by pawsplayHakomons are the magic-using professionals of the Khanates of Ethengar.
A note about hakomon spellbooks
Hakomon spellbooks are actually collections of scrolls written in a special rune script. Therefore, hakomon spellbooks and the spellbooks of most Mystaran spellcasters are mutually unintelligible unless the spellcaster is familiar with the other system of writing. Learning hakomon runes should be treated like learning a new language, and the hakomons treat it as a secret language. Hakomons, in turn, will have to translate conventional spellbooks into their own system. This can be accomplished by a hakomon who reads the other language and can make a series of Intelligence (Investigation) rolls to decipher each spell (typically taking a work day per spell level and a DC 15 skill check). A hakomon can study under another wizard to learn conventional spellbook notation, treating it like learning a new language.
Humans whose native tongue is Ethengar and are 1st level wizards can be assumed to be hakomons in training and knowledgeable in rune script.
Hakomons and conventional wizards can, of course, trade spells by manufacturing scrolls. While most Mystaran wizards mentally prepare their spells from formulae, and hakomons charge them from runes, the magic of a scroll is not language-dependent and bridges the differences between each method.Taboos
Hakomons adopt a number of taboos as they increase in level. These taboos strengthen them spiritually. Examples of taboos include:
- Never ride a horse
- Never eat meat
- Never bathe
- Sleep only under a tent or the open sky
- Never drink alcohol
Taboos can be taken as a Bond, and are also relevant to a number of hakomon class features.
Hakomon (Arcane Tradition)
First Taboo
At 2nd level, the furtherance of your studies requires you to choose one taboo.Spirit of the Grass Sea
Starting at 2nd level, your maximum hit points is increased by your level in the wizard class, and increases each time you gain another wizard level. You lose this benefit if you break one of your taboos, until you complete a long rest and meditate.Empower Scroll
Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to create temporary scrolls. This requires one sheet of parchment or paper and some ink. You spend 15 minutes preparing the scroll, and then cast the spell you want the scroll to contain, including any material components. The scroll then bears a magical rune that allows it to be used like any other spell scroll. While the scroll exists, the spell slot you used for it remains dedicated and cannot be recovered until the scroll is expended or de-activated.
You can have a maximum total levels of spells in these scrolls equal to your wizard level. To create more, an existing scroll must be expended, or you can use an action to deactivate a scroll (which also ruins the scroll itself). If you die, all your temporary scrolls are deactivated.Rune Expertise
At 6th level, you always have the spell glyph of warding prepared. You can also cast it without using a spell slot. You must complete a long rest before casting it again without using a spell lot.Second Taboo
At 10th level, select a second taboo.Power of the Spirit
At 10th level, when you cast a spell, you can reroll a number of damage dice equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). You must complete a short or long rest before using this feature again. If you break one of your taboos, you lose access to this feature until you finish a long rest and meditate.Wise Counselor
At 10th level, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Arcana, History, Insight, Religion, Persuasion.Third Taboo
At 14th level, select a third taboo.Rune Mastery
At 14th level, you always have the spell symbol prepared. You can also cast it without using a spell slot. You must complete a long rest before casting it again without using a spell lot.Swiftness of Thought
At 14th level, you can cast a spell as a bonus action. The spell must be one with a casting time of 1 action. You must complete a short or long rest before using this feature again. If you break one of your taboos, you lose access to this feature until you finish a long rest and meditate.