Reworking Heyday Gifts
by Anarion_ElendiliBECMI Berserker's new video on GAZ 7 is out, and he mentioned that the Heyday Gift is in addition to the starting gold, not a replacement. And sure enough, that is what it says: "Heyday gifts are in addition to any coin that the player character received in the Basic Character Creation procedure."
I admit that I'd be tempted to make it a bit less generous, especially at the lower end, and for simplicity, just replace the Starting Gold as you suggested.
Something like:
Roll Social Class Heyday Gift AKA Starting Gold
(min - mean - max)01 Rich Noble 180 + 2d6*10 gp
(200 - 250 - 300)02-04 Typical Noble 130 + 2d6*10 gp
(150 - 200 - 250)05-10 Poor Noble 80 + 2d6*10 gp
(100 - 150 - 200)11-15 Rich Freeman 50 + 2d6*10 gp
(70 - 120 - 170)16-70 Typical Freeman 30 + 2d6*10 gp
(50 - 100 - 150)71-85 Poor Freeman 10 + 2d6*10 gp
(30 - 80 - 130)86-00 Serf/Thrall/Vagabond 10 + 1d6*10 gp
(20 - 45 - 70)