Necromantic and Alchemy Level
High-res map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/21_GSM_Interior_-4a.png
This level, described from pages 306 to 360, contains the Necromantic Classrooms, Museum of Osteology, secret Necromancers’ Library (with more spells), more Alchemy Classrooms, the Secret Dungeon of Alchemists, and Library (and spells).
Main Building Basement -5 : Storage and Hall of Witches
High-res map in the Vaults: https://pandius.com/22_GSM_Interior_-5a.png
Described from pages 361 to 389, this level contains some storage areas, the Hall of Witches and the Secret Dungeon of Alchemists, the Secret Catacombs of Necromancers, Classroom of the Teachers, and Museum of Osteology Archives. From an area infested by giant spiders it is possible to reach a level dating back to Blackmoorian times.
Lower Chambers
Described from pages 390 to 402 these are Blackmoorian rooms infested with the Wasting Disease, and the only way beside Immortal Magic to reach the Chamber of the Radiance.
Great School of Magic Dependance
In the “Glantri: Kingdom of Magic” boxed set there was the illustration of a country mansion indicated as the Great School. As it did not fit at all the map of the School in the Gazetteer Robin decided to use it as the Dependance of the School, an old Flaemish villa described from pages 403 to 475, and containing several Classrooms, some located here as it could be dangerous or impractical to have them in the center of Glantri City, such as the Fire Elementalists’ Portal Room or Griffon Pens. The Dependance also contains the Convenchamber of Witchcraft.
Chamber of the Radiance and the Rest of the Book
In the final 80 pages of the PDF there is a lot more content which I’ll only list briefly but it’s definitely worth checking: Chamber of the Radiance and related themes from pages 476 to 497, and from pages 498 to 554 wandering monsters, maps of all buildings, list of classrooms and libraries, spellbooks, magescript, list of teachers and staff, spell miscasting rules, special skills, marble types, final report card, new magic items list, new spells list, adventures leads list, the expanded history of Glantri City once Braejr once Redfen, suggested PCs or NPCs.
Do not miss this wonderful work by Robin on the Great School of Magic!