Kingdom of Haven Trade Data
by James Ruhland
Community Classification Goods Notes Aasla (400,000) (Pre-WotI) A (15,000 HP) A (Transactions) Gems -5, Spice -5, Glassware -2, Ivory -2, Common Metal -2, Fish +4, Monsters +5, Rare Books +5, Precious Metals +6, Silk +5. Main Alphatian export/import harbour, known for its artists. Spider Silk exports from Haven receive +3 bonus when sold outside of Alphatia. Aasla (20,000) (Post-WotI) C (5,000 HP) C (Transactions) Common Metal (scrap) -2, Glassware -2, Grain and Vegetables +3, Meat +3. Destitute scavengers and impoverished survivors of the city's destruction wander, often half-mad, through the rubble. Anyone able to has moved elsewhere. Lorm (4,000) (Pre- and post-WotI) E (1,000 HP) D (Transactions) Pottery -2, Ivory -2, Rare Books +2, Grain & Vegetables +2. Beautiful Library in town. Walking on the beach forbidden: port size limited to keep beach view pristine. Palvaton (6,500) (Pre- and post-WotI) D (2,000 HP) D (Transactions) Wine & Spirits -3, Animals (cows mainly) -2, Glassware +3, Fine Porcelain +2. Fountain of wine in town centre. Songodir (14,000) (Pre- and post-WotI) D (2,000 HP) D/C (Transactions) Grain & Vegetables -4, Meat -4, Cloth +3, Silk +3, Rare Books +2. Transaction Classification is D for exports, C for imports (town is lazy/unproductive). Horns of Plenty feed populace, leftovers are preserved and exported to feed slaves elsewhere in Alphatia. Goltar (3,000) (Pre- and post-WotI) D (2,000 HP) C (Transactions) Textiles -3, Cloth -3, Animals -2, Silk +3, Dye & Pigments +2, Weapons & Tools +3. Clean, business-like town. Warzazath (6,500) (Pre- and post WotI) X (no Port) D (Transactions) Common Metals -3, Precious Metals -2, Weapons & Tools +3, Beer & Ale +2. Town of Dwarf wanna-bees. Everyone entering is temporarily transformed into a Dwarf. -5 on all sales rolls when trying to sell Warzazath goods to any real Dwarf. Adiach (7,000) (Pre- and post-WotI) E (1,000 HP) C (Transactions) Grain & Vegetables -3, Cloth -3, Glassware -3, Weapons & Tools +3, Textiles +3, Hides, Furs +3. Main trading community of Haven. Many merchants based here. Dovir (8,000) (Pre- and post-WotI) D (2,000 HP) D (Transactions) Fish -3, Animals -2, Wine & Spirits +3, Oil +2. Enlarged river dock. Lesir (10,000) (Pre- and post-WotI) X (no port) E (Transactions) Common Metals -3, Salt -2, Weapons & Tools +3, Cloth +2, Grain & Vegetables +3. Located near a mountain pass. Goods pass through here but not much trade in the community itself. Fifeton (12,000) (Pre- and post WotI) X (no port) D (Transactions) Semi-precious Stones -3, Silk +2, Rare Books +2. Community of singers and storytellers near a mountain carved into reed-like shapes. Saypalt (6,000) (Pre- and post-WotI) X (no port) E (Transactions) Salt -3, Grain & Vegetables -3, Animals -3. Common Metal +3, Weapons & Tools +4, Armour +3, Mounts +2. Dangerous monsters in nearby swamplands. Lath (5,000) (Pre and post-WotI) X (no port, despite river) E (Transactions) Common Wood -3, Pottery -2, Wine & Spirits +3, Precious Metals +3, Oil +2 Community exports mainly to Sundsvall and Aasla.