Guadalante (Estado de)
Location: West of Saragón, north of El Grande Carrascal, south and east of the Yazak Steppes. SC
Area: 11,300 sq. mi. (25,265 sq. km.).
Population: 7,800, including 6,500 in Ciudad Huelca.
Languages: Espa.
Coinage: Oro (gp), dies (sp), centa (cp).
Taxes: 25% income tax.
Government Type: Independent barony part of the Treaty of Tampicos and Signatory Council.
Industries: Cattle and horses.
Important Figures: Crístobal "El Barbudo" Bigotillos y Copetez (Señor).
Flora and Fauna: Standard for its warm temperate climate, including kudzu, tomatoes, potatoes, maize, plains grasses, deer, armadillos, prairie dogs, turkeys, and eagles. Dangerous monsters include the vast number of goblinoids that raid from the Yazak Steppes. Normal animals with Legacies can also be very dangerous.
Further Reading: The Savage Coast online document, previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: None to report.