Heldland (Heldannic Territory of)
Location: Continent of Brun, southern coast of Norwold. NW
Area: Approx. 51,378 sq. mi. (133,069 sq. km.) is controlled by the Heldannic Knights at present.
Population: 42,400 (10,000 in Landfall, 5,100 in Forton; many more living in homesteads scattered throughout the territory); unknown number of native Antalian-descended peoples living in wilderness. The 45,000 inhabitants of Oceansend now live outside Heldannic-held lands.
Languages: Thyatian (Hattian dialect, official), Heldannic, some Alphatian spoken in Landfall and vicinity.
Coinage: Heldannic Standard: groschen (5 gp), gelder (gp), erzer (ep), markschen (sp), fenneg (cp).
Taxation: 15% income tax collected 4 times a year. 10% tithe to the Heldannic Knights, collected once a year. Poll tax of 1 gp per year on those who refuse military service. Taxes are waived for the first 2 years for new immigrants. There is also a 5% sales tax on all items but food and clothing (these taxes are not waived).
Government Type: Military theocracy, member of the Heldannic Empire.
Industries: Agriculture (potatoes, wheat, other vegetables), cattle, mining, sheep, lumber, hunting, war.
Important Figures: Helga Schonberg (Landmeisterin of Heldland), Hermann Adalard (Former Landmeister of Oceansend), Thomas Stilldorfer (Landmeister of Landfall), Siegfried Lenz (Grenzmarschall), Ulrike Bethmann (Grenzmarschall), Dirk Hollweg (Grenzmarschall), Erich Barthold (Grenzmarschall).
Flora and Fauna: Heldland is blessed with many natural resources. Along the coastal regions verdant stands of oak, evergreen, birch, and pine predominate, mingled with dense patches of juniper bushes wherever the sunlight manages to filter down to the ground. Further inland, and in the more settled regions, hardy long grasses, wildflowers, and fruit-bearing shrubs predominate, such as dandelions, buttercups, strawberries, blueberries, and not to mention scattered thistles and wild roses. Towards the foothills of the Mengul Mountains to the west, almost as though sensing the sinister evil that seems to emanate from the forbidding Plateau of Denagoth, much of the plant life gives way to blighted briar patches, lichen, yellowed grasses, and the like. It is also in this region that the monstrous species of plant life, such as vampire roses, grab grass, and whipweed, are known to predominate.
The animal life of Heldland is similarly abundant. Here, one may find animal herds such as sheep, caribou, and moose, as well as more solitary animals such as grizzly bears, lynxes, and beavers. In the northern regions of Heldland live numerous wolf packs. Travellers have noted that, as with plant life, those animals living near the Mengul Mountains appear to be almost sickly-or corrupted-in appearance. In the foothills of those mountains, and in the hilly country north of Landfall, can be found giants (mountain, hill, stone, and the rare frost), goblinoids, lycanthropes, as well as the rare, reclusive sasquatch. Dragons also venture into the territory from the northern mountains; most of those few who have been spotted were identified as red dragons, though a few whites are known to live in the area.
Further reading: CM1 Test of the Warlords, Dawn of the Emperors boxed set, previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: The knights tried to quash the threat of Wolkenburg and other rebellious threats, and expand their influence around Oceansend by throwing their support in favour of a local petty lord, Dikhoff. However, the fall of Landfall to Straßenburger's forces forced Wulf von Klagendorf and Anna von Hendricks to seek Thyatis's financial and military help; an arrangement was concluded with the Empire of Thyatis, whereby Heldannic forces withdrew from Oceansend (including Dikhoff but excluding Kildorkak) in peace, presumably to deploy themselves further south, where a civil war was erupting. Thus, that city is no longer within the Heldannic sphere of influence, but, given the order's reputation in this part of the world, one can only wonder when they will return.