by HåvardHuman Demigod* 33rd Level Fighter AL Lawful
STR 18 DEX 14 CON 18 INT 15 WIS 13 CHA 15
AC -11 /31
HP: 147Weapon Masteries: Grand Master with Club, Grand Master with Sword, Grand Master with Heavy Crossbow, Expert with Battleaxe
General Skills Intimidation, Muscle, Alchemy, Planar Geography, Ceremony, Military Tactics, Alterness, Blind Shooting, Danger Sense, Quick Draw, Wrestling, Cooking
Demigod Abilities: Regeneration. Regenerates 1 HP per turn (6 rounds). 20% XP penalty.
Equipment: Chainmail +5, Right Hand of Doom (Artifact, see below), Shield +5Background:
A party of Vestland sailors lead by a Darokin Scholar came upon an island off the coast of Heldann where sinister Hattian mages were attempting to perform a dark summoning ritual. Driving off the mages, the sailors discovered that summoning ritual had been at least partially successful. However, rather than having summoned some kind of demon, the Vestlanders came across an odd looking child. Because of the child's apperance, they named him Helheim-boy. Being raised by the Darokin Scholar, Helheim-Boy grew up to be a friendly if somewhat hot tempered young man and went on many adventures of his own. Gradually, Helheim-Boy became more curious to learn about his true origins. He was terrified to learn that he might well be the demigod son of Hel herself, destined to bring about Ragnarok. He has been known to travel with a merman, a fire mage and a handful of other friends.Personality:
Hot tempered, but with a heart of gold, Helheim-Boy is an adventerous soul always seeking new quests and never being afraid of a fight. He has a soft spot for cats and Vestland Sweet-Bread.Current situation:
Currently Helheim-Boy is trapped on Helheim. If heroic adventurers are able to free him (a truly epic task), he may become a powerful ally for good, although many Entropic Immortals will seek to turn him into a tool for destruction.Right Hand of Doom (Minor Artifact): This oversized hand is grafted onto Helheim-Boy's arm. It functions like a club +5 (with which Helheim-Boy is a Grand Master, it also has the following known abilities: Survival (As Ring of Survival), Protection +5
*=Demigods, the offspring of Immortals and Mortals appears as a PC option in Wrath of the Immortals.