Healing Spells of the Great School of Magic
by AozNow, getting back to The Glantri Great School of Magic and Glantri.
I have been wondering on wizard's creating healing spells.
Looking through AD&D 2e Wizards Spell Compendium Volume 1-4:
I found this spells off hand.
3rd: Healing dream (mostly Dream Mages)
3rd level: vampiric touch
4th: Blood lightning
6th level: trollish fortitude
9th level: life water (heals all wounds and cures almost everything but death)Anyone have any other wizard "healing spells" for Glantri.
With all the mages in Glantri and when there was a cleric ban, there should have been more research placed into the field.Spells like:
disinfect wound
stitch wound
Set broken bone
Or Even a Spell like:Aoz's Emergency Healing
3rd level
Target: touch or self
Instantly stops bleeding and restores 1+ spell level of sacrificed. So, mage casts spell then choose to use a 2nd level spell slot then target heals 3 hp. If the wizard used a 5th level (edit:6 hp).
Interesting, the 9th level: life water (heals all wounds and cures almost everything) could exist somewhere on Mystara. The CM3 - Sabre River has a healing pool with the same effects.
However, 6th level: trollish fortitude would be more interesting. If you could place a permanency on the spell then wealthy Glantri families would be lining up to get the spell cast on themselves.
Aoz's Emergency Healing
3rd level evocation
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch or self
Components: V & S
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Wizard
A creature that the wizard touches or the wizard: The target instantly stops bleeding regains a number of hit points equal to 1 hp + plus 1 hp per level of spell sacrificed. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.Example the wizard starts casting Aoz's Emergency Healing then selects (1) another spell that the wizard has memorized like 2nd level web spell. The wizard losses Aoz's Emergency Healing and the Web spell; however, the target heals 3 hp and stops all bleeding.
However, if the wizard has no other spells. Then the target is healed 1 hp and stops bleeding but the the caster is fatigued and must rest at least 4 hours before able to start memorizing spells again.
Aoz's Emergency Medic
2nd level conjuration
Casting Time: 1
Range: up to 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (Healer's Kit )
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round per level
Classes: WizardCreates a seen servant with the healing skill 13 that can bandage, even give a person a potion and perform minor first aid.
--See Dangerous Medic below--
Wizard's Spell Compendium Volume 2
4th level Empathic Wound Transfer: a necromancer transfers some of the wounds of another creature to himself, thereby partially curing them up to 2 hp per level of necromancer. 8th level could could cure up to 16 points (but take 16 points of damage to themselves]After the Empathic Wound Transfer is complete, the wizard then temporarily loses 4 con to extreme fatigue; each point is recovered bu 1 hour of complete rest (if con drops below 3 then wizard becomes passes out and must rest full 24 hours).
To regain wizard's hp, I suggest vampiric touch and have "helpers" for fast recovery.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Troll farm, yes ...down the street from the rust monster petting zoo
Gaz3 The Necromancer Secret Arts (4th circle) power is Raise Dead
It may have been in Pathfinder or in Dragon Magazine: I recall a spell where the wizard (Dream Mage?) and the target fight the wound, poison, disease, mummy rot, ect...
I don't recall how it was done but the basics was the wizard casts spell on target. The wizard and target [dream?] they are battling a monster. The monster is as strong as the wound, poison, ect...
Every 2 hp healed was a 1 HD, poison/curse/ect all added HD then the two fight:
If win: the target [awakes] healed/cured
Failure: the target worsens and the wizard is now inflicted with the same wound/poison/curse as target.